九年级英语unit2,section a 3a-3c课件

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《九年级英语unit2,section a 3a-3c课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语unit2,section a 3a-3c课件(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、I think that mooncakes are delicious,Unit 2,Section A 3a 3c,The 1st period,New words learning; Use the new words; Scan the text;,folk goddess whoever steal lay lay out dessert garden tradition admire,adj. 民间的;民俗的 n. 女神 pron. 无论谁;不管什么人 v. 偷;偷窃 v. 放置;安放;产卵; 摆开;放置 n. (饭后)甜点;甜食 n. 花园;园子 n. 传统 v. 欣赏;仰慕,W

2、ords and Expressions,steal,v.,偷,窃取,To take something that belongs to someone else.,Sean has a long history of stealing cars.,肖恩偷汽车有很长时间了。,Look and say,lay,v.,放置;安放,产(卵);下(蛋),1. To put someone or something down.,2. If a bird lays eggs, it produces them from its body.,He quickly laid out her favorite

3、fruits and desserts in the garden.,摆开,布置,Look and say,dessert,n.,(饭后)甜点; 甜食,Sweet food served after the main part of a meal.,There is ice-cream for dessert.,甜品是冰淇淋。,Look and say,garden,n.,花园;园子,Grace is out in the garden growing the grass.,格雷斯在外面庭园里种草。,Look and say,admire,v.,欣赏;仰慕 钦佩,I really admire

4、 the way she brings up those kids all on her own.,We stopped half way up the hill to admire the view.,Look and say,I think that_.,Halloween is a fun festival.,根据图片补全句子。,Lead-in 1,I believe that _.,July is the hottest month of the year,I wonder _.,whether she likes jewels,What is your favourite festi

5、val? Why do you like it most?,Free Talk,Lead-in 2,What are they? When do we usually eat them?,mooncakes,minimooncake 迷你月饼 mooncakes with meat / nuts 肉馅/果仁/蛋黄月饼 ham mooncake 火腿月饼 ice cream mooncakes 冰淇淋月饼 fruit and vegetable mooncakes 果蔬月饼 seafood mooncakes 海鲜月饼,Have you ever tried these mooncakes?,M

6、id-Autumn Festival,How do you celebrate this festival?,Do you know these three people?,and,This one,Pang Meng,Talking,Do you know the story about Change ? Can you tell us this story in English?,How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?,Full Moon, Full Feelings,objectives,To learn some key words a

7、nd useful expressions. To know about the story about Change. To learn to use objective clauses and exclamatory statements.,Words: admire; steal; lay; dessert; garden,Phrases: lay out;,Patterns: so.that. He found that How he wished that,Look at the photo, the questions in 3a and the title to the stor

8、y on page 11. Then answer the questions below.,Who is the girl in the picture? What does the passage talk about? Whats the meaning of “Full Moon, Full Feelings”?,Before you read,Change,It talks about the Mid-Autumn Festival.,圆圆的月亮,满满的相思。,The 2nd period,Read the text; Underline some phrases and recit

9、e them; Careful reading and understanding. Retell the text; Fill in the mind-map;,Read the first sentence in each paragraphs and answer the questions.,What does the passage mainly talk about?,This passage mainly talks about the traditional folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival. And it tells us why

10、we admire the moon and sharing mooncakes with our families.,While you read,Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions below.,1. What do we eat on Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. Whats mooncakes look like? 3. Why do we eat them on Mid-Autumn Festival?,Mooncakes.,Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on Mi

11、d-Autumn Festival.,Because many people believe that mooncakes could carry their wishes to the families they love and miss.,默读课文第2段,判断正误: ( )There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine before he shot down the nine suns ( ) Change refused

12、 to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all ( ) One night, Pang Meng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. ( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.,Pang Meng,tried to steal the medicine,goddess,thanked Hou Yi by giving h

13、im magic medicine,Change,refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and took it all,Hou Yi,became light and flew up to the sky.,planned to take the medicine with his wife.,shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth,Read Paragraph 2 and find What they have done.,Read again and put the even

14、ts in the correct order.,The keys:,3b,4-2-5-1-7-6-3,1. People like to a_ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night.,2. The story of Change is one of many t_ folk stories.,3. Hou Yi got m_ medicine for shooting down the nine suns.,4. Pang Heng wanted to s_ the medicine.,5. Hou Yi l_ out fruits and desserts i

15、n the garden.,Read Paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks,dmire,raditional,agic,teal,aid,3c,Full Moon, Full Feelings Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes have the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry peoples wishes t

16、o the families they love and miss.,Section A, 3a,这是现在完成进行时,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在。其构成为:主语+助动词(have / has) + been + 动词的现在分词+其他成分。现在完成时强调完成和影响,现在完成进行时强调未完成和动作。 He has painted the room. 她已经粉刷过房间了。(影响:墙壁是干净的) He has been painting the room. 他一直在粉刷房间。(还未粉刷完),There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Change is the


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