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1、Minimize命令Minimize命令 使用格式: minimize(命令名) tolerance(误差限) maxiter ( )maxeval( ) 说明:tolerance stopping tolerance停止公差、容差 maxiter 优化器的最大叠代次数(max iterations of minimizer) maxevel 总的( 力/能 )评估值的最大个数(max number of total force/ energy evalutions) 例子: minimze 1.0e-4 100 1000 描述: 该命令用来执行一个系统的能量的最小化(energy minim

2、ization),通过调整每个原子的原子坐标。使用的优化算法由命令 min_style设置。能量最小化命令可以被和run命令交替使用(interspersed),在松弛和动力学之间分布(Minimize commands can be interspersed with run commands to alternate between relaxation and dynamics.)。 最小化器 are implemented in a robust fashion坚固的方式 that should allow for systems with highly overlapped atom

3、s (large energies and forces) to still be minimized by pushing the atoms off of each other.(通过推开每个原子,使得即 使有重叠的原子(具有高的能量和力)仍然可以优化,因为算法是很强壮的。不知道这样翻译对不对,这句太难理解了。 最优化器involves包括一个外部迭代循环outer iteration loop(用以设置搜索迭代方向,在这个方向上坐标被改变),内部的迭 代使用一个线搜索算法(An inner iteration is then performed using a line search a

4、lgorithm. T)。线搜寻专门评估力和能量(几次),以设置新的坐标。最小化器在满足下列的任何一个准则的时候停止: * the change in energy between outer iterations is less than the tolerance * 外部迭代的能量的改变小于容许限的时候 * the number of outer iterations exceeds maxiter * 外部迭代超出最大迭代次数 * the number of force evaluations exceeds maxeval * 力评估次数超限 * the 3N dimensional

5、 force vector goes (nearly) to zero * 三维力矢量接近与零 对第一个准则,指定的误差是无单位的。当能量delta(即能量之差吧)对能量的幅度magnitude的比等于容差限的时候满足。(e.g. 在上面 的例子中为one part in 1.0e4,某分之一) 在优化期间,外层的迭代次数被当做一个时间步。输出是被这个时间步触发的。即动力学输出或者dump和restart文件等。Output is triggered by this timestep, e.g. thermodynamic output or dump and restart files. F

6、or optimal convergence对优化收敛性,pair_style最好在能量和力的截断距离上是光滑到零的,尽管不是必须的,但是是 最好使用。例子包括了pair/lj/charmm/coul/charmm and pair/lj/charmm/coul/long.。如果一个 软势函数被使用,则Astop值用来做预先因子(不和时间有关)If a soft potential is used the Astop value is used for the prefactor (no time dependence).有点晕户,希望明白的后面之解释一 下。 在优化期间,只有施加了力约束的f

7、ix(操作)才被调用。目前的执行表列出:The list of the currently implemented ones include fix addforce, aveforce, enforce2d, indent, lineforce, planeforce, setforce, and wall/lj93。 注意indent和wall/lj93有一个联合势能。如果你希望这个能量被包括在系统的总势能中,(属性量正在优化的系统),你必须使得 fix_modify命令的能量energy选项对这个fix有效。 you must enable the url=file:/D:/ My%20

8、Documents/桌面/lammps-11Sep06/doc/fix_modify.htmlfix_modify/url energy option for that fix. 接着优化器的是一个统计的特征总结被打印出来,其中有能量的变化,收敛准则信息等。 限制:这里列出来的两个特征还不能做。万一,以防,in case,有些人知道怎么写代码。 两个不能被最优化器调用的fix分别是fix_shake和fix_rigid。 It is an error to usefix shake with minimization because it turns off (关闭)bonds that sh

9、ould be included in the potential energy of the system (应当被包括在系统势能汇总的键). The effect of a fix shake can be approximated (近似) during a minimization by using stiff spring constants for the bonds and/or angles that would normally be constrained by the SHAKE algorithm. Fix rigid is also not supported by

10、minimization. It is not an error to have it defined(?), but the energy minimization will not keep the defined body(s) rigid (不能保持定义的刚体?)during the minimization. Note that if bonds, angles, etc internal to a rigid body have been turned off (e.g. via neigh_modify exclude), they will not contribute to

11、the potential energy which is probably not what is desired(可能就不符合实际情 况的意思吧). The volume of the simulation domain is not allowed to change (不许改变) during a minimzation. Ideally理想的 we would allow a fix such as npt to impose an external pressure that would be included in the minimization (i.e. allow the

12、 box dimensions to change), but this has not yet been implemented. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888 下面的是老版本文字的说明 The effect of a fix shake can be approximated近似 during a minimization by using stiff spring constants刚性弹簧常数 for the bonds and/or angles that would normally通常,正常 be constrained by th

13、e SHAKE algorithm. 在最小化期间,模拟域的体积是不容许改变的。理想的,我们容许诸如npt的操作fix 来施加一个外部的压力(将被包含在优化器中),即容许模拟盒子的 纬度改变,但是这个部分还没有实现。()The volume of the simulation domain is not allowed to change during a minimzation. Ideally we would allow a fix such as npt to impose an external pressure that would be included in the minim

14、ization (i.e. allow the box dimensions to change), but this has not yet been implemented 相关命令min_modify min_style run_style 默认:无 min_style command 最小化类型命令格式:min_style style * style = cg or cg/fr or sd 例子 min_style cgmin_style sd 描述:选择一个最小化算法,为minimize命令的执行。 类型cg是共轭梯度算法(CG)的Polak_Ribiere(PR)版本) At ea

15、ch iteration 在每个叠代中,the force gradient is combined with the previous iteration information 联合前一个叠代的信息to compute a new search direction以计算一个新的搜索方向, perpendicular (conjugate) to previous search directions.和前一个方向是正交的(共轭)。 The PR variant变化(变量) affects how the direction is chosen 方向如何选择and how the CG method is restarted CG方法如何被重启,when it ceases to make progress当为了 进一步而停止的时候. The PR variant is thought to be the most effective CG choice. Style cg/fr is the Fletche


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