新高考英语必备--- 精校word版高考题型强化练 Group 21

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《新高考英语必备--- 精校word版高考题型强化练 Group 21》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新高考英语必备--- 精校word版高考题型强化练 Group 21(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新高考英语必备-高考题型强化练Group 21话题重组练(限时30分钟). 阅读理解AEvery week in China, millions of people will sit in front of their TVs watching teenagers compete for the title Character Hero, which is a Chinese-style spelling bee(拼写大赛). In this challenge, young competitors must write Chinese characters by hand. To prepa

2、re for the competition, the competitors usually spend months studying dictionaries. Perhaps the shows popularity should not be a surprise. Along with gunpowder and paper, many Chinese people consider the creation of Chinese calligraphy(书法)to be one of their primary contributions to civilization. Unf

3、ortunately, all over the country, Chinese people are forgetting how to write their own language without computerized help. Software on smart phones and computers allows users to type in the basic sound of the word using the Latin alphabet. The correct character is chosen from a list. The result? Its

4、 possible to recognize characters without remembering how to write them. But theres still hope for the paint brush. Chinas Education Ministry wants children to spend more time learning how to write. In one Beijing primary school we visited, students practice calligraphy every day inside a specially

5、decorated classroom with traditional Chinese paintings hanging on the walls. Soft music plays as a group of six-year-olds dip brush pens into black ink. They look up at the blackboard often to study their teachers examples before carefully attempting to reproduce those characters on thin rice paper.

6、 “If adults can survive without using handwriting, why bother to teach it now? ” we ask the calligraphy teacher, Shen Bin. “The ability to write characters is part of Chinese tradition and culture, ” she answers. “Students must learn now so they dont forget when they grow up. ” says the teacher. 【文章

7、大意】本文介绍了由于许多中国人忘记了许多汉字的写法而进行的补救措施让学生参加汉字拼写大会、教小学生书法。1. Which of the following is closest in meaning with the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2? A. Every Chinese can write Chinese characters easily, especially with computers. B. Only with the help of computers can some Chinese people write Chinese c

8、haracters. C. Despite the help of computers, Chinese people have forgotten how to write. D. Computers are the only means to rely on to write Chinese characters for many people. 【解析】选B。句意猜测题。本句的意思是如果没有电脑的帮助, 中国人正在忘记如何写汉字, 和B项的意思最接近。2. What can we learn about the Character Hero? A. Its open to people

9、of all ages and all walks. B. Its the most-viewed TV program in China. C. It aims to spread Chinese culture to the world. D. It draws great public attention across the country. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第一段每周有数百万中国人坐在电视机前观看汉字拼写大会来判断D项的内容最符合。3. Why are Chinese people forgetting how to write the characters? A. C

10、hinese people dont refer to dictionaries very often. B. Chinese people no longer use brush pens or practice calligraphy. C. Chinese people are using the Latin alphabet instead of the characters. D. Chinese people neednt write by hand as often with the help of technology. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第二段Software o

11、n smart phones and computers allows users to type in the basic sound of the word using the Latin alphabet. 智能手机和电脑上的软件允许使用者使用拉丁字母打出字来。所以, 不需要用手亲自写字。4. According to Shen Bin, being able to write characters by hand is_. A. necessary for adults to survive in ChinaB. a requirement made by the Education

12、MinistryC. helpful to keep Chinese tradition and culture aliveD. an ability to be developed only when you are students【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段The ability to write characters is part of Chinese tradition and culture. 可知会写汉字是中华传统和文化。因此, 会写汉字有助于弘扬中华传统和文化。BIt is said that if you want to stay young, sit down

13、and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exerciseand as a result, we are growing old unnecessarily soon. Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appea

14、red to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of aging could be slowed down. With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations. Computer techn

15、ology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side parts of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual on economical faculties. Contraction of front and side

16、 partsas cells die offwas observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and seventy-year-olds. Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple way to the contraction normally connected with ageusing the head. The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the town. Those least at r


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