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1、., . .写作启、承、转、合启-启动观点 开头段Nowadays, a heated debate is springing up as toWith the development of 承-内容承接 拓展段首先, 第一: firstly/ above all/ to begin with其次,第二:secondly/ besides/ in addition/ whats more/最后,第三: at last/ the last but not the least转-语义转折 拓展段转折:however/ on the contrary/ by contrast/instead合-总结

2、概括 结尾段 结论:in short/ in brief/ in a word/ in conclusion/ to sum up/ on the basis of the analysis above, we can draw a conclusion that1)起始段写法一、话题引出段/现象、现状说明段1. Nowadays/ Currently, there is a great/wide/widespread concern over the issue of2. There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of. Th

3、ose who object toargue that. But people who favor, on the other hand, argue that 3. With the rapid development of science and technology, the quality of our lives is improving for the better.4. When it comes to, peoples notion may vary from one to another/most people belive that But other people arg

4、ue that 5. Different people have different attitudes towardsSome are in favor of while others are against. As far as Im concerned, I am inclinded to support the latter view that 2)拓展段写法(5种)一、观点对比段 Currently, opposite views are presented in the debate. Some people firmly believe that. On the contrary

5、, quite a few people argue that二、利弊列举段 Every coin has two sides and this issue is no exception. Above all, In addition ,However, the negative elements should not be neglected.三、举例论证段1. For instance2. Take for a example3. A case in point is4. The thought-provoking saying can be best illustrated by th

6、e following examples.四、原因列举段 1. Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.2. Considering every aspect of the issue, we may attribute the sharp change to three factors.五、意义阐释段1. The purpose of this picture is to show us that due attention has to be pai

7、d to2. The fact/ phenomenon that indicates/ reveals that.3)结论段写法(2种)一、归纳结论段1. As a result/ consequence,2. In conclusion,3. In my opinion,4. As far as I am concerned,5. taking into account all the factors above, we may draw a conclusion that6. Trough the above-mentioned analysis, we have no difficult

8、ies in drawing the conclusion that 7. From the above discussion, we can easily conclude that both proponents and opponents ofhave their respective reasons and justifications. However, as a supporter/opponent of , I would like to stand by/support/ aprove of 二、预测趋势段 There is no denying that the tenden

9、cy of increase/decline reflected from the chart will continue in the future.作文四大主题题型 一、观点对比型基本模式:热门话题,利弊共存,观点针锋相对,考生阐述个人见解Where to LiveIn the City or the Country? Outline: 1. Conveniences of the city 2. Attractions of the country 3. Disadvantages of both 4. My preference都市生活优势 发达的教育(advanced level o

10、f education) 便捷的交通(convenient transportation 繁荣的商业(prosperous business) 丰富的文化娱乐(rich cultural life)Where to LiveIn the City or the Country? 乡村生活优势 close to nature, fresh air, quiet and relaxing, idyllic and simple way of life, carefree都市生活劣势 polluted, crowded, noisy, pressures, temptations乡村生活劣势 bor

11、ing, idle, sluggish, isolated from the outside world, inconvenient daily life我的选择:自由选择,但是必须声明喜好原因,自圆其说句型参考:The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.Obviously, it has both negative effects and positive effects.There are advantages and disadvantages.Like anything else, it has its faults.Nothing c

12、an equalNothing is morethan两者相同 A is notany more than B;The same is true of;A and B have several things in common;A bears some resemblances to B两者不同 A, whereas B;A and B differ in several ways模板:When it comes to , different people hold different views Some contend that . For one thing, . For another

13、, . In spite of all these claims, others maintain that They point out that . Another instance cited often is that . Its no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, theres some truth to both arguments . Its advisable to . 信息提示:两种观点针对的争论焦点;观点一;观点一的理由1;观点二的理由2;与观点一对立的观点二;观点二的理由1

14、;观点二的理由2;个人的结论 二、现象阐释型基本模式:以阐释现象、分析原因、阐述观点为主模板一:1. Recently, _. 2. What amazes us most is _. 3. It is true that _. 4. There are many reasons explaining _. 5. The main reason is _. 6.What is more, _. 7. Thirdly, _. 8. As a result _.9. Considering all these, _. 10. For one thing, _. 11. For another, _

15、. 12. In conclusion, _ 信息提示:1.描述现象,引起话题 2.表现较为典型的一个方面 3.对于现象做出评论4.承上启下,解释这一现象的原因 5.说明原因一 6.原因二 7.原因三 8.讲述导致的结果9.作者的态度 10.观点一 11.观点二 12.总结全文It Pays to Be Honest 1. Recently, we often hear complaints about dishonesty. 2. What amazes us most is that a lot of students cheat in exams. 3. It is true that there are dishonest practices in all walks of life. 4. There are ma



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