仁爱初中英语八上《Unit 2Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu》word教案B (2)

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1、Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Keeping Healthy 为主题。话题三以如何预防流行性感冒为话题,创设情境帮助学生学习询问建议的表达和运用顺序过渡词层次清晰地发表自己的看法,在此基础上了解如何保持身体健康,怎样预防疾病、怎样正确地进行锻炼等相关知识。Section A部分通过记者采访Dr. Li,学习用first, second, third, finally使语意表达连贯,掌握情态动词must的一般疑问句及其肯定回答和否定回答,并能运用情态动词should, had better和must的正

2、确形式表达建议。Section B部分通过Kangkang给他的爸爸电话留言这件事,体现了医生的忙碌和重要性,并学习打电话,留口信的交际用语及书写电话留言条,同时掌握反身代词的用法。此外还要求了解字母组合cle, ddle, ple, ble, ften, ttle的读音,学习连读、弱读和不完全爆破的语音规则并能正确拼读和辨音。Section C部分通过李医生有关保持健康的报告,让学生清楚日常生活中应该如何保持健康,同时训练学生从短语到句子再到短文的语言输出能力。Section D部分是对本话题的总结和复习,最后通过Project中制作相关话题的英文小报活动对所学内容进行积极应用和自主拓展学习

3、探究。Topic 3的的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d.第二课时:Section A-3,2, Section B-1a,1b,1c.第三课时:Section B-2a,2b ,3a,3b.第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c,2,3.第五课时:Section D-1a,1b,Grammar and Functions, Project.第二课时(Section A-3,2, SectionB-1a,1b,1c)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section A-2,Section B -1a,1c。首先学生展示作业Section

4、A-3,接着教师通过图片展示的方式引入Section A-2(A)中生病症状的单词。通过对Section A-2听音完成A,B。然后听Section B-1a对话复习打电话用语并完成1b留言条信息。最后根据1c提供的电话留言仿编对话,训练学生使用英语打电话及留口信。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能正确拼读并运用下列单词与短语: sore, Internet, throat,leave a message,give sb. the message,tell sb. (not) to do。 (2)能用以下短语进行口头和书面的表达: take some c

5、old pills ,go to crowded places,work on the Internet too long,play sports too much等。(3)学生能听懂并运用打电话用语Can I leave a message? Sure , go ahead.等的句型。2. Skill aims: (1)能比较流利地谈论有关预防流感的话题。(2)能熟练地运用should, had better, must提建议。(3)能听懂有关电话留言的对话或文章。(4)能正确写出电话留言。3. Emotional aims:通过对话学习,了解医生的忙碌,要学会理解医生。提醒自己要保持健康。

6、4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)take some cold pills, go to crowded places, play sports too much等短语的理解及运用。 (2)学习打电话,留口信的交际用语。2. Difficult points: . Learning strategies通过学生讲电话和电话留言的相互转换学习,培养学生的信息转换能力。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mi

7、ns):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Check the homework.T: Good morning ,boys and girls!T: I think all of you have finished your homework. Now, lets check it together.T: I need three students to write their sentences on the bla

8、ckboard. Two sentences each student. volunteers? Focus their attention on the teacher.Ss: Good morning, MissAll the students read their homework to their partners, correcting mistakes when reading.Three students from different groups do it as well as they can.S1:We should exercise often to prevent t

9、he flu. We had better see a doctor when we have the flu.S2:We should keep away from crowded places to prevent the flu. We had better take a shower often to prevent the flu.S3:We must keep the air fresh to prevent the flu. We had better change clothes often.该部分的目的在于检查学生上节课的作业,使其注意力回归课堂,以便进行本节课学习。Rema

10、rk:教师在进行作业检查时可选取不同层次的学生进行检查。Stage 2(4mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class work)Show some pictures and teach new words in SA-2.T: Lets enjoy some pictures. Look at this, what is he doing?T: Yes, he is surfing the Internet. Do you know “Internet”?T: Thats ri

11、ght. And look at this picture. Whats wrong with her?T: Yes, and she has sore throat as well. Do you know sore throat now?T: Sore throat, cough and fever are all symptoms of illnesses, symptoms means 症状in Chinese.Understand the meanings of “Internet”, “sore throat” and “symptoms”.Ss: He is playing co

12、mputer games.Ss: Yes , 因特网.Ss:She has a cough.Ss: Yes.该部分旨在呈现本课新单词,为接下来的听力活动做准备。2(Class work )Play the recording of SectionA-2 and let the students finish A and B of 2.T:Lets turn to page 44 and look through the words in A of SectionA-2. You can predict what you are going to listen to.T: So clever!

13、Now you please read the symptoms in A and make sure you know their meanings.Look through the names of illnesses in Section A-2(A), make sure they know what they are going to listen to, preparing for listening. Ss: The symptoms.Ss:Remark:教师可采用图片直观呈现词汇和短语。Stage 3(16mins):While-listening StepTeacher ac

14、tivityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Class work)Play the recording of 2. T: Ill play the recording of 2, please listen carefully and then circle the symptoms that you hear. Are you ready? Go!T: Are there any volunteers to report the answer?T: Well done! Lets look at part B. What will we do next

15、? T: Good. Lets listen to the recording of 2 again and check the advice you hear. Ready? Go! T: Have you got the answer? Any volunteers?T: Great!Listen and finish A of 2. Ss:S1: I can hear the following symptoms: fever, headache, sore throat and cough.S2:Well check what we should do and what we should not do in the passage we hear.Listen and finish B of 2.S3: I can he


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