2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Making the news课件 新人教版必修5

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1、必修5Unit4Makingthenews知识要点导航知识要点点击知识要点巩固目录Contents知识要点导航1_ n记者;新闻工作者2_ n情况;病例;案例3_ vt.递交;呈递(文件等)4_ n同事journalist case submit colleague 5_ adj.渴望的;热切的6_ adv.其间;同时7_ vt.指责;谴责;控告8_ adv.故意地9_ adj.有天赋的10_ n(进退两难的)困境;窘境11_ vt.擦亮;磨光;润色eager meanwhile accuse deliberately gifted dilemma polish 12_ vt.加工;处理n过程

2、;程序;步骤13_ n底片;否定adj.否定的;消极的process negative 1 _ n 编 辑 _ vt.编 辑 ; 校 订_n.版(本);版次2 _ n 照 片 vt.给 照 相_ n摄影师3_ adj.快乐的;欣喜的_ n欣喜;愉快editor edit edition photograph photographer delighted delight 4 _ adj.值 得 赞 扬 的 ; 令 人 钦 佩 的_ vt.钦佩;欣赏5 _ vt.帮 助 ; 协 助 ; 援 助_ n帮助;协助_ n助手;助理;售货员6_ n职业;专业_ adj.专业的;职业的n专业人员_ n教授;

3、(大学)教师admirable admire assist assistance assistant profession professional professor 7 _ vt.& vi.集 中 ; 聚 集_ n专心;专注 8_ vt.获得;取得;学到_ n获得9_ vt.评估;评定_ n评估;估算10_ vt.告知;通知_adj.有学问的;有见识的_ n消息;信息concentrate concentration acquire acquisition assess assessment inform informed information 11 _ adj.犯 罪 的 ; 有 罪

4、的 ; 内 疚 的_ n有罪;犯罪;内疚12_ n需求要求vt.强烈要求_ adj.要求很高的;费力的13 _ vt.出 版 ; 发 行 ; 发 表 ; 公 布_ n出版;出版物;公开 14 _ adj.技 术 (上 )的 ; 技 巧 方 面 的_ adv.技术上;工艺上guilty guilt demand demanding publish publication technical technically 15_ adj.彻底的;详尽的_ adv.彻底地;完全地16_ adj.精确的;正确的_ adv.精确地;准确地_ n精确度;准确性17_ vt.赞成;认可;批准_ n赞成;批准;同意

5、_ (反义词)n.不赞成;不同意18_ vt.任命;委派_ n任命;委派;约会thorough thoroughly accurate accurately accuracy approve approval disapproval appoint appointment 1Professor Smith, who is famous in the medical _,_is paying a _ visit to our college.(profession)2We can predict changes with a surprising degree of _ (accurate)pr

6、ofession 用所给词的适当形式填空professional accuracy 3We went to the gallery last weekend and all the artists were very _. In other words, we _ the artists for their _ skills.(admire)4To his _,_he took the first place in the exam. His parents were _ to know about it.(delight)admirable admired admirable delight

7、 delighted 1_ 集中;全神贯注于2_ 依靠;依赖3_ 因指责或控告4_ 为了(做)5_ 在前面 6_ 对敏感;善于发现concentrate on depend on accuseof so as to (do sth) ahead of have a nose for 7_ 通知某人某事8_ 记在心里9_ 完全误解;弄错10_ 理应(做)11_ 着手工作12_ 把传递给 inform sb of sth keep in mind get the wrong end of the stick be supposed to set to work passon to 1_ that

8、the more careful you are, the better results youll get.2 Having failed my French exam, I decided to _ science subjects.3They were praised because they finished their task _ time, and they were awarded as well.4China is paying more and more attention to education _ catch up with advanced countries in

9、 science and technology.Keep in mind 选用上面的短语填空 concentrate on ahead of so as to is to influence their decision Never will they give up where they have to make a choice 联想拓维“犯罪”有关的单词集锦guilt有罪;罪行 crime罪行;犯罪accuse控告;指控 charge控告commit犯(罪) punish惩罚;处罚sentence判决;宣判 penalty刑罚;惩罚含有表示身体器官名词的短语have an eye for

