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1、授课人:李授课人:李 静静教材分析:教材分析:本单元以 Whats the matter? 为中心话题,学会描述身体的不适,会用should/ shouldnt提出建议。教学目标:教学目标:A 知识目标:学习掌握有关身体的词汇以及关于疾病的词汇,用have来描述身体的不适,用should 和shouldnt来提出建议。B 能力目标:用恰当的方式表达自己的不适,并能提出合理的建议。 C 情感目标: 通过描述自己身体的不适和提出建议,表达自己的看法,使学生在人际交往中学会关心别人,增进情谊。重、难点分析:重、难点分析: 重点: 学习身体及关于疾病的词汇,学习句型whats the matter?

2、I have a headache. What should I do? You should see a doctor.难点:引入第三人称单数形式进行句型操练。 课时划分及教学内容安排:课时划分及教学内容安排:Period 1 Section APeriod 2 Section BPeriod 3 Self CheckPeriod 4 Exercise & Self Check Period 1Section Aearfacenoseeyemouthheadkneelegfingerhandheadfoott tstomachbackshoulderneckarmhealthy Whats

3、the matter (with you)? I have a cold.have a feverhave a sore throathave a stomachachehave a coldhave a toothachehave a sore backhave a headacheHealth problemsWhats the matter (with )?I have a He/She has aListening Time SA 1bstomachachefevertoothache对对症症下下药药sore throatAdvice:You should lie down and r

4、est.You shouldnt eat anything.Advice:You should drink more water.You should go to bed early and have a good rest.You shouldnt work.Advice:You should drink lots of water.You should go to a dentist. You shouldnt eat candies.Advice:You should drink hot tea with honey. You shouldnt talk loudly.You shoul

5、d also drink hot tea with some Chinese medicine, like Jinyinhua and Luohanguo.Section A 2a and 2b1a.Match the problems with advice.1.toothache a. lie down and rest 2.sore throat b. hot tea with honey3.stomachache c. see a dentist4. fever d. drink lots of water2b .Listen again. Fill in the blanks3a.

6、Fill in the blanks and then make a conversation like thisA: Whats the matter?B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.A: When did it start?B: About _ago.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _.B: Thank you .Thats _.A: I hope you feel better soon. coldtwo days have a resta good idea神医诊所神医诊所Name: Age:Symptom(症状)

7、:Reason(原因):Medicine & Advice(药物以及建议): Period 2Section BWhats the matterwith Icy?He is stressed out.What should do?stressed outthirstytiredhungryDo you have these problems?What should you do?What shouldnt you do?Listening Time:2a and 2b2a and 2bProblem ShouldShouldntGinatiredgo to bedearlygo to that

8、 party tonightTonystressedoutlisten to somemusicstudy tonightJuliethirstyhave a drinkeat any more dumplingsAlanhungryeat an appleplay soccer before dinnerA: Whats the matter with Gina?B: Shes tired.A: Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldnt go to the party.Do you know what a balanced diet is?

9、制定合理的饮食规则a traditional Chinese doctor* a balanced diet a balance of yin and yang a Chinese way to stay healthy traditional Chinese medicine western medicineDangshenHuangqi (herbs)medicine problems reasonadviceA Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayIts important to eat a balanced diet problems reasonadv

10、iceyineat hot yang food (beef, Dangshen, Huangqi herbs)stressed out and angryyangEat more yin food (tofu)A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayIts important to eat a balanced dietweak and tiredA Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese Way Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to

11、 be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat m

12、ore yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries. Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet. True or False1. Doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang. ( )2.If you are weak and often tired, maybe you have too much yin. (

13、)3. If you have too much yang ,you should eat hot yang foods, like beef, Dangshen and Huangqi hurbs. ( )4.If you are stressed out and angry, maybe you have too much yang. ( )5. If you have too much yang, you should have some yin foods like tofu . ( ) FTTFTFill in the blanks in the article. Are you t

14、ired? Everybody gets tired sometimes. When you are tired, you shouldnt _. You should _ for a few nights and you should _ to stay healthy. You should also eat _ and other healthy foods. You shouldnt _ when you are tired. Period 3Self CheckSurvey: Your lifestyleDo you have a healthy lifestyle?What do

15、you think is a healthy lifestyle? should shouldnt eat fruit and vegetables eat too much junk food go to bed early watch too much TVGroup work:What is a healthy lifestyle?Report: We should We shouldnt. give get need believe stay1.I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night.2.A doctor can _ you med

16、icine.3.Dont _ stressed out. Its not healthy.4.I have a toothache. I _ to see a dentist.5.Eat a balanced diet to _ healthy.believegivegethavestayRead the letter and answer the questions.1.Where is sally now?2. Is she feeling well at the moment?3.Whats the matter with her?4. How is her host family? Read the letter, then write back and give advice.Dear Sally, Im sorry to hear that youre not feeling well. I think you should _



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