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1、 译林版英语 (8B) 知识整理与归纳Unit1.Past and presentA. Comic strip Welcome to the unit1.短语及固定搭配1.share sb with sth 与某人分享某物补充:share in sth 共同承担,分担2.be kind to 对友好3.used to do sth 过去常常做某事,曾经做某事B. Reading1.短语及固定搭配1.know sth well 对非常了解2.since I was born 自我出生以来3.move house 搬家4.in the northern part of town=in the no

2、rth of town 在镇的北面5.since then 自那时起6.over the years 在这些年期间7. in the town centre 在镇中心8. part of 的一部分9.put the waste into the river 把废水排入河中10.in some ways在某种程度上11.most of 大多数12.move away 搬走13.as often as before 像从前一样经常14.from time to time = sometimes 不时,有时,偶尔15.turn into把变成补充:turn into 变成16. get marrie

3、d 结婚 get married to sb与某人结婚 marry sb嫁给某人,娶某人 be married (状态)已婚的17.take action to do sth 采取行动做某事C. Grammar 现在完成时1. 构成:have/has +V-ed2. 基本句式肯定句:have /has + V-ed否定句:havent /hasnt +V-ed一般疑问句及答句:Have/has +V-ed Yeshave/has Nohavent/hasnt3. 用法:表示从过去持续到现在的动作或状态 或已完成但对现在有一定影响的动作4. 常用的时间表达语:already 已经 yet 还未

4、(一般用于否定句) ever 曾经 (一般用于疑问句) never 从不 Just 刚才 recently 最近 (句末) since 自以来(+一段时间 ago 或时间点) for(+一段时间) before 以前(句末)5. 过去分词变化 与动词原形相同 如comecamecome 与动词过去式相同 如getgotgot 在动词原形后面+en 如eatateeaten 在以e结尾的动词原形后面+n如drivedrovedriven 在动词过去式后面+n 如breakbroke broken 一些特殊的变化 举例略参见书本P122-123D. Integrated skills1.短语及固定

5、搭配1.local people 本地人2.go abroad 出国e back = return 返回4.keep in touch 保持联系5. borrow from sb 借进来 lend to sb 借出去6.hope(that)+从句 希望 hope to do sth希望做某事7.keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系补充:lose in touch with sb 与某人失去联系municate with sb = have communication with sb与某人交谈2.句子1. The Internet makes communication m

6、uch easier 网络使交流简单得多2. Starlight Town has changed a lot/greatly over the years =Amazing/great changes have taken place in Starlight Town over the years 星光镇这些年变化巨大 E. study skills 事实和观点Facts (事实):是对事物的客观陈述,不掺杂任何人的主观感情,意识Opinions(观点):观点是从人的一定立场或角度出发, 对事物、事件的看法观点不一定属实阅读时,要根据不同的文体,用不同的方法分清事实和观点;写作时,我们要学

7、会运用事实来制成自己的观点,使我们的观点更有说服力1.短语及固定搭配1.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事2.on ones own = alone = by oneself 亲自3.spend time on 在花时间F. Task1.短语及固定搭配1.listen to the radio 听收音机2.enjoy a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活3.make sb do sth 使某人做某事补充:make sb /sth+名词 e.g. We made Jack our monitor 我们选举jack当班长2.句子1.Now the str

8、eets are wide and clean with many green trees on both sides 现在街道又宽又干净,两处绿树掩映2.Many families even has their own cars 许多家庭甚至有了私家车 Unit2 TravellingA. Comic strip Welcome to the Unit1.短语及固定搭配1.get all my things 带上我所有的东西2.so excited 如此的激动3.places of interest 名胜4.the capital of 的首都5.go to for holiday 去度假6

9、. be/get ready to do sth 准备好做某事 be/get ready for sth 准备好某事7. have been to 去过某地 (已回) have gone to 去了某地(未回) have been in 去某地(在该地) 2.句子I dont think itll be a holiday for me 我认为这对我而言不是一个假期补充:常见的否定前置词:think,believe等 B. Reading 1.短语及固定搭配1.havent seen each other 没有见到彼此2.have been in Hong Kong for two days

10、在香港两天3.have a fantastic time 度过一段美妙的时光 =have fun 玩得开心 =have a good/great /nice /wonderful time 过得愉快 =enjoy oneself 玩得开心,过得愉快4.roller coaster 过山车5.move at high(/top/full)speed 高速运动 补充:at low speed 低速6.through the ride 在乘坐的过程中7.have a quick meal 吃一份简餐8.on the way 在路上 on the way to 在的路上补充:与way有关的短语1.in

11、 some ways(同步练习上介绍的是:in a way)在某种程度上 2.by the way 顺便问一下3.in ones way 挡住某人的去路4.lost ones way 迷路5.all the way 一路上,沿路6.one the way 在路上,即将发生7.make ones way 某人动身(去某处),前进8.find ones way 找到路,找到解决方法9.such as 例如(一般后面跟多个例子)10.get excited 兴奋起来11. a parade of 的游行12.later in the afternoon= in the later afternoon

12、 傍晚13.the best part of the day一天中最好的部分14.take photos 拍照15.a 4-D film 一场4D电影16.do some shopping 购物17.a couple of 一对,几个18.let me have a look 让我看看19.at the speed of 以的速度20.hurry to do sth 赶着做某事22.cant stop doing sth 忍不住做某事,情不自禁做某事23.take photos of 拍的照片24. be like 像(可指外貌或者品质) look like 像(单指外貌)25. buy sb sth buy sth for sb 26. in front of 在(外部的)前面 in the front of 在(内部的)前面27. at the end of 在的末尾 in the end(=finally=at last) 最后 by the end of(通常加时间词)到为止 C. Grammara. have/has been 与have/has gone 的区别 have/has been表示某人曾经去过某地,并且已经回来了 e.g. He has been to the Great Wall



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