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1、8B Unit 4 Reading A Educational Visits东圃中学东圃中学 张朝玉张朝玉foodeducational visitslanguageWarming-up Which country is it?Warming-up Thailand Which country is it?Warming-up Japan Which country is it?Warming-up New Zealand Where did he/she go?Who supported the trip? How long did he/she stay for?Tammy Edwin S

2、ylviaNew Zealand American Field Service (AFS) One year Thailand World Vision Ten days Japan Japan Airlines Six weeks Step 1 :Read and complete the table.While reading Step 2: Read A wonderful year in New Zealand and write Tor F 1) Tammy was a very confident person before she went to New Zealand.( )2

3、) The AFS only arranges trips to the USA. ( )3) Tammy learn English quickly because her hosts were very patient and helped her. ( )4) Tammy didnt think it a good educational visit because she learned little ( )FTFFintroduction When AFS accepted me as an exchange student, I wondered if I was able to

4、_the local people.Activities1. I stayed with a _family and learned English quickly.2. We were required to _ about our own culture so I took many _and postcards .3. I also _about China to my classmates.4. I even did some Chinese _.ConclusionI learnt about a new _ and I became _more confidentcultureco

5、okinggave a talkphotostell peoplehostunderstandStep 3: fill in the table Find out the structure and useful sentences.1234567intrductionintrductionIntrductionConclusionActivities:Activities:Step 4: Group study以以Jigsaw Reading的方式学习的方式学习另外两篇文章另外两篇文章 1.分组阅读分组阅读 2.组内交流组内交流 3.组外交流组外交流 4.检测检测Scholarship to

6、 Japan T or F 1) Sylvia flew to Japan on a JAL plane. ( )2) Sylvia visited the capital of Japan. ( )3) Sylvia and her classmates learned Japanese culture and went sightseeing.( ) Question:How does Sylvia keep in touch with her new friends? ( ) A. by writing e-mails B. by chatting on the computer C.

7、by writing e-mails and chatting on the computerTFTCVisiting the poor in Thailand T or F1) Edwins trip was to learn about the lives of rich people in Thailand. ( ) 2) The poor people in Thailand are living in rubbish dumps. ( )3) The Thailand government wouldnt do any things to improve the situation

8、( ). Question:How does Edwin feel when he saw the poor people in Thailand? ( ) A. happy B. deeply affected C. excitedTFBFPost-readingRetell Visiting the poor in Thailand Part 1:Introduction Last year I went to forThe trip was arranged by The aim of our trip was to Part 2: Activities Although the tri

9、p was , It was for me. It has shown me Part 3: conclusion I was deeply affected by Poor families were. The Thai government is Retell Scholarship to Japan Part 1:Introduction Part 2: Activities Part 3: conclusion I visited for.because I . I lived with and attend . classesWe also had classes .and went

10、 onFor the five weeks:For thefinal week:I stayed with in Kyoto.I made friends with.I have kept in touch with by . Period 2作文指导作文指导(1 1)文章的体裁是:)文章的体裁是: _ _(2 2)使用的时态是:)使用的时态是: _ _ 叙事记叙文叙事记叙文The simple past tenseRead A wonderful year in New Zealand and do the matching Para. 1 A.How did Tammy feel? Par

11、a. 2 B.What did Tammy do? Para. 3 C.Where?Who?How long? Para. 4 D.Why learn English quickly ? 1.1.我的第一个想法我的第一个想法2.2.被要求做某事被要求做某事3.3.了解穷人的生活了解穷人的生活4.4.被被深深地感动深深地感动5.5.与与交朋友交朋友6.6.去观光旅行去观光旅行7.7.一次宝贵的经验一次宝贵的经验8.8.与与保持联系保持联系 my first thought be required to do sth be deeply affected by go on sightseeing

12、tours keep in touch with learn about the lives of poor peoplea valuable experiencemake friends with1.去年我去泰国十天。这次旅行有去年我去泰国十天。这次旅行有World Vision安排。安排。2. 我们此行的目的是了解泰国穷苦人们的生活。我们此行的目的是了解泰国穷苦人们的生活。3. 我住在寄宿家庭。我住在寄宿家庭。4.我也给我的同学做了一场关于中国的讲座。我也给我的同学做了一场关于中国的讲座。Last year I went to Thailand for ten days. The trip

13、 was arranged by World Vision.The aim of our trip was to learn about the lives of poor people in Thailand.I stayed with a host family.I also gave a talk about China to my classmates.5.我也上关于日本文化的课和去观光旅行。我也上关于日本文化的课和去观光旅行。6.虽然这次旅行十分艰苦但对我而言却是一场非常宝贵的经历。虽然这次旅行十分艰苦但对我而言却是一场非常宝贵的经历。7.我学习了一种新文化,自己也变得更自信了。我学习了一种新文化,自己也变得更自信了。I also had classes on Japanese culture and went on sightseeing tours.Although the trip was hard work, it was a very valuable experience for me.I learnt about a new culture, and I became more confident.Choose a task and write!Thank you !



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