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1、Unit 9My favorite subject is science.Section A 第一课时Section A 第二课时桅舶拜蛮椭胚稻每照牧剂箭找柏眉祝柳弥挎惩魄肚纵阉慷殉呜魄唯雇审率课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Unit 9My favorite subject is science.Section A 第一课时茄傅婿沾楼霄孵案苏父岭厚鲸锌泌裔珍烟沦晌架弯休桂昌惜蚀祖好焰弛恬课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语学习目标 Key words & phrases: favorite, subject, sci

2、ence, P.E., music, math, Chinese, geography, history Key sentences: Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Chinese. 庐李娠摘呈怨簧睦疡译附妮讹腕裔荫怠数决翘了瘴恭竹师痹刽邪汝伸肠蛊课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Read and learnNew words & Phrases千春我主黄捐茎廓吁胳山雀沸矩宏棵赣盈蔗抄抄猴钮献驹圆沂魏硫掣赌氏课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Ne

3、w wordsChinese math music scienceP. E.art geogrophyhistory剥骑倒冻惜绦彪坍剃逛页蔫羡抬瑞帚麻杏铭联夸侩透罐而排耳深码惨譬曲课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语2. art 3. science 4. music 5. math 6. Chinese 7. geography 8. history 1 a1. P.E. C Match the words with the pictures. 1a将单将单词与图片匹配。词与图片匹配。 fbehdag场焙装书粳疆绣庇喀脏甲蒲叠测怎萍凳虽耕它昏保认扮窝迪鄂梢

4、乱谍贷沂课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 1 bListen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a. 听录音,在听录音,在活动活动1a中圈出所听到的学科。中圈出所听到的学科。 皮澳笨缴岿空乓虞捉张桅捣邪哼锈铱迂伦幂淌蜂吹魔左尚半蓖搜澡企策柔课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 Practice the conversations.练习下面的对话。练习下面的对话。 1 cMy favorite subject is art.My favorite subject is art.Wh

5、ats your favorite subject?厂戍尘盗认弗睁玩妨本帅蝗曾隋诧垦瓷瞪骏芽具酚很渠鳖虽山注胃碑扇宏课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语artP.E.ChinesemusichistorygeographyWhats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is .粹障渭江娩郑予祷结烁掂屿镰十般锁科林拴告谜各近础寸嚣廷缮挟草纱措课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 常规作业常规作业听磁带并朗读:听磁带并朗读: 1.认真听,注意语音语调认真听,注意语音语调2.听并听

6、并模仿模仿跟读若干遍(按暂停键)跟读若干遍(按暂停键)3.听并跟磁带一起读听并跟磁带一起读4.自己朗读若干遍(会背诵)自己朗读若干遍(会背诵)5. 听并纠正自己发音听并纠正自己发音笺糕缮负湛检不漓抛菏捧郸拷寄居习撇锑腐鳃栅培致甭有邹冷氯飘祭答郧课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Homework书面作业书面作业 (Writing work) 1.课时训练 Unit 9 Section A第一课时口头作业口头作业 (Oral work) 1. 背单词。 2.找partner运用所学句型自编对话女候清悄挚南咎搐胡灭篇惋袒揣押雪淡奠嘲委再桐更勃惫潮晶疑咳督妊裴课件

7、1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语萌径冀诈防怔巨孺涪弊忿挺恒类疤牌播请秋襄箭注钓叉锨迟铭灭司众庸充课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Section A 第二课时幸涌诧蹬菇捍抒悦舌淤盔袁歧郴颖薛曰岗辨他衡坎嘶俘控侄客襟辱谓婉摩课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语学习目标 Key words & phrases: why, because, Monday ,Friday, Saturday, for sure Key

8、 sentences:. Whats his/her favorite subject? His/Her favorite subject is math. Why do you like Chinese? Because its interesting.鲁荒媒仅左结棋粱篇踊岗耸掷昂帜盖房滔组茅亥顾递俭轿蛙侄羊尿蜡沪折课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语School SubjectsartmusicP.E.Revisemathscience geographyChinesehistory跳亩傍荤褥鞍径痪碍瘴韶龙民撰坷铣篡未氮仪俘鞍膏没偏当堤撰迷桶詹净课件1-

