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1、1 Vocabulary A Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box. Change the forms of these words if necessary. 1. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.2. Now that the situation becomes critical, one must keep calm.3. The natural enviro

2、nment for the survival of children has improved. 4. Beautiful colored illustrations enhanced the book.5. He tried to tempt me to cheat in the examination.6. Scientists explore what is and engineers create what has never been.7. While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully conside

3、r the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays. 8. The news that he was in trouble determined me to act at once. 9. Shes too hasty; she should learn to think twice before speaking.10. Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available.11. Intensive efforts are being made to resol

4、ve the dispute.12. Her work has been crucial to the projects success.B Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box. Make changes wherever necessary.transition relax adapt resolve academic available tackle assignment procrastinate social According to statistical data from th

5、e National College Health Association, stress is the number one impediment to academic performance among college students. College life can be stressful, to be sure, but there are a number of resources available to help freshmen get rid of stress. There are things you can do to make the transition e

6、asier.Beginning college usually involves adapting to a whole new lifestyle, which can be very stressful if youre not adept at tackling this change. Developing fulfilling relationships is a great way to acclimate yourself to the college environment and reduce some of this stress. To reduce your stres

7、s level, it may help to make yourself a daily or weekly schedule so you can focus on assignments as they become due. Procrastination can lead to stress if you let your academic work build up to much, so try to resolve the issues as youve scheduled them to avoid getting behind. College involves a gre

8、at deal of work, but its important to be able to relax, too. Some students relieve stress through exercising, socializing, attending films or plays, or playing games. Not everyone relaxes in the same way, so find what works for you. TRANSLATION有些大学有两种主要的教学方式:研讨会和演讲。这种与高中的教学方式大相径庭的方法会对大一新生产生重大影响。研讨会是

9、在友好轻松的气氛中围绕课文或是预定的话题进行讨论。这种方式有利于学生提出创新观点、全面考虑问题以及如何处理难题。通过团队合作,同学之间增进了友谊,扩大了朋友圈。演讲的价值在于将书本上没有的信息呈现给众多听众,在于将直观的材料呈现给听众。There are two main forms of teaching in Nottingham University: seminar and lecture. They are very different from the sort of teaching most often used in high schools and have a major

10、 impact on freshmen.In seminars you will have a discussion focusing on a text or topic set in advance in a friendly and informal atmosphere. The purpose is to provide an opportunity to try out new ideas and to think through problems with fellow-learners,and learn how to cope with difficulties. Stude

11、nts develop friendship through groups and expand their network of friends. The value of the lecture is that it can present to a large number of people information which is not readily available in books, and that it can show visual material to a wide audience.You will feel strange since there are fe

12、wer teaching hours in the school timetable. Each week in the first year you may attend about six lectures and four to six seminars or tutorials. For the rest of the time you are working on your own, doing the necessary reading in preparation for tutorials or writing seminar papers. When writing an e

13、ssay or carrying out a project work, you can often discuss with your companions about the title and topic.2refereescoreselectjudgment barometerattachcompletecompetent formulacalculatebasementinstructor1.In my judgment, the students solution to the problem is workable.2. We cant make a judgment over

14、this issue, so we have to invite a referee to make a decision. 3. You can e-mail this article as a (n) attachment to your instructor. 4. Scientist is trying to calculate when the spaceship would reach the Mars.5. The students answer to the question is complete but not correct.6. Getting good scorein

15、 computer game does not mean you can pass the exam with good credit.7. Take this barometer, measure the pressure of the air and judge if the weather will change today.8. To be able to use English, we have to develop fluent communicative competence instead of accurate grammatical knowledge. 9. The su

16、perintendent of this building has his office in the basement10. To pass the coming physics examination, you have to learn by heart all these formulae.11. Our language instructor is a nice lady who has been working in this college for 20 years.12. The reading selections in this unit are mostly taken from The New York Times.B.colleague proport



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