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1、Unit 2 Remembering and ForgettingUseful InformationMemory is one of the most important functions of human intelligence, which makes it possible for people to learn and become educated, to learn skills necessary for work and play, and to form emotional ties to the past. Memory is important, because i

2、f we cannot learn from our successes and failures of the past we are more likely to repeat our errors and not benefit from our successes.We do not know everything about memory and how it functions, but we know much more than we did even ten years ago, and more information regarding memory and the fu

3、nction of the brain is being discovered every day. If the current approaches to understanding memory and intelligence are as successful as specialists in these areas think they will be, we should all understand our memories better and we may be able to treat some of the problems which arise with for

4、getting and memory failure in aging and memory impaired persons. Memory is especially important in cultures which value their heritage and honor their ancestors and families by celebrating what these individuals and groups gave. If we are to have pride in our ethnic associations, we must remember th

5、e values and teachings of the past on which our cultures have been founded. This has often been the basis for either philosophical or religious teachings. In the West people often learn, “Honor your father and your mother so that you may lead a long and happy life in the land which your Lord God has

6、 given you.” The American Indians who lived in North and South America long before people from Europe and elsewhere came to these areas have similar teachings which honor their ancestors. Asian cultures have similar teachings in both their religious and philosophical heritagethe very word HERITAGE r

7、efers specifically to something acquired or inherited from a predecessor.Whether we celebrate our heritage by sweeping the tombs of our ancestors, acknowledging the importance of ancestors in our culture, or sharing with others in remembering and giving thanks for those who have come before us, most

8、 people feel this is a powerful binding force which holds societies and nations together. Many Western holidays such as Christmas (honoring the birth of Jesus Christ), Thanksgiving (honoring those who have provided food and shelter), or Memorial Day (honoring those who have lost their lives in the d

9、efense of the nation) are important for the reason that we must not forget those who have helped us become what we are as a culture, a community, a nation, etc. Again this can be compared to Chinas family-oriented holidays, (the Harvest Festival, New Years Celebration, etc.).Memory and forgetting ar

10、e not always without pain. All of us have memories of being punished by our parents or teachers when we behaved badly or disobeyed some rules of our family or school. As we look back, we know that these punishments were necessary in order to learn that we must abide by the rules of our family and cu

11、lture. Without the discipline of “law” (rules), there can be no stable civilization. All of us have been unhappy when we have forgotten important things such as a parents or friends birthday; or we may have forgotten to do our homework, or failed to keep an appointment with a friend. Finally, if it

12、were not for memory, think of the loss of pleasure we would have in remembering the joys of youth, first love, and the joy of learning itself. Memory is more characteristic of humans than of any other animals. Without it we would all lead dull, colorless lives, prone to repeating our mistakes and fa

13、iling to learn from experience. Part One Preparation1. Expressions Related to MemorySTEP ONE If a word, expression, etc. is on the tip of your tongue, you usually know it but have difficulty remembering it at that moment. 就在嘴边的,差一点就能想起的When you say someones head is like a sieve or someone has a memo

14、ry like a sieve, you mean that they forget things very easily. 记性坏,健忘If your mind goes blank or has gone blank, you are suddenly not able to remember a fact or piece of information at a time when you need it. 脑子一片空白If a piece of information goes in one ear and out the other, it is heard but either i

15、gnored or quickly forgotten. 一只耳朵进一只耳朵出,当作耳边风 STEP TWO 1) b 2) d 3) a 4) c2. Do You Have a Good Memory?STEP TWO Sample I got 16 in this quiz. According to the result, I have a good memory. But I can say Im extremely good at remembering facts and figures for exams, birthdays, telephone numbers, etc.,

16、 but I have a poor memory in remembering things like what I had for dinner, what I was wearing, etc.I think a person can remember what they need and want to remember. In other words, ones purpose and motivation make it possible for them to recall facts. They may find it difficult to remember facts about the geography of a country that doesnt interest them, but can easily remember things about the country theyre going to visit n


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