10、对有识别力turn a deaf ear to对充耳不闻turn a blind eye to对视而不见have a nose for对敏感知识要点点击assistvt.帮助;协助;援助assistancen帮助;协助;援助assistantn助手;助理;售货员 1【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)We asked him to assist us in _(design) a new bridge, and he agreed without hesitation.(2)Since 2016 the old man has been operating the shop with the _(a

11、ssist) of some volunteers.designing assistance (3)The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his _(assist)(4)The guide managed to assist the tourists _(find) somewhere to live before dark.assistant(s)to find accuse sb of (doing) sth因(做)某事指责/控告某人charge sb with (doing) sth控告某人做某事bl

12、ame sb for (doing) sth责备某人(做)某事 accusevt.指责;谴责;控告 2【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)She was accused _ theft and fraud by the police.(2)The _(accuse) man proved his innocence by producing evidence that he was abroad when the murder was committed.of accused (1)inform sb of/about sth通知某人某事inform oneself of/about sth了解/熟

13、悉某事inform sb that/whclause 告知某人(2)keep sb informed of sth随时告知某人某事informvt.告知;通知informedadj.有学问的;有见识的informationnU 消息;信息;通知;情报 3【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)Had I informed him _ the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldnt have been late yesterday.(2)The managers are very concerned to keep the staff _(inform

14、) of what they are doing.(3)The police gained a great deal of useful _(inform) about the organization.of/about informed information (1)be in (great) demand 有(迫切)需求satisfy/meet ones demands满足某人的需求(2)demand to do sth要求做某事demand that(should) do 要求sth demand(s) to be donesth demand(s) doing某事需要被做demandn

15、需求;要求vt.强烈要求demandingadj.要求很高的;费力的 4【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)Science graduates are _ greater demand than art ones in China. However, science and art are of the same importance.(2)The manager demanded that the workers _(work) extra hours to complete the task ahead of time.(3)Mr Zhang decided to quit his highly

16、paid but _(demand) job.in (should) work demanding (1)approve of sth赞成/同意某事approve of sb/ones doing sth赞成/同意某人做某事(2)in approval (作状语)同意approval for sth对的批准approvevt.& vi.赞成;认可;批准approvaln赞成;批准;同意 5【提示】 approve表示“赞成;同意”时,为不及物动词,跟宾语时,后面需加of;表示“批准;通过”时,为及物动词,直接跟宾语。【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)Her father will never ap

17、prove of her _(go) to the border regions. (2)The new proposals have won the _(approve) of the board.(3)She said that several countries needed to get parliamentary approval _ the plan, which would take some weeks.going approval for (1)concentrate on (doing) sth专心于(做)某事concentrate ones mind/attention

18、on (fix ones attention onfocus ones attention on/uponbe absorbed in) 集中注意力于;专心于(2)concentration n专心;专注;关注concentrate on集中;全神贯注于 1【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)As far as I am concerned, _(concentrate) is the first requirement for learning. (2)Kelly worked late into the night, _(concentrate) on her speech for the co

19、nference on education.concentration concentrating 【写作微技能】句式升级(3)他专注于小说,没有注意到我向他走去。普通表达:He _ the novel _ my walking up to him.(并列句)高 级 表 达 : _ _,he didnt notice my walking up to him.(with复合结构)concentrated his mind on and didnt notice With his mind concentrated on the novel 高级表达:_,he didnt notice my w

20、alking up to him.(独立主格结构)His mind concentrated on the novel (1)depend on/upon sb to do sth依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb for sth 依靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that 指望;对深信不疑(2)That depends./It all depends.视情况而定。(3)rely on/count on依靠depend on/upon依靠;依赖2to make 【写作微技能】补全句子(2)你可以相信在你处于困境时我会帮助你的。Yon can _ I will h

21、elp you when you are in trouble.depend on it that be to动词原形1【句式点拨】“be to动词原形”的常见用法:(1)表示按计划、安排即将发生某事或打算做某事。(2)指该做或不该做某事(语气上接近于should, must, ought to, have to),表示命令或禁止。(3)指可能或不可能发生某事(接近于can, may),表示可能性。(4)表示不可避免将要发生或后来注定要发生某事。【写作微技能】补全句子(1)不得将这个图书馆的书籍带出去,这是所有读者需要遵守的。 The books in the library _ outsid

