Unit4 Where's Norman's Ticket(新世纪版)PPT四年级下册教学课件

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1、(新世纪版)四年级英语下册,Lesson Plan 1 Wonderland,Unit 4 Wheres Normans Ticket?,fine,/ /,find,I find my watch in my bag.,找到,发现,Tommy finds a watch on the road.,The little duck is looking for his mother.,look for,book, foot, good and so on.,寻找,/ /,Yes, Im your mother, my baby.,Good afternoon. Im looking for my

2、mother. Are you my mother?,A: When does the little duck find his mother?,B: He finds his mother in the afternoon.,Oh, I find my mother.,Whats Tom looking for? He is looking for his English book.,用look for 和find 的适当形式填空:,1.I am_ my pen. I cant_it.,2.If(假如) you _my book, please tell me.,3.They are goi

3、ng to see a movie. But they cant _the tickets. They are _the tickets now.,looking for,looking for,find,find,find,count,mouse, mouth, house, trousers and so on.,数,数数,/ /,Whats Sue doing? Shes counting her sweets.,ti_et,jacket, rocket,票子,Whats he doing? He_ _ tickets.,ck,is buying,movie ticket, ship t

4、icket plane ticket, train ticket and so on,Fill in the blank,We want to go to the movies this evening. We must buy _ _ this afternoon.,movie tickets,some tickets,two tickets,learn,We are learning English now.,学习,Whats Tommy doing?,Hes learning English.,ask,问,138719.5=,1010=,/a:/,Lets go and ask Miss

5、 Zhou after class.,ask the w_ _,gray, day, say, play,ay,问路,路,the way to the zoo,Whats Tommy doing?,the way to the park,the way to Dongmen Primary School,Hes asking the way to the zoo.,叔叔,请问上海 动物园怎么走?,here,这里,hear, dear, deer, ear, near and so on,/ /,Whats Tommy doing,B: Hes coming here.,根据图片,完成对话,A:

6、_ ?,their, chair, hair, bear, pear, where and so on,there,/ /,那里,B: _.,根据图片,完成对话,A: Whats Tommy doing?,Hes going there,find,here,there,look for,ticket,ask,count,learn,这里,那里,找到,发现,寻找,票子,问,数,数数,学习,Read and judge (T or F) learn girl ( ) ask father ( ) look food ( ) count mouth( ) find ticket( ) there h

7、ere ( ),T,T,F,T,F,F,Read and answer Today is Friday. Norman and his classmates are going to the movies this evening. Now Norman is looking for his ticket. He looks here and there. But he cant find his ticket. “Wheres my ticket?” He asks Sue. “Sorry, I dont know.” Sue says. “Wheres my ticket? Do you

8、see my ticket?” He asks Mike. “Here it is. Look, its in my hand. I got it from the teacher just now(刚才).Here you are.” Mike says.,(得到),Answer:,What day is today? What are Norman and his classmates going to do ? 3. Whats Norman looking for? 4. Wheres Normans ticket?,Its Friday.,They are going to the movies.,Hes looking for his ticket.,Its in Mikes hand.,Goodbye,


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