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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)参考文献译文本译文出处:院 系 环境科学与工程学院 专业班级 建筑环境与设备工程1202班 姓 名 马国雄 学 号 U201215847 指导教师 管延文 2016年 4 月译文要求一、 译文内容须与课题(或专业内容)联系,并需在封面注明详细出处。二、 出处格式为图书:作者.书名.版本(第版).译者.出版地:出版者,出版年.起页止页期刊:作者.文章名称.期刊名称,年号,卷号(期号):起页止页三、 译文不少于5000汉字(或2万印刷符)。四、 翻译内容用五号宋体字编辑,采用A4号纸双面打印,封面与封底采用浅蓝色封面纸(卡纸)打印。要求内容明确,语句通顺。五、 译文及其相应参

2、考文献一起装订,顺序依次为封面、译文、文献。六、 翻译应在第七学期完成。译文评阅导师评语应根据学校“译文要求”,对学生译文翻译的准确性、翻译数量以及译文的文字表述情况等做具体的评价后,再评分。评分:_(百分制) 指导教师(签名):_ 年 月 日外 文 文 献 翻 译(1)译文题目: LNG PROCESS SELECTION CONSIDERATIONSFOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 学生姓名: 马国雄 学生学号: U201215847 专 业: 建筑环境与设备工程 指导教师: 管延文 2016年 3 月LNG PROCESS SELECTION CONSIDERATIONSF

3、OR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTSJohn B. StoneSenior LNG ConsultantDawn L. RymerSenior Engineering SpecialistEric D. NelsonMachinery and Processing Technology SupervisorRobert D. DentonSenior Process ConsultantExxonMobil Upstream Research CompanyHouston, Texas, USAABSTRACTThe history of the LNG industry has be

4、en dominated by the constant search for economies of scale culminating in the current Qatar mega-trains undergoing final construction, commissioning,start-up and operations. While these large trains are appropriate for the large Qatar gas resources, future, smaller resource developments will necessi

5、tate different process selection strategies. The actual LNG process is only one of many factors affecting the optimal choice. The choice of equipment, especially cryogenic heat exchangers and refrigerant compressors, can overwhelm small differences in process efficiencies. ExxonMobil has been develo

6、ping a dual mixed refrigerant (DMR) process that has the potential of offering the scalability and expandability required to meet the needs of new project developments, while also maximizing the number of equipment vendors to allow broader competition and keep costs under control. The process will a

7、lso have the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of feed compositions, rates, and product sales requirements.BACKGROUNDThe startup of the 7.8 million tonnes per year (MTPA) trains in Qatar mark the most recent pinnacle in the search for economies of scale in the LNG industry. However, theapplica

8、tion of these very large trains for general LNG applications is very limited. To produce this amount of LNG requires 42 MSCMD (1500 MSCFD) of feed gas. What is often overlooked in the discussion of large LNG trains is that a resource of about 370 GCM (13 TCF) is needed to support the operation of on

9、e such train over a 25-year life. This is nearly as large as the Arun field in Indonesia 425 GCM (15 TCF), which was the backbone of the LNG plant development in that region. For new LNG developments that are often built with a minimum of two identical trains, a truly world-class resource class of 7

10、50 GCM (26 TCF) would be required. Even for resources capable of supporting such large trains, very large gas treating and preparation trains with a minimum of parallel equipment are also needed to ensure that economies of scale are not lost in the non-LNG facilities. Given the limited supply of gas

11、 resources capable of supporting these large trains, future projects will need to find ways to maintain some cost advantages at smaller capacities. One way to do this is to improve the project execution by selecting a process that gives the maximum flexibility for utilizing compressors, heat exchang

12、ers, and drivers with multiple competing vendors. Another desirable feature is using refrigerant as a utility to allow for facilitated expansion if there is a possibility that several resources can be staged for expansion trains.PROCESS COMPARISONLNG process selection has often been highly influence

13、d by the specific power consumption, i.e., refrigerant compression power divided by the train capacity. This is certainly an important parameter, since refrigerant compressors are the largest single cost and energy consumption components in an LNG train. Conventional wisdom would be that lower speci

14、fic power consumption would result in lower refrigerant compression costs and additional LNG production from a fixed feed gas rate. In actuality it is a more complicated picture. Figure 1 plots the specific power consumptions for a variety of liquefaction processes against the number of cycles emplo

15、yed based on consistent conditions.SMR - Single Mixed RefrigerantC3MR - Propane pre-cooled Mixed RefrigerantC3MRN2 - Propane pre-cooled Mixed Refrigerant plus Nitrogen expander cycleCascade - Pure propane, ethylene, and methaneDMR-SWHE - Dual Mixed Refrigerant with single pressure levels and SWHEsDMR-B


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