仁爱初中英语八上《Unit 4Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm》word教案E

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《仁爱初中英语八上《Unit 4Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm》word教案E》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱初中英语八上《Unit 4Topic 1 What's the strongest animal on the farm》word教案E(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Topic 1 Whats the strongest animal on the farm?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第一话题主要围绕谈论动物、植物、人与自然的关系等内容展开,主要语法是形容词的比较级和最高级。主要句型有:The countryside is much quieter than the city. , Roses are the nicest of all the flowers., Which do you like better, or ? What kind of animals do you like better, foxes

2、or snakes? I like better/best.等。同时本话题还复习了询问喜好及表达原因的句型。此外, 在语音部分继续学习元音字母a,e,o以及字母组合oo,ow,ee在单词中的发音规则,同时还学习了辅音/r/和/l/的不同以及句子的停顿。最后的Project里,以Saving the Animals in Danger 为主题,不仅锻炼学生搜集信息和处理信息的能力,同时为学生发现问题和解决问题提供了机会。本话题建议用五课时完成。第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c 第二课时:Section B3 Section A2a, 2b, 3 第三课时:Section B1a, 1

3、b, 1c, 2, 4a, 4b第四课时:Section C1a, 1b,1c, 2第五课时:Section D2,Grammar and functions, 1, Project 第五课时(Section D2, Grammar and functions, 1, Project)教学设计思路:本节课的课型为复习课,主要活动为Section D-1和Project。Warming-up环节听唱一首关于爱护动物的歌曲,营造气氛,为学新课做好准备。将Section D-2的问答与昨天的作业相结合作为Revision的活动,讨论最喜欢的动物同时复习形容词的比较级和最高级。Task1 的任务是复习

4、Grammar and functions。填写Grammar和Functions表格,根据图片内容,利用形容词的比较级和最高级造句。回顾本话题内容,利用表格里的功能句,编对话进行复习巩固。Task 2是阅读的任务关于濒危动物。首先展示图片,师生讨论,了解濒危动物,学习新词汇。阅读和填表之后,两人一组根据表格相互介绍动物,复述课文。Task 3: Project的任务分几步完成。首先根据自己所收集的濒危动物的信息,完成表格。然后互相交流自己所收集的信息。最后讨论怎样保护濒危动物,并将讨论结果写成书面表达在全班汇报。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌

5、握新词汇:feed, bamboo, less, land, sea, south, feed on, less and less, in danger(2)复习形容词的比较级和最高级。2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂谈论保护环境的话题及事物之间比较的话题。(2)能够将本单元所学内容和以前所学知识相结合,在日常生活中谈论有关环境保护、爱护动物话题,能够用口头表达的方式来比较事物之间的不同。(3)根据所学内容写出短文,倡议书等呼吁大家保护动物,保护大自然。3. Emotional aims:通过本课学习,培养学生保护动物的意识。从小事做起,从自我做起。4. Culture awaren

6、ess:了解世界范围内濒危动物的现状。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法。(2)了解珍稀动物濒临灭绝的原因,用英文写出关于保护濒危动物的书面表达。2. Difficult points: 用英文写出关于保护濒危动物的书面表达。. Learning strategies(1)能根据图片预测短文的内容。(2)根据已有的有关大熊猫、蓝鲸和华南虎的知识,联系课本上的新知识可以让你更好地理解课文。(3)利用网络,图书馆等资源收集信息,进行课堂之外的学习。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V

7、. Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning. Play the taperecording of the song AnimalFazenda.T: Good morning, everyone!T: Lets enjoy a beautiful abouta

8、nimals. Its Animal Fazenda.Focus their attention on the teacher. Enjoy the songAnimal Fazenda.Ss: Good morning, MissSs:听唱一首关于爱护动物的歌曲。Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Group work)Check the

9、 homework and finish 2.T: Have you collected any information about your favorite animals?T:Good. You can make conversations to tell your partners about your favorite animals according to the questions in 2. When you describe something, and compare it with other things, you may use comparative or sup

10、erlative forms.Exchange the information about their favorite animals they collected yesterday. Ask and answer the questions in 2.Ss: Yes, we do.学生利用2的问题,两人一组编对话谈论自己最喜欢的动物。提醒学生在描述和对比时有意识地运用形容词的比较级和最高级。Remark:Stage 3(8mins):Task 1: Grammar and functions StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning pu

11、rpose1(Individual activityLead the students to fill out the form of grammar. Then show some pictures to review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.T: Just as you know, comparative and superlative forms are very important and useful in our daily communication. Learn review more. First,

12、complete the table of grammar. T: Have you got the answers? Check your answers with your partners.T: You did a good job. Now look at the pictures. Can you make sentences with them? Fill out the form of grammar. Then make sentences according to some pictures to review comparative and superlative degr

13、ees of adjectives.Ss:Ss:Ss:复习形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。2(Pair work)Lead the students to review the functions of this topic.T: What topic did we talk about this week? T: Good. In this topic we talked about our friendsplants and animals. Now fill out the form of functions.T: Have you finished? Check your answers

14、 with your partners.T: Now work in pairs. Think back to what we have talked about in this topic and make conversations with the functionsT: Who would like to act out your conversations? Fill out the form of functions and make conversations to review the functions of this topic.S1: About our favorite

15、 animals.S2: About nature.S3: About rainforests.Ss:Ss:Ss:P1:回顾本周所讨论的话题,利用Functions表格里的功能句编对话。Remark:Stage 4(12mins):Task 2: ReadingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Talk about pandas, whales and tigers to learn new words.T: Lets go on talking animals. I know you collected some information about some kinds of endangered animals. What animals


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