2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Friendship课件 新人教版必修1

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1、必修必修1 1Unit 1Unit 1FriendshipFriendship基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展 1.1. vt.(vt.(使使) )担忧担忧 n.n.担心担心 adj.adj.担心的担心的 prep.prep.关于关于2.2. vt.& vi.vt.& vi.遭受遭受; ;经历经历 n.n.痛苦痛苦; ;苦难苦难 n.n.受苦者受苦者3.3. vt.vt.不理睬不理睬; ;忽视忽视 adj.adj.无知的无知的 n.n.无知无知concernconcernconcernedconcernedcon

2、cerningconcerningsuffersuffersufferingsufferingsufferersuffererignoreignoreignorantignorantignoranceignorance单单词词拓拓展展 4.4. adj.adj.完全的完全的 adv.adv.完全地完全地5.5. n.n.能力能力; ;力量力量 adj.adj.强有力的强有力的 adj.adj.无力的无力的 6.6. vi.vi.定居定居 vt.vt.使定居使定居 n.n.定居定居; ;解决解决 n.n.定居者定居者7.7. vi.& vt.vi.& vt.痊愈痊愈; ;恢复恢复 n.n.痊愈痊

3、愈; ;恢复恢复8.8. adj.adj.心烦意乱的心烦意乱的 vt.vt.使心烦使心烦entireentireentirelyentirelypowerpowerpowerfulpowerfulpowerlesspowerlesssettlesettlesettlementsettlementsettlersettlerrecoverrecoverrecoveryrecoveryupsetupset单单词词拓拓展展 9.9. vt.& vi.(vt.& vi.(使使) )平静平静 adj.adj.平静的平静的10.10. adj.adj.松的松的11.11. vi.& vt.vi.& vt.

4、捆扎捆扎 n.n.小包小包12.12. adj.adj.感激的感激的13.Series 13.Series n.n. . .14.swap 14.swap vt.vt. . .15.Item 15.Item n.n. . . calmcalmloose loose packpackgratefulgrateful连续连续; ;系列系列交换交换项目项目; ;条款条款 短短语语记记忆忆1.add 1.add 合计合计2.go 2.go 经历经历; ;经受经受3.set 3.set 记下记下; ;放下放下; ;登记登记4.get along 4.get along 与与相处相处; ;进展进展5.ca

5、lm.5.calm. ( (使使) )平静下来平静下来6.be concerned 6.be concerned 关心关心; ;挂念挂念7.a series 7.a series 一连串的一连串的; ;一系列一系列8.8. purpose purpose故意故意9.9. Dusk Dusk 在黄昏时刻在黄昏时刻10.suffer 10.suffer 遭受遭受; ;患病患病11.get/be tired 11.get/be tired 对对厌烦厌烦 upupthroughthroughdowndownwithwithdowndownaboutaboutofofononatatfromfromof

6、of句句型型整整理理1.While 1.While ,you were careless and it ,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. got loose and was hit by a car. 在遛狗的时候在遛狗的时候, ,你不小心让狗跑了你不小心让狗跑了, ,然后被汽车撞了。然后被汽车撞了。2.I wonder if 2.I wonder if because I havent been able to be because I havent been able to be outdoors for s

7、o long outdoors for so long Ive grown so crazy about Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故, ,我变得对一切与大自我变得对一切与大自 然有关的事物都无比狂热。然有关的事物都无比狂热。3.it was 3.it was in a year and a half in a year and a half that that the ni

8、ght face to face. the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚 walkingwalkingthethedogdogitsitsthatthatthethefirstfirsttimetimeIdIdseenseen考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难提知能提知能1.upset adj.1.upset adj.心烦意乱的心烦意乱的; ;不安的不安的; ;不适的不适的 vt. vt.使不安使不安; ;使心烦使心烦; ;弄翻弄翻巧学助记巧学助记Several flies kept Several flies kep

9、t upsettingupsetting Xiao Ming when he was doing his homework. Xiao Ming when he was doing his homework.He was so He was so upsetupset that he that he upsetupset the cup on the desk. the cup on the desk.归纳拓展归纳拓展be upset about/over/at sth.be upset about/over/at sth.为某事烦心为某事烦心(sth.) upset sb.(sth.) up

10、set sb.(某事某事) )使某人心烦意乱使某人心烦意乱(sb.) upset sth.(sb.) upset sth.(某人某人) )打翻打翻/ /弄翻某物弄翻某物upset oneself about sth.upset oneself about sth.某人为某事而烦恼某人为某事而烦恼 高考运用高考运用: :语法填空语法填空Dont upset Dont upset (you) about it.No harm has been done.(you) about it.No harm has been done.(upset)people in this way is conside

