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1、成都少年时教育 劝君莫惜金缕衣 劝君惜取少年时1.good 2.two 3. may 4.sand 5.strong 6. stay up 7. afraid 8.houses 9.now 10.if ( 1 )forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 _ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a b

2、ig shop in London. They were 2 _ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 _ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 _ up the umbrella as he often did during his journe

3、y by train. Just as he was getting off, he was 6 _ by the man. He said angrily, “Thats 7_ !” Mr. Brown s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 _ of them, he said, “Youve mended

4、 them very well.” In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 _ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, “Youve had a 10 _ day,” he said.1.brought 2.mended 3. forgot 4. beside 5.picked 6. stopped 7. mine 8.each 9. same 10. lucky【剖析】这是一篇伞店老板Mr Brown在火车上发生的故事,是叙述类

5、文章。要求填的词汇都是大纲范围内的词汇,因此难度不是很大。学生应在短文语境中对有用的信息进行推敲,结合整篇文章的内容,确定所需词汇。通读全文,了解大意。再读全文,确定所需词的词义、词性和词形。第1题需要动词,因为该句无谓语,意思是“带来”或“给”,所以选brought。第2题需要动词,由于该句是被动语态,意思是“被修理”,选mended。 第3题为动词,由空前主语和空后的动词不定式决定,根据下文判断意思是“忘记”,选forgot。第4题选介词。由语境决定的,意思是“在座位旁边”,选beside。第5题选动词,意思是“拾起”,恰好是词组pick up,故事发生在过去,所以选picked。第6题选

6、动词,由于句子是被动语态,选stopped。第7题选名词性物主代词,由于句子是主系表结构,意思是“我的”,选mine。第8题选代词,由后面的of结构决定的,指“每一”或者“全部”,选词中没有提供all;所以选each 。第9题选形容词,由于它修饰的是名词,指“相同的”,选same。第10题选形容词,由于它修饰的是名词,指“幸运的或好的”,选lucky。(2 )not speak, call , idea, and, what, garden, hear , quiet , do ,eat , name, sayA farmer saw an old man growing something

7、on the other side of the river.The farmer 1. _ out to him, “ What are you growing , Grandpa? ”The old man 2 . _ for a moment, then said, “Swim over 3. _ Ill tellyou.”The farmer didnt like the 4. _ of swimming across the river. But he wanted to know 5. _ the old man was doing. He swam over. The old m

8、an said very 6. _ in his ear, “ Im planting peas in my 7. _ .”“ You should have shouted. I would have 8. _ quite clearly on that side.” Said the farmer.“ Oh, no, I wouldnt 9. _ that . The sparrows would have heard me and 10. _ my peas.”1. called 2.didnt speak 3. and 4.idea 5. what 6.quietly 7.garden

9、 8.heard 9.do 10. eaten 1 此题选called 。 根据第一段讲的“一个农夫在河对岸看到一个老人在种什么东西”推理, 当他想问河对岸这位老人在种什么时,就得大声喊 “called out”。2 这题选 didnt speak。因为从下文可知这位老人并没有立刻回答。3 这里需要并列连词,选 and。由上文得知老人没有急于回答,而是让他游过来,再告诉他。 4 利用排除法,结合上下文的意思,可知此题选 idea。5从上下文的意思及句子结构,可知此题选 what。6从后面的in his ear ,可知说话的声音应该是悄悄地, 所以选 quietly。7从上下文可判断应是在gar

10、den里种东西。8从这个农夫前一句话有 shouted 一词也知后面为“听”的意思,表示听的结果应为heard。9 根据上下文的意思,“我不能那样做”选 do 。10此话表示如果我大声说话,麻雀会听到的,那么它就会来吃我的豌豆,虚拟语气, 选 eaten 。 ( 3 )telephone , for, lose, so, strong, clever, somebody, good, happy, outside, everybody, at Mrs Andrews had a young cat, and it was the cats first winter. One evening i

11、t was 1._ when it began to snow heavily. Mrs Andrews looked 2. _it everywhere and shouted its name, but she did not find it, 3. _ she telephone the police and said, “ I have 4. _ a small black cat. Has 5. _ found one? ”“ No,madam, ” said the policeman at the other end, “ But cats are really very 6.

12、_ animals. They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when it melts (融化) or somebody finds them, they are quite 7. _ .” Mrs Andrews felt 8. _ when she heard this. “ And ,” she said, “ Our cat is very 9. _. She almost talks. ”The policeman was getting tired, “Well then, ” he said “ Why dont you pu

13、t your 10._ down? Maybe she is trying to telephone you now. ”1.outside 2.for 3. so 4. lost 5. anybody 6.strong 7. well 9. clever 8. happier 10. telephone 1. 从上下文可看出猫在外面,因此选outside。2. “look for寻找”是固定搭配 , 所以选for。3. 从上下文判断表因果, 所以选so。4. 从上下文判断找不到猫,所以是丢了lost。5. 在疑问句中应用不定代词anybody 。6. 猫是一种生命力非常强的动物,所以选str

14、ong。7. 表示身体好当用 well 。8. 从上下文可以知道, Mrs. Andrews 听了警察安慰她的话后,感觉好些了,所以选happier 。9. 从后面一句的 “She almost talks”可推断出她的猫clever 。10. 联系上下文,Mrs. Andrews在打电话,所以警察让她放下电话telephone。( 4 ) tell, hear, listen to , guard, drum, much, fly , army, with, other, way , instruction Here are some old ways to sending messages. An Egyptian(埃及人) put his ear to the ground. He 1 . _ the horses coming this way. He ran to 2. _ his people . He was a 3. _ . That was one way for Egyptians to send messages.People in 4._ countries sent message, too. When enemies came,


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