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1、,Lesson 30 Football or polo?,New Words & Expresions,1 polopulu n.水球 2 cutkt v.穿过 3 rowru, rou v.划(船) 4 kickkik v.踢 5 towardstw:dz prep.朝,向 6 nearly nili ad.几乎 7 sightsait n.眼界,视域,polo 马球 (四人一组骑在马上对打木球的比赛) 水球water polo,Wayle n. 威尔(河名),cut vt. 切,割,剪,划,砍 cut-cut-cut She cut her finger on a piece of bro

2、ken glass. 他在一块碎玻璃上划伤自己的手指。 cut the apple into halves 把苹果切成两半 cut the apple into thirds 把苹果切成三半 cut the apple into quarters 把苹果切成四半,cut的有关短语: cut class 旷课 She cuts her class every Friday. 她每个周五都旷课。 cut across/cut through 穿过 (尤指抄近道) I usually cut through the park on my way home. 我回家的路上总是穿过那个公园。 cut d

3、own砍到(树木) 例: The apple tree was dead and he cut it down. 这个苹果树死了,他把树砍倒了。,chop 劈 slit 切割开 gash 砍进(割一条长而深的缺口) slice 切成薄片 carve 雕刻 dice 切成小方块 tear 撕裂 trim 修剪,row 2)v. 划船 例:Can you row a boat? 你会划船吗? They rowed across the river。 他们划过了这条河。 3)n.划船运动 go for a row去划船,row 1) n. 一排,一列, 一行,成排的座位 例: The boy was

4、 sitting in the first row. 这个小男孩坐在第一排。 in a row排成一排连续的 例: Children were standing hand in hand in a row. 孩子们手拉手的站成一排。 row 横行 line竖排 file一纵队(排的很整齐),kick 1)v. 踢 kick sb /sth with the foot 踢 kick the ball踢 kick a hole in the door在门上踢了一个洞 Be careful of that horse-it often kicks. 小心这匹马,它常踢人。 kick脚踢 punch

5、拳打 (idiom) Kick a man when he is down. 落井下石,toward (s) prep. 朝方向对(表关系),接近(表时间),有.趋势 He walked towards the door. 他朝门走过来。 His attitude towards me has changed. 他对我的态度转变了。 Towards the end of the game she fell asleep. 临近比赛结束时,她睡着了。 towards只能表示朝着目标移动(强调越来越近) We drove towards Miami. 我们开车去迈阿密。 to含有到达的含义 We

6、drove to Miami. 我们开车到了迈阿密。,nearly adv. 大约,接近,差不多 Its nearly 2 oclock. 大约两点了。 That car nearly ran over a dog.那辆车差点撞到一条狗。 almost与nearly最接近,但almost可与nobody, nothing,nowhere, never连用nearly则不能。 about在超过或没有超过某标准的两种情况下,均可使用,但almost,nearly用于接近单位达到某标准的情况。 It cost approximately 300, I cant remember exactly. 大

7、概花了300美元我记不太清了。,sight n. 1)视力,视觉 lose ones sight 失明 (become blind) far-sighted 远视 near-sighted 近视 short-sighted 目光短浅的 long-sighted 目光长远的 2)视界,视野 in sight 在视野之内 out of sight 在视野之外 The train is still in sight. 火车还看得见。,Listen and answer,Text,Key structures,so that 以便,以致 1) Ed lent me an umbrella _ I wo

8、uldnt get wet in the rain. 2)I went over what I had written again and again _ I wouldnt make any mistake.,so that,so that,so + adj / adv + that + 句子 1) The suit cost _ much _ I didnt buy it. 2) The trip cost _ little _ they all went.,so that,so that,cheap,1.他努力学习,以便取得好成绩。 He works hard _ he can get

9、good result. 2. 老师写得很仔细,是为了让我们看得清楚。 The teacher wrote carefully _ we could see clearly. 3. 他太伤心了,以致说不出一个字来。 He is _he cant say a word. 4. 妹妹身体太弱了,不能再走了。 My sister is _ she cant walk farther. 5. 他跳得很远,所以得了第一名。 He jumped _he got the first place.,so that,so that,so sad that,so weak that,so far that,Gra

10、mmar in use,Grammar in use,Some,Any,some 在表示邀请的语气中可以取代any : eg:Do you want any drink? 你想要喝点什么吗?(不一定愿意给别人喝) Do you want some ? 你想要一些吗?(愿意给别人喝,表示邀请 ),some 不用于否定句,只用于肯定句中。 eg:There are some apples in the box. 盒子里有一些苹果。,any通常用于否定句 和疑问句中。 eg:Is there any milk in the bottle ? 瓶子里有牛奶吗? There isnt any milk

11、in the bottle. 瓶子里没有牛奶。,some和any还可以用来修饰可数名词单数 这时some表示 某一个 any表示 任何一个, 随便哪一个 You will regret it someday. 总有一天你会后悔的。 You can get it in any department store. 你在任何一个百货商店都可以买到。,l)Is there _ hope of our fulfilling the plan? 2)My mother bought _ sweets for me. 3)1f I can spare _ money , I II buy a diction

12、ary. 4)Would you like _ beer? 5)Come _ day you like. 6) You will realize your dream _ day.,any,some,any,some,any,some,Grammar in use,1,2,3,4,双特指加 the,在海洋、 河流、 湖海、 山脉前 加 the,在方位词 前加the,The + 单数名词表类别,Grammar in use,1,The Atlantic The Yellow River The Mediterranean 地中海 the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山,In the south

13、of 在南部 the west 西部 on the left on the right,Peter went into a classroom two minutes ago. The classroom was so quiet.(前面提到过classroom , 第二次用 classroom 时加 the ),1,1,2,3,2,2,The horse is a useful animal . 马是有用的动物。,1,1,3,4,Grammar in use,5,6,7,专用名词加 the,乐器前面加 the,独一无二的 事物 加 the,在序数词或最高级前加 the,8,Grammar i

14、n use,the second the biggest,1,Play the guitar. 注意:如果乐器是以拼音命名的中国乐器,刚不加the. Play erhu. 弹二胡,the earth the world the sun,1,1,6,3,2,1,5,7,8,the Great Wall,Grammar in use,9,10,11,姓氏复数前加 the 表示一家人,年代名词前加 the,阶级党派分类前加the,有些固定搭配要加 the,12,Grammar in use,1,in the 90s. 在90年代,The Communist Party of China : 中国共产

15、党; the Democratic Party 民主党,Bushes 布什一家 the Wangs 王姓一家,1,1,10,3,2,1,9,11,12,in the end 最终,Grammar in use,13,14,15,打某人的某个部位加 the,The + 形容词比较级,The + 形容词表示具备该特征的一类人,by + the + 单数数量词,表示“以.为计”,16,Grammar in use,1,The sooner , the better . 越快越好。,the missing 失踪的人 the weak 弱者,I hit Tom on the nose . ( 或 in the nose ) 我打中了汤姆的鼻子。,1,1,14,3,2,1,13,15,16,by the second 以秒计 by the month 以月计,Grammar in use,17,18,19,在部分国名前要加 the,20,Grammar in use,1,1,1,18,



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