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1、 1.to improve reading skills, get the general information, and learn the key words and phrases in this text.2. to learn how to study by yourselves, in groups and further study.3.to learn to cherish(珍惜)(珍惜)the senior high school life and develop a positive attitude to life.Learning Goals 学习目标学习目标What

2、 is “highlight”?Preview Check预预 习习 检检 测测Highlight is the most meaningful,wonderful, and unforgettablemoment or event in ones life.What is “Senior Year”?Its just the final year of the senior high school.Preview Check预预 习习 检检 测测3. What is “high school prom”? When is it often held?Thats a school ball h

3、eld for the graduations before they leave the senior high school.Preview Check预预 习习 检检 测测4. What is “high school diploma?Diploma is a certificate which proves the senior high school students havesuccessfully completed senior highschool education.Preview Check预预 习习 检检 测测Describe the pictures in one s

4、entence. A group of students are gathering together on the sports field totake photos, _relaxed and joyful.Describe the picture in one sentence.Students are enjoying the high school prom,boys wearing and girls wearingthe high school promDescribe the pictures in one sentence.The students are receivin

5、g their high school diploma with_excitement and happiness.The American Secondary School System Middle SchoolSenior High SchoolGradeAverage Age Grade Average Age6th7th8th11-1212-1313-149th10th11th14-1515-1616-1712th17-18 (senior year)Compare it with the Chinese school system.differences1.divided into

6、 two parts: _2. having three years of study in _3. students graduating from senior high at_similarities1. American students begin their high school _than Chinese.2. American students have to study_ year in senior high than Chinese students.junior high and senior high. junior high/middle school.the a

7、ge of 18.one year earlierone moreJoanna Joanna had a lot of wonderful things during her senior year. What were they?Fast ReadingTransitionLearn to use transitions to look for the information. 过渡过渡Learning Tip 1 学法指导一学法指导一2. Joanna had a lot of wonderful things during her senior year. What were they?

8、1.working as an arts editor for the newspaper2. working as a peer mediator3. going on a skiing trip 4. getting good grades in her final exams5. receiving the senior prize for English Literature6. being elected to the student council7. taking part in the high school prom_Para 3Para 4Para 6Para7one of

9、 the best thingssomething elsePara 5during the Easter Vacationother thingsBut the highlightand being elected prom queen-8Careful Reading 1How did Joanna have A good time with her good friends?Key words/sentences Learn to use the key words or sentences to look for the information. Learning Tip 2 学法指导

10、二学法指导二Careful Reading 1 1. They rented a nice car to take them to the prom.2. They had some delicious food.3. They laughed and told jokes all the evening. 4. She danced most of the dances together with Daniel.5. They drove down to the coast and sat on the beach to watch the sunrise.6. They went to a

11、 hotel and had an enormous breakfast. Careful Reading 2It took two hours but itwas worth it, as everyone told me I looked veryelegant! contextLearn to use the context to look for the information. Learning Tip 3 学法指导三学法指导三上下文上下文Careful Reading 2It took two hours but itwas worth it, as everyone told m

12、e I looked veryelegant! After reading 1 What kind of person is Joanna? Describe her with your partner.Pair WorkWhat kind of person is Joanna? 1.working as a peer mediator2. working as an arts editor for the newspaper3. being elected to the student council 4. getting good grades in her final exams5.

13、receiving the senior prize for English Literature6. going on a skiing trip 7. taking part in the high school prom and being elected prom queenwarm-hearted/kindenthusiastictalented/capablehard-workingintelligentoutgoingenergeticpassionateelegantcompetitiveWhats the highlight of your senior school life? Group WorkAfter reading 2 wishing bottle建爷建爷, OE and 涛哥涛哥 are in the fantasy world, leading a happy life.The big family are welcoming the New Year. 万哥万哥, , 你在看你在看啥子呢?啥子呢?Yeah! Wish you happy every day !



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