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1、学科教师辅导讲义教学内容 Step1: 复习U1-2 一. 朗读U1-2课文/背诵要求的段落或句子 二. 巩固练习 (部分包含U3U4 单词)练习一:第一节单词拼写(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)根据句子意思和所给的首字母写出所缺单词。在答题卷填写答案时,要求写出完 整的单词。(每空只写一词)76. He was so c_that he made the same mistake again.77. To be a p_student, you should say “thank you” when others help you.78. Go away! What happens

2、here is none of your b_.79. More and more students prefer to study a_because they want to know more about other countries.80. T_he was very tired, he kept on working,81. We need more time to discuss before we can make a d_.82. Our parents can understand us better than we e_ .83. Simon is very shy. H

3、e often feels e_when talking to others.84. Few people believe him. Most of them began to d_that he was telling a lie.85. The new cell phone has c_him more than 4,000 yuan.第二节完成句子(共5小题,每空0.5分,满分10分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空只写一词) 86.他们工作得多努力啊!_ _they work!87. 昨天他花了多长时间才解出这道问题?How long_it _ him_ _this pr

4、oblem yesterday?88. 能收到你的来信真是一件荣幸的事。_a_to_ _you.89. 他对自己所做的感到很羞愧,一直低着头。He_ _ _what he did and kept his head down.90. 她经常被她弟弟的行为气疯。She_often _ _by her younger brothers behaviour.91. 很多人都对这个无聊的电视节目没有兴趣。Many people _ no_ _this _TV programme. 练习二:第1节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题0.5分,共5分)66. He is an honest man but I

5、d_that he told the truth this time.67. If you cant s_the problem ,please let me know.68. He is popular because he is a man with a s_of humor.69. The bus is so crowed . Could you please o_your seat to the old lady?70. She has t_working out this problem.71. Being students, everyone should o_the rules

6、in our school.72. My friend s_me seeing a movie after school, but I thought it was a waste of time.73. The girl looks so p_and weak because of some illness.74. I didnt receive his i_. So I didnt attend his wedding.75. She was so tired that she p_out suddenly at work.第2节 完成句子(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)76. 我大概

7、是把书忘在家里了。I _ _ have left my book at home.77. 明天我要去伦敦了。请确保一切准备妥当。 We are going to London tomorrow. Please _ _everything is ready.78. 你应该避免谈论他离婚的事情。You should _ _ _his divorce.79. 这个男孩没有让他的父母失望。The boy didnt _ his parents _.80. 他厌倦了学习。他没有完成家庭作业。He _ _ study. He didnt finish his homework.81. 我父母期望我尽最大努

8、力学习。My parents _ _ _study as hard as I can.82. 你应该为自己说这样的谎话感到羞愧。You should _ _ _yourself for telling such lies.83. 你帮助我真是太好了。It _ _ _ _ you to help me.84. 他是那么严肃,以至人人都不愿意和他合作。He is _ serious _nobody would like to co-operate with him.85. 很难让这个调皮的男孩保持不动。Its difficult to make the naughty boy_ _.练习三:22.

9、 她环顾四周以确定没有其他人 She looked around to _ _ there was nobody there.23. 不要捉弄他, 他是个可怜的孩子。 Dont _ _ _ _ him. He is a poor boy.24. 真正好的音乐永远不会过时。 Really good music will never _ _ _25. 我不能吃太多东西,因为我正在节食。cant eat too much because I _ _ _ _26. 在工作日他们常常看新闻。 They often watch news _ _. 反义疑问句考点分析【1】反意疑问句的基本形式:由一个陈述句

10、加简短问句构成 He is a teacher,isnt he?【2】前面肯定,后面否定; 前面否定,后面肯定 I can swim,cant I? I cant swim, can I?【3】前面主语不管是什么,后面的主语一定是代词(there除外) The boy is your brother, isnt he? Peter sings well,doesnt he? There is some water in the bottle, isnt there?【4】前面有表否定的词,后面加肯定 常见的词有:no, not, nothing,few,little, never, hardl

11、y, seldom等 There is little water in the bottle, is there?【5】祈使句否定的祈使句:用will you? Dont make noise,will you?肯定的祈使句:用will you或wont you? Write down the new words,will you/wonyou?特殊: Lets,+shall we? Let us,+will you?【6】前面是I am,后面用arent I前面是I am not,后面用am I. I am sad,arent I? I am not sad,am I?【7】指示代词 1.前

12、面用this, that,则后面用it This is your brother,isnt it? 2.前面用these, those,做主语,则后面用they These are apples for me, arent they?【8】不定代词 1.指物的不定代词:nothing,something, anything, everything做主语,则后面用it Something is wrong with it, isnt it? 2.指人的不定代词everybody/everyone,somebody/someone, anybody/anyone做主语,则后面用he或they Ev

13、eryone knows this,dont they? Everyone knows this ,doesnt he?巩固练习:30. Tom tells you about it, _? 31.I am foolish to do so ,_? 32.Bills caught up with his classmates,_? 33. He can hardly speak English ,_? 34.I dont think he is right, _? 35. I believe that he will come,_? 36.My mother doesnt believe that he will come,_? 37. There is little milk in the bottle,_


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