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1、Unit8 Buying clothes?第2课时A: Which (pair of) do you like, the one or the one?Ask and answerReviewB: I like the one.Culture cornerPresentationHere are some traditional clothes from China, India and Japan.ChinaIndiaJapanCulture cornerPresentationListen and answerPractice1) Where are Kitty, Ben and Mrs

2、Li?2) What does Kitty want to buy3) What does Ben want to buy? 4) Which pair of trousers does Ben like, the white one or the brown one? 5) Which pair of trousers is Ben s size, the white one or the brown one?Let s watchPracticeListen and answerPractice1) Where are Kitty, Ben and Mrs Li?2) What does

3、Kitty want to buy3) What does Ben want to buy? They are at a clothes shop.She wants to buy a dress.He wants to buy a pair of trousers.Listen and answerPractice4) Which pair of trousers does Ben like, the white one or the brown one? 5) Which pair of trousers is Ben s size, the white one or the brown

4、one?He likes the brown one.The brown one is Ben s size.Let s learnPracticeIt s your size.意为:这是你的尺寸。意为:这是你的尺寸。通常用于买衣服时。通常用于买衣服时。Let s learnPracticetry on She is trying on the dress. Ask and answerPracticeA: Which bike do you like, the red one or the greenone?B: I like the green one.Listen and followP

5、racticeMrs Li: Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?Kitty: I like the pink one. Pink is my favourite colour. I like the blue one too. It s beautiful.Mrs Li: You can try both on.Kitty: That s great!Listen and followPracticeMrs Li: Which pair of trousers do you like, the white one or

6、the brown one?Ben: I like the brown one.Mrs Li: Here you are. It s your size.Ben: OK. I ll try on the trousers.Level1:分角色朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。Level2: 三人一组,试着表演出来吧。PracticeAct it outTick the correct answers.PracticeMake a new conversationPracticeWhich coat do you like, the pink one or the green one? I want a new coat.It s 95 yuan.The pink one, please.How much is it? Summary1. 询问和描述对某物的偏爱和优先选择权:Which (pair of) do you like, the one or the one?I like the one.2. 短语和常用语:try on It s your size.1.观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。2.仿照“ Ask and answer ”部分和你的同学做问答练习。3.预习“Read a story”。Homework



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