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1、外研版小学新标准英语(三年级起)第三册 by IvyModule1 Unit1 Go straight on.主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日单元M1 U1课题Go straight on.课型新授型教学 目标知识与能力1 Enable the Ss to learn the words:live, road, supermarket. 2 Make the Ss understand and use the new phrases and sentence patterns: go straight on, excuse me, turn left/right, next to A:Excu

2、se me .Wheres the ,please? B: Go straight on./Turn left./Turn right.3 Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking .过程与方法1 Review the words about directions by game method.2 Teach the text with the task-based method.3 Do a survey by cooperative learning .情感与态度1 Faster the Ss consciousness of g

3、ood co-operation. 2 Keep the Ss confidence in learning English. 重点Make the Ss use the following sentences correctly: A: Excuse me .Wheres the ,please? B: Go straight on./Turn left./Turn right.难点Help the Ss ask the way in English.教法1 game method 2 task based method 学法1 cooperative learning教学准备tape-re

4、corder, word cards, multi-media computer,a hat, a map of Jiaozuo学情分析预习设计1 Review some words about directions.2 Listen to the tape and circle the words that you dont understand.教学过程施教者调整Step 1 Warm-up1 Review a poem “ The hat is in my hand”.2 Make a dialogue about a hat with the students. T: Where is

5、 the hat? Ss: Its in/on/under/next to the desk. 3 Ask the students to practise the following sentences with other things. A: Wheres the ? B: Its in /on/under /next to. Step2 Presentation1 Prepare a simple map. It contains a zoo, a school, a park, a supermarket, a station, a house.T: Im here. Excuse

6、me , where is the zoo?Ss (引导学生学习新句型) Go straight on ./ Turn left./ Turn right.2 Ask the students to work in pairs to practice the dialogue. S1: Im here. Excuse me , where is the park? S2: Go straight on .3 Teach the new words in the dialogue. house, supermarket ,station, go straight on ,turn left, t

7、urn right.4 Teach the text.T: Amy and Sam 遇到了一条走失的狗,他们要把小狗送回家。他们是怎样找到狗的家呢,让我们一起听听他们的对话。isten to the tape p try to answer the following questions. Questions: (1) Whats the dogs name? (2) Where does the dog live? (3) Who helps them? 5 Play the tape ,and find the answers:(1) Its Doudou.(2) It lives in

8、No.2,West Lake Road.(3) An old man helps them.6 Teach the text with the ppt.Help the Ss understand the text.7 Play the tape again ,and have the Ss read after the tape . Explain the new words in the text.8 Work in groups to read the text .9 Ask some groups to act the text.10 Write the key sentences o

9、n the blackboard: A: Excuse me. Where is the , please? B: Go straight onStep 3 Consolidation1 Do Exercise 3 with the new sentences.2 Prepare a map of Jiaozuo.Ask the students to work in groups to ask the way,eg: S1: Im in Zhanqianlu Road. Excuse me, where is Xueshenglu Road,please? S2:(查找地图)Go strai

10、ght on S3: I live in . Excuse me.Where is it? S4: (查找地图) Turn leftStep 4 Homework:1 Listen to the tape and work in groups to act the text.2 Copy the new words and the key sentences.3 Draw a map show the route from your home to your school.【板书设计】 Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on. A: Excuse me .Wheres t

11、he , please? B: Go straight onModule1 Unit2 Its at the station. 主备人: 施教时间: 年 月 日单元M1 U2课题Its at the station.课型新授教学 目标知识与能力1. 听懂目标语句:Its at the station. Its near the houses.能口头运用这些语句说明方位。2. 能识别运用单词:station, train, up,down,near,house.过程与方法运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣情感与态度培养学英语的兴趣重点学习目标语句:Its at the station. Its

12、 near the houses.能口头运用这些语句说明方位。难点正确使用方位介词描述简单的位置关系教法听说法, 游戏法学法表演法,对话法,游戏法教学1准备录音机,单词卡片,多媒体,玩具火车(纸画的火车)学情分析预习设计听录音,圈出不理解的单词和句子教学过程施教者调整Step1 Warmmer.1 Greetings.2 Review the words and the text in Module 2 Unit 1.3 Show their homework ,a map. T :Excuse me ,where is your school? S1: T: On your way to s

13、chool, what can you see?S1: I can see a supermarket.Then ask some students to describe what they can see.Step 2 Presentation 1 Describe the following things on the blackboard:a hill,some houses, a station 2 Take out the toy train ,and tell the students the train will start. T:I will read a passage.

14、Listen to me, and I will ask some students to help me to draw the trains route . (The train is up the hill, the train is down the hill, the train is near the houses, the train is at the station.) S1: (用粉笔画出路线) S2: ( 用粉笔画出路线) (其他学生听,在自己本上画出火车的路线) 3 List the key phrases on the blackboard: up the hill, down the hill, near the houses, at the station4 Teach the text. T: Today there are some trains in our class. Listen to the tape and try to find the answers.,Ask some questions.(出示课件)(1)How man


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