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1、CanCan itsellcheaperPresentationbyWanwanThe Art of BargainingDefinitionBasic bargaining thoughtsBasic bargaining tipsBasic Bargaining ProcessWhatisbargainingBargainingorhaggling(讨价还价)isatypeofnegotiation(谈判)inwhichthebuyerandsellerdispute(争论)thepricethatwillbepaidandtheexactnatureofthetransaction(交易

2、)thatwilltakeplace,andeventuallycometoanagreement.Basic bargaining thoughtsBe clear about When you can & cant bargainDont feel embarrassed or guilty for haggling. Dont get too worked up(生气的) if you still end up paying more than the given price. Basic bargaining tipsDontletthem“anchor”(抛锚)youwiththei

3、rfirstprice Sellers love to use this psychological anchoring trick by starting with a grossly inflated(严重夸大的) price in order to fool customers into thinking that theyre getting a deal after some haggling. Dont shop impulsively(冲动地) Try to compare different shopsandtakementalnotestogetasenseofhowmuch

4、thingscost.Before starting negotiating, have a mental maximum price in mind Otherwise, its too easy to get emotionally attached and invested in the process and end up regretting a purchaseDont express too much interest Otherwise the seller will “take advantage”, and take the opportunity to raise the

5、 price of your favorite objects several times.Just, adopt a casual “I could take it or leave it” attitudeImprove your leverage(手段) by pointing out any defects(缺点) or poor workmanship (手艺) Similarly, dont be shy about telling them how cheaply the other vendor is offering.Think outside the box for oth

6、er points of negotiation if youre at a point where theres no more price movement Be Polite: You can express your dissatisfaction in a price without being rude. Whether you are pointing out that a product has not met your needs, or whether you feel that you can get a better price elsewhere, you can s

7、till behave civilly(谦恭地). Basic bargaining tipsDontletthem“anchor”(抛锚)youwiththeirfirstprice.Dontshopimpulsively(冲动地)unlessyourepressed(紧迫的)fortimeandyoudontthinkyoullbeabletofindasimilaritem.Beforestartingnegotiating,haveamentalmaximumpriceinmind.Dontexpresstoomuchinterest.Improveyourleverage(杠杆作用)

8、bypointingoutanydefects(缺点)orpoorworkmanship(手艺)Thinkoutsidetheboxforotherpointsofnegotiationifyoureatapointwheretheresnomorepricemovement.Bepolite.Basic Bargaining ProcessDont be quick to counter-offerUse silence and see if he drops the price firstRepeat Stick to bargain until there is no more price movement.The walk-away Your final ploy(策略) is to pull the old “walk away” technique. You slowly walk away.and he pulls you back and gives his “final price”.Thank You



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