22、e, which all the readers should obey.(2)那里很远,如果想按时到那儿,我们最好现在就走。If we _ there on time, wed better go now since its a place far away.are not to be taken are to be never置于句首的倒装句2英语中,以下情况使用部分倒装:(1)以never, hardly, seldom, scarcely, barely, little, not only, not once, not until等表示否定意义的词(组)开头的句子部分倒装。(2)以so

23、, nor, neither开头的句子部分倒装,表示重复前句内容,谓语应与前句谓语在时态、语态上一致。(3)在as引导的让步状语从句中,用部分倒装。(4)在sothat(如此以至于)句型中,若so提至句首,则用部分倒装。(5)only加状语且位于句首时,其后的主句用部分倒装。 【写作微技能】高考小作文(山东卷书面表达)我们决不能放弃梦想,我们只有坚持自己的梦想,才能够克服各种挑战。On no condition _;_only if we can stick to our dreams _ _.can we give up our dreams will we be able to get o

24、ver all kinds of challenges 抽象地点名词定语从句 3【考点训练】单句语法填空(1)I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.(2)This restaurant has an inviting, homelike atmosphere _ many others are short of.(3)All the neighbours admire this family, _ the parents are treating their child lik

25、e a friend. where that/which where 知识要点巩固1I have an _(appoint) with the manager of that company in the evening.2They investigated the problem _(thorough) before making the decision.3In desperation, Mrs Jones submitted _ an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain. appointment thoroughly to 4G

26、enerally speaking, a political leader should have a good nose _ current affairs.5I still feel _(guilt) about what I said to my father when I was a teenager.6The man was clever, and _(gift) with a sharp business brain.7He didnt notice his mother enter his room with his attention _(concentrate) on the

27、 computer games.for guilty gifted concentrated 8Rational, unemotional self _(assess) should tell us whether or not we have the skills and ability to do something.9I can think of many cases _ students knew quite a few English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay.10You can never depend

28、 on your wife _(do) all the housework for you. Its also what you should do.assessment where to do .单句改错1A thoroughly cleaning is required to be given to our classroom with the National Day drawing near._2The manager promised that they would try to meet their customers demand._thoroughlythorough dema

29、nddemands 3.Not only did he assist me for the settlement of the conflict, but also showed me around the city._4Only after his mother lost her temper did he approve seeing a doctor and having a good rest. _5So hard did Henry study his lessons that he got ahead all the other students in the same grade

30、._forwith approve后加of ahead后加of 6All of you supposed to finish your homework before you go out to play football, or youll be punished._7The students often get informations from the Internet, though it isnt always useful._8I can recognize Tony at first sight. As you know, never was he polished his le

31、ather shoes or washed his hat. _supposed前加are informationsinformation washas 9Never before I made an appointment with a doctor. I even dont know what the doctors telephone number is._10I am looking for a position that my research and writing skills can be made good use of._before后加have thatwhere .课文

32、语法填空Zhou Yang, an assistant journalist, goes to the office of a popular English newspaper. His new boss, Hu Xin instructs him 1._ to be a good journalist.At first, Zhou Yang is put as an assistant to an 1._(experience) journalist. Later, he can cover a story and submit the article all by himself. Th

33、ere is no need for him to take photographs by himself, with a 3._(profession) photographer around. how experienced professional Because he took an amateur course at university to update his skills, he decides 4._(concentrate) on photography later. A good journalist must have a good nose5._ a story a

34、nd try to discover the truth. Here is something a journalist should keep 6._ mind: dont miss his deadline, or be rude, or talk too much, but do listen carefully. 7._,_he must prepare the next question 8._(depend) on what the interviewee says. to concentrate for in Meanwhile depending In order to get

35、 the evidence to support his story, he can make use of a recorder to get the fact straight.was accused deliberately .微写作(黑体部分用本单元词汇或句式表达)My uncle is a journalist, from whom I know something about being a journalist. Being a professional journalist is 1._(要求高的但是令人钦佩的)You have to 2._(对最新的消息敏感), edit t

36、he stories and 3._(在截止日期前上交它们). demanding but admirable have a nose for the latest news submit them before the deadline My parents say Im gifted for that and 4._(支持我成为记者的决定) in future. 5._(我很高兴的是) they support me. Im determined to be an excellent journalist, and 6. _(我绝不会让父母失望/never倒装句)approve of my decision to be a journalist Im very delighted that never will I let my parents down



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