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1、PEP六年级英语下册教学设计Unit 3 Where did you go? B Lets talk一、教学目标窗体底端窗体顶端1、 掌握本课时的四会句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great! 并能在实际的情境中运用。2、能听、说、认读单词beach。窗体底端窗体顶端二、学情分析窗体底端窗体顶端 学生从三年级就开始学习了英语,已有三年半的英语学习基础。所以对于小学英语的学习,学生已较为了解。本节课的内容对于学生来说,读起来较为容易,只是对话里出现“beach”、“sounds”这两个单词时,学生还没接触过。另外文

2、中出现的介词“over”、“sometime”等词,对于学生来说要理解起来也并非易事。所以对于本课文的重点学生较易接受,难点则需老师加以引导。三、窗体顶端三、重点难点窗体底端窗体顶端1、本课时重点:能听、说、读、写句子:How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great! 并能在实际情景中运用。2、难点:(1)能正确使用特殊疑问句。 (2)能区分sometime与sometimes的意义与用法。窗体顶端四、教学过程窗体底端 Warming up and leading in窗体底端窗体顶端A. GreetingsT: Class

3、 begins!S:Good morning, Miss Ma!T:Good morning, class!B. RevisonT: First of all, lets have a short revison. Please pay attention to the screen. Look at the pictures, then accroding to the order to say out the phrases.(PPT显示图片,学生按顺序说出短语)C. Free talkingT: Good! Where did you go last Saturday?(点一学生回答)S

4、1: I went to.T: Great! What did you do there?S1: I.T: Where did you go last Sunday?(指另一学生回答)S2:I went to.T: How did you go there?S2: I went there by.T: What did you do there?S2: I.T: Very good! Now I know what you did on the weekend. But I have a friend. She is from America. She is Amy. Last winter

5、holiday, she went on a trip. Do you want to know about her winter holiday?S:.T:OK.Now, open your book. Please turn to page 26. Unit 3 Where did you go? B Lets talk.(板书课题)窗体底端窗体顶端 Presentation窗体底端窗体顶端A. Solving the problemT: First, lets overcome some difficulties.(PPT展示本课时难点,学生做好笔记)B. Producing the k

6、ey pointsT:Next, lets find out the main sentences.Please underline them.(PPT展示,学生做相关的记号)C. Reading practiceT:Well. Read after the video.(播放本课时B Lets talk 部分的教学视频,学生跟读)T: Well done! Now read again. And imitate the pronunciation. (学生再次跟读视频,并模仿其中的读音。)D. Game timeT: Wow! You do a good job! Now, lets pla

7、y a game Lucky bomb!(教师让学生在A、B、C、D这四个正方形里任选其一,当打开的是本课时文后的问题时,则需要回答相关的问题。当学生打开是“pass”时则安全通过即拿到了lucky bomb,并得到相应的奖励。)E. Role playingT: Now, its your turn. Role playing time! Go to find your partners then act out!(学生三人一组进行练习,教师在其中进行指导。大约五分钟后,让几组学生进行表演。)窗体底端III Practice窗体顶端 A . Letssing窗体底端窗体顶端T: Now. L

8、ets have a rest. Lets sing a song together! Tell me about your holiday. Please aloud with the video.(教师播放本单元的歌曲视频Tell me about your holiday,学生跟着音乐齐唱)窗体底端窗体顶端 B. ExerciseTime窗体底端窗体顶端T: Thats really wonderful! Lets do some exercise.(PPT出示练习题目,学生按要求做好相关的练习)IV Conclusion窗体顶端 T: Look at the Wh-words and Wh-questions. (PPT展示,教师讲解,学生做笔记)。 T:Read the dialogues and the main sentences again. (学生朗读本课时的重点句子)V Homework窗体底端 窗体顶端T: Homework for today.(PPT展示,学生做记录)T: So much for today. Goodbye children!S: Goodbye Miss Ma!窗体底端


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