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1、学校代码: 分类号: 研究生学号: 密 级: 硕士专业学位论文城镇居民基本医疗保险参保人员满意度测评研究以泉州市鲤城区为例A Evaluation Research of Satisfaction Level of Licheng Insurance Participants with Resident Medical Insurance Policy作者姓名: 指导教师: 实际单位导师: 专业学位类别: 公共管理硕士 研究方向: 社会政策与管理研究 所在学院: 论文提交日期:二一四年六月五日学位论文独创性声明 学位论文版权使用授权声明 摘要摘要泉州市城镇居民基本医疗保险制度运行至今取得了一定



4、构能力建设,增强社区居委会服务意识,健全医药机构相关机制等。关键词:城镇居民基本医疗保险 满意度 多元逐步回归81AbstractAbstractSo far, Quanzhou resident medical insurance has made certain achievements. Of course, there are some problems. The study is based in survey date of Licheng county, dimensioning from demographics, medical insurance policy, medic

5、al insurance agencies, community committees and designated medical institutions, and the use of multiple stepwise regression analysis of factors affecting various dimensions of satisfactions, and the use of factor analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis of factors affecting overall satisf

6、action. The results show that, overall satisfaction level of local insurance participants with resident medical insurance is acceptable, and the age, level of education, the maximum payment, the service attitude of medical insurance agencies, the degree of familiarity for medical insurance policy ha

7、ve a significant impact on overall satisfaction. The satisfaction level of insurance participants with current medical insurance policy is acceptable, and the impact of factors including drug list, payment policies, reimbursement and the maximum payment. The satisfaction level of insurance participa

8、nts with the work of medical insurance agencies is relatively high, and the impact of factors including the designated medical institutions supervision, operational capacity, policy advocacy efforts and service attitude. The satisfaction level of insurance participants with the work of community com

9、mittees is relatively high, and the impact of factors including service attitude, payment methods and processes, efficiency and policy advocacy efforts. The satisfaction level of insurance participants with the work of designated medical institutions is relatively low, and the impact of factors incl

10、uding service attitude, medical convenience, convenient degree of medical insurance procedure, a reasonable degree of medication and check, and medical expenses. Satisfaction level of insurance participants can still affirm the achievements of Quanzhou resident medical insurance system over the year

11、s. With the development of economy and society, the expectations for resident medical insurance will gradually improve, and the satisfaction will change. Therefore, we should further improve the medical insurance policy, strengthen the capacity of medical insurance agencies, enhance service awarenes

12、s of community committees and sound mechanisms of medical institutions.Keywords: Resident medical insurance Satisfaction level Multiple stepwise regression目录目录第1章 绪论11.1 研究的背景和意义11.1.1 研究的背景11.1.2 研究的意义31.2 文献综述41.2.1 顾客满意度理论和参保人员满意度的概念41.2.2 顾客满意度指数测评模型51.2.3 满意度测评实践研究71.3 理论框架与研究假设111.3.1 确定研究维度11

13、1.3.2 建立评估模型111.3.3 提出研究假设131.4 研究内容与技术路线141.4.1 研究内容141.4.2 技术路线141.5 研究的方法151.5.1 文献法151.5.2 问卷法161.5.3 案例分析法161.5.4 统计分析方法161.6 本研究的特色及创新之处17第2章 泉州市鲤城区城镇居民基本医疗保险发展概况192.1 政策概述192.1.1 参保范围和对象192.1.2 缴费政策192.1.3 起付标准、最高支付限额和报销比例202.1.4 药品目录212.2 经办机构概述222.3 参保情况概述23第3章 鲤城区城镇居民基本医疗保险满意度测评方法与设计253.1

14、确定问卷调查对象253.2 问卷设计253.2.1 测评量表及其项目数量选择253.2.2 整体满意度测评位置263.2.3 版面设计263.3 预调查273.3.1 信度分析273.3.2 效度分析283.4 正式调查323.4.1 抽样方法和抽样调查流程323.4.2 满意度测评标准323.5 质量控制323.5.1 设计阶段的质量控制323.5.2 调查员的质量控制333.5.3 实施阶段的质量控制333.5.4 资料整理阶段的质量控制33第4章 调查结果与分析354.1 有效样本统计354.2 有效样本个人属性描述性分析354.3 参保人员满意度分析374.3.1 总体满意度分析374.3.2 医保政策满意度分析384.3.3 医保经办机构满意度分析394.3.4 社区居委会满意度分析414.3.5 定点医疗机构满意度分析424.4 影响满意度的因素分析444.4.1 人口学特征对总体满意度的影响444.4.2 医保政策各个项目对政策满意度的多元回归分析514.4.3 医保经办机构各个项目对医保经办机构满意度的多元回归分析524.4.4 社区居委会各个项目对社区居委会满意度的多元回归分析53


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