11、red impolite.(upset)people in this way is considered impolite.I was weak in English,which made me really I was weak in English,which made me really (upset).(upset).答案答案: :yourselfyourselfUpsettingUpsettingupsetupset2.calm vt.& vi.(2.calm vt.& vi.(使使) )平平( (镇镇) )静静;(;(使使) )镇定镇定 adj. adj.平静的平静的; ;镇静的镇

12、静的; ;沉着的沉着的归纳拓展归纳拓展calm (sb.) down (calm (sb.) down (使某人使某人) )平静下来平静下来, ,镇静下来镇静下来stay/keep/remain calmstay/keep/remain calm保持镇静保持镇静 高考运用高考运用: :语法填空语法填空I placed the chick in the nest,and it quickly I placed the chick in the nest,and it quickly (calm) down.(calm) down.(2017(2017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解B)B)We sho

13、uld keep We should keep (calm) in face of danger.(calm) in face of danger.答案答案: :calmedcalmedcalmcalm词语辨析词语辨析: :calmcalm平静的平静的, ,镇静的。指无风浪或人的心境镇定自若。镇静的。指无风浪或人的心境镇定自若。quietquiet宁静的宁静的, ,安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦安静的。指没有声音、不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。虑。stillstill静止的静止的, ,不动的。指没有运动或动作的状态。不动的。指没有运动或动作的状态。silentsilent寂静的寂静

14、的, ,沉默的沉默的, ,不发音的。指没有声音或不讲话。不发音的。指没有声音或不讲话。Everything Everything was was quietquiet except except that that the the heavy heavy rain rain struck struck the the window. window. Then Then the the mudslide mudslide happened,but happened,but the the frightened frightened people people stood stood there

15、there stillstill,not ,not knowing knowing what what to to do.He do.He remained remained calmcalm in in the the face face of of the the danger,and danger,and led led all all the the people people to to the the safe safe place.Later place.Later he he kept kept silentsilent over his brave behavior.over

16、 his brave behavior.3.concern vt.(3.concern vt.(使使) )担忧担忧; ;涉及涉及; ;关系到关系到 n. n.担心担心; ;关注关注;(;(利害利害) )关系关系归纳拓展归纳拓展concern oneself about sth.concern oneself about sth. 使某人自己关心某事使某人自己关心某事be concerned about/for sth.be concerned about/for sth. 担心担心;关心关心be concerned withbe concerned with与与有关有关; ;涉及涉及as/so

17、 far as.be concernedas/so far as.be concerned 就就而言而言; ;依依之见之见 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子对你的房间的颜色作出更大的决定涉及到墙面、天花板和地板。对你的房间的颜色作出更大的决定涉及到墙面、天花板和地板。 The large color decisions in your rooms The large color decisions in your rooms the walls, the walls, ceilings,and floors.( ceilings,and floors.(20182018全国全国,七选五七

18、选五)现在人们关注他们的居住环境。现在人们关注他们的居住环境。 Nowadays people Nowadays people the environment where they the environment where they live. live.答案答案: :concernconcernare concerned aboutare concerned about4.suffer v.4.suffer v.遭受遭受; ;忍受忍受; ;经历经历归纳拓展归纳拓展s su uf ff fe er r v vt t. .遭遭 受受; ;蒙蒙 受受, ,后后常常跟跟 p pa ai in n/

19、 /d de ef fe ea at t/ /l lo os ss s/ / d da am ma ag ge e/ /p po ov ve er rt ty y/ /h hu un ng ge er r/ /p pu un ni is sh hm me en nt t/ /i il ll ln ne es ss s/ / hardship hardship等。等。suffer vi.suffer vi.后常与介词后常与介词 fromfrom连用连用, ,表示表示“受受折磨折磨; ; 受受之苦之苦; ;患某种疾病患某种疾病”。 高考运用高考运用: :语法填空语法填空Six months aft

20、er Six months after (suffer)our defeat on the spring practice (suffer)our defeat on the spring practice field,we won our first game and our second.( field,we won our first game and our second.(20182018天津天津, ,完形填空完形填空)He is suffering He is suffering severe heart trouble.severe heart trouble.答案答案: :su

21、fferingsufferingfromfrom5.add up 5.add up 合计合计, ,把把加起来加起来归纳拓展归纳拓展add to add to 增加增加; ;增添增添( (多用于抽象意义多用于抽象意义) )add sth. to sth.add sth. to sth.把把加到加到/ /进进里里add up toadd up to加起来共计加起来共计/ /达达( (不用于被动语态不用于被动语态) )add v.add v.补充说补充说 高考运用高考运用: :完成句子完成句子他补充说剧院的位置也是一个原因。他补充说剧院的位置也是一个原因。 He He that the theate

