【高一 拓展阅读-自然和环境】Pedal or motor

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1、Pedal or motor?With the general population becoming more and more aware of the environment and trying to adopt “greener” habits, it is no surprise that people are questioning the use of their cars. From the price of gas to parking fees, from expensive repairs to concerns about air pollution, there i

2、s an ongoing effort to find better options.Many people are turning to bicycles. Riding a bike has proved good for the body, the planet and the wallet. According to a recent study, a low-effort ride(10 mph)burns far more calories than a relaxed afternoon stroll(2 mph). a bike wont emit any pollutants

3、 or deplete non-renewable resources. In addition, whereas the asphalt(柏油), tars(焦油)and other chemicals used to make parking lots damages the earth, a bike rack(架子)is no more a nuisance than a mailbox. a bike requires minimal upkeep(维修)and those repairs that are needed are largely doable(可做的)by the a

4、verage rider and a few simple tools. Finally with the growing amount of bike trails and charity rides, there is even a growing social aspect to bikes that isnt available to those encased in a car.There are people who prefer something faster than the old-fashioned bicycle. A growing number are choosi

5、ng electric scooters(小型摩托车). These vehicles are less draining physically, but still wont harshly affect the environment. Repairs are not common but when they are needed, it commonly requires a licenced mechanic or other experts A scooter may require a parking spot instead of a bike rack, but it does

6、nt require the purchase of an expensive bike lock. For the most part, electric scooters require a state issued drivers licence to operate.Reading ComprehensionChoose the correct answer for each question1. The passage compares _.A. the amount of calories burned by different types of vehicles. B. ways

7、 people are trying to live greener “lifestyles”. C. the pros and cons of owning and using scooters and bicycles. D. the types of repairs required by the average bicycle and scooter.2. Which statement is Not true about electric scooters?A. They need more professional repairs than bicycles do. B. They

8、 require a state issued drivers licence to operate. C. They offer an opportunity for people to interact. D. They require parking spots.3. What may cause a person to purchase a scooter instead of a bicycle?A. To save a great deal of money. B. To have a smaller impact on the environment. C. To learn h

9、ow to make the necessary repairs. D. To travel faster and save physical energy.4. Bike riders are often offered the chance to socialise through _.A purchase of expensive equipment. B. bike trails and charity rides. C attending repairing workshops. D. lectures on environmental protection.5. Which of

10、the following is NOT mentioned in this article?A. Low-effort ride burns far more calories than a relaxed afternoon stroll. B. a bike wont emit any pollutants or deplete non-renewable resources. C. There are many parking spots for electric scooters. D. A bike requires minimal upkeep.Vocabulary基础词park

11、ing n. 停车场;停车位;(汽车等)停放搭 bicycle parking自行车停放处 parking place停车场fee n. 费;费用;酬金记 发音记忆 音似“费”例 The employees will receive fees according to the contract.员工将按照合同领取酬金。concern vt.(便)担忧;涉及;关于n.关心;担心;关爱记 词根记忆 con(表加强)+cern(搞清)一定要搞清楚关心搭 be concerned about/for sth. 担心, 忧虑, 关心be concerned with. 与有关 as/so far as.

12、 be concerned就而言bicycle n. 自行车记 词根记忆 bi(二)+cycl(圆)+e由两个轮子组成自行车prove v. 证实;证明是;被发现是英 to use facts, evidence, etc to show that sth. is true 例 The man proves to be a danger这个人被证明是一个危险人物。wallet n. 皮夹子, 钱包英 a flat case made of leather, plastic or card for carrying documents in recent adj.最新的;最近的英 that ha

13、ppened or began only a short time ago 搭 recent news最近的新闻Vocabulary进阶词ongoing adj.正在进行的;不间断的;继续存在的记 组合词 on(在中)+ going(进行中的)正在进行的stroll vi./n.散步, 溜达, 闲逛英 to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way 搭 stroll around漫步;闲逛emit vt. 发出;散发;排放英 to send out sth. such as light, heat, sound, gas, etc记 词根记忆 e(出)+mit(

14、放)排放派 emission(n.排放物;散发, 排放)deplete vt.(使)枯竭;消耗记 词根记忆 de(否定)+plet(填满)+e不填满倒空(使)枯竭例 When local resources became depleted, the tribe moved on. 当地资源濒临枯竭时, 部落会迁往别处。aspect n. 方面;(建筑物的)朝向, 方向;外貌, 外观;样子记 词根记忆 a(表加强)+spec(看)看上去的样子外貌encase vt. 把包住记 词根记忆 en(进入之中)+case(容器)装入容器中把包住vehicle n. 交通工具, 车辆;手段;媒介;drain v.(使)流走, 排出;使(精力、金钱等)耗尽n.下水道, 排水沟;消耗英 to make sb./sth. weaker, poorer, etc by using up their/its strength, money etc记 联想记忆 d(看作dig, 挖)+rain(雨水)挖一条排雨水的沟排水沟派 drainage(n排水;排水系统)答案:CCDBC 5 / 5



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