22、rs location was also a reason.that the theaters location was also a reason.(2017(2017全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解B)B)恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。 The bad weather The bad weather our difficulties.our difficulties.答案答案: :addedaddedadded toadded to6.go through6.go through经历经历; ;经受经受归纳拓展归纳拓展仔细检查仔细检查用完用完做完做完浏览浏览通过通过 高考

23、运用高考运用: :写出下列句中写出下列句中go throughgo through的含义的含义I myself went through this searching process and found something I myself went through this searching process and found something that has changed my experience. that has changed my experience.(2017(2017全国全国,完形填空完形填空) )Everyone expects this bill to go t

24、hrough Congress(Everyone expects this bill to go through Congress(国会国会)quickly.)quickly. The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went through The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they went through his bag,but found nothing. his bag,but found nothing.答案答案: :经历经历通过通过仔细检查仔细检查7.set d

25、own7.set down记下记下; ;放下放下; ;登记登记归纳拓展归纳拓展set upset up开办开办; ;建立建立; ;设立设立set asideset aside留出留出; ;拨出拨出( (时间、金钱等时间、金钱等););不顾不顾; ;把把置于置于 一边一边set offset off出发出发; ;动身动身; ;引起引起; ;使爆炸使爆炸set out to do sth.set out to do sth.开始、着手做某事开始、着手做某事set about doing sth.set about doing sth.着手做某事着手做某事 高考运用高考运用: :用适当的短语填空用适

26、当的短语填空The news that we are going camping this weekend The news that we are going camping this weekend a a rush of excitement. rush of excitement.Youd better Youd better some time every day for sports so some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.that you can keep yourself

27、 energetic.He He every word that he could hear to avoid leaving every word that he could hear to avoid leaving out something important.out something important.答案答案: :set offset offset asideset asideset downset down8.get along with8.get along with与与相处相处; ;进展进展归纳拓展归纳拓展get along/on well with sb.get alo

28、ng/on well with sb.与某人相处得好与某人相处得好get along/on well with sth.get along/on well with sth.某事进展得好某事进展得好/ /顺利顺利getget常见短语常见短语: : get across get across讲清楚讲清楚;(;(使使) )被领会被领会 get around ( get around (消息消息) )传开传开; ;四处走动四处走动 get down to (doing) sth. get down to (doing) sth.认真做某事认真做某事; ;着手做某事着手做某事( (其其 中中toto为

29、介词为介词) ) get over get over克服克服 高考运用高考运用: :用适当的短语填空用适当的短语填空The final exam is coming soon.Its time for us to The final exam is coming soon.Its time for us to our our studies. studies.It is hard for the government to It is hard for the government to the present the present difficulties.difficulties.答案答

30、案: :get down toget down toget overget over9.While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was 9.While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. hit by a car.在遛狗的时候在遛狗的时候, ,你不小心让狗跑了你不小心让狗跑了, ,然后它被汽车撞了。然后它被汽车撞了。 句中句中while walking the dogwhile walking the d

31、og为省略句形式为省略句形式, ,相当于相当于while you were walking while you were walking the dog the dog。归纳拓展归纳拓展当当when,while,until,if,unless,though,even though,as, when,while,until,if,unless,though,even though,as, as ifas if等词引导的时间、条件、让步或方式状语从句中的主等词引导的时间、条件、让步或方式状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或状语从句主语为语与主句的主语一致或状语从句主语为it,it,且谓语动词为且谓语

32、动词为bebe时时, ,常将从句的主语和常将从句的主语和bebe动词省略。动词省略。 高考运用高考运用: :语法填空语法填空Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while (enjoy) (enjoy) a live music show and nice street entertainment. a live music show and nice street entertainment.(2018(2018全国全国,阅读理解阅读

33、理解A)A)When When (ask) about the secret of his success,he said that he (ask) about the secret of his success,he said that he owed much of his success to his wife and children. owed much of his success to his wife and children.答案答案: :enjoyingenjoyingaskedasked10.I wonder if it10.I wonder if its becaus

34、e I havens because I havent been able to be outdoors for t been able to be outdoors for so long that I so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. nature.我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故, ,我变得对一切与大自我变得对一切与大自 然有关的事物都无比狂热。然有

35、关的事物都无比狂热。 本句中本句中its.that.its.that.为强调句型。基本结构如下为强调句型。基本结构如下: : 基本句式基本句式:It is/was+:It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+that/who+其他成分。其他成分。 not.until. not.until.句型的强调句结构为句型的强调句结构为: : It is/was not until+ It is/was not until+被强调部分被强调部分+that+that+其他部分。其他部分。高考运用高考运用: :语法填空语法填空It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house we we saw Lily in the passenger seat.( saw Lily in the passenger seat.(20182018天津卷天津卷)I wonder what it is I wonder what it is makes him so excited.makes him so excited.答案答案: :thatthatthatthat



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