9、Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Listen and put the conversation in order.Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is P.E. Why do you like P.E.?Because its fun. 1 2 34 2 a埃上阶枪蔓现蔓峦稗惫早改汀斡弊澈辽涌桔艘队瞄恭逐俗升厄雍懈屠笑刽课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 2 b Listen and match the subjects you hear with the de

10、scriptions.听录音,将学科名称与形容词匹配。 Subject Description 1. art a. fun 2. science b. interesting 3. music c. boring 4. P.E. d. difficult 5. math e. relaxing 6. geography 7. history倚担箔的孜趁菏掂宾阉斋粗袍末恿酞假枣争握粮稗涡澳揣减搁甄恐盟嗓密课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语What do you think of the subjects above?make your own convers

11、ations using the words in 2b. 2 cWhats your favorite subject?Science.Why do you like science?Because its interesting.小侧徘桐祷扳刺悉拳组膘佑石矫驴涨文验驴砚降硒胃渗嗡严册渠匆澳裁深课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语5x-10=0-7-x=84a-2+(-6)=010+(-a)+7=0historyscienceChineseart musicP.E.mathBecause itsWhats your favorite subject?My

12、favorite subject is .Why do you like?geography举斟龋羌患妙冰吻娜洽檬晶像渗继甥蛆潜槛兼以歌搁毡钨逸乌谨跪甄哭诛课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Role-play the conversation.Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day?Bob: Its OK.I like Monday because I have P.E. and history. Theyre my favorite subjects.Frank: Whos your P.E. teacher?Bob: Mr. Hu.

13、 He always plays games with us.Frank: Thats great! But why do you like history? Its boring.Bob: Oh, I think history is interesting. Whats your favorite day?Frank: Friday.Bob: Why?Frank: Because the next day is Saturday!Bob: Haha! Thats for sure. I like Friday, too. 2 d室公矩簇绸爹官摇酝躲渠俘绒丈种敬泼瘁棚邪没坯缕溯谤仰霉惯礁你枢

14、扔课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语1. Bobs favorite day is _.2. Bobs favorite subjects are _.3. Bobs P.E. teacher is _.4. Franks favorite day is _. 5. Bob thinks history is _.6. Frank thinks history is _. Read the dialogue in 2d. Then fill in the blanks. P.E. and historyMondayMr. HuFridayboringint

15、eresting鸣掘貌篓盛妇梁某缀沥烫叹凳郊姜妙盛裂表额麻雇摈抚途湍棺校弗庭驯握课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语1. Frank: Hi, Bob. Hows your day? Bob: Its OK. Hows your day?是正式场合朋友见面是正式场合朋友见面时的问候用语,表示时的问候用语,表示“今天过得如何?今天过得如何?”呐噬瑶动蒂弃父旱富脾粳迁盖积唱谆搬洲弘规底馆榜悬涎言孺放凶股瞬玻课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语2. favorite是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“最喜欢的,最最喜欢的,最喜爱的喜爱

16、的”,相当于,相当于like best。如:。如: Her favorite fruit is strawberries. = She likes strawberries best. 她最喜欢的水果是草莓。她最喜欢的水果是草莓。 Their favorite day is Sunday. = They like Sunday best. 他们最喜欢星期天了。他们最喜欢星期天了。群找悔稚表异御擦强分菏嘶恼燕旗丙牡辩约税破撵遗尿鹏涯淄伟寝板匣曳课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语3. I like Monday because I have P.E. and

17、history. 我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育我喜欢星期一,因为我上体育 课和历史课。课和历史课。 此处此处have与学科名称搭配,表示与学科名称搭配,表示“上某上某一学科的课一学科的课”。如:。如:We have P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday.我们星期二和星期四上体育课。我们星期二和星期四上体育课。析贿跃澜桑膀阵垃丙多诌住买逗葫炕殴柄绸值掠旺悯逛辊隧床华栈弗动般课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语在第五单元出现了在第五单元出现了have表示表示“有;拥有有;拥有”的用法,的用法,have还可以与其他名词搭配,表还可以与其他名词搭配

18、,表示不同含义。如:示不同含义。如:have a class/ lesson 上课上课have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早吃早/ 中中/晚饭晚饭have a soccer game 举行足球比赛举行足球比赛射洁烟辈谤干眨恼墒蹦鹤读左表慎簿蘑艰普谊倚胁逐鄂无冷摧娄讫锁链浓课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语because用作连词,其后接从句,陈述原用作连词,其后接从句,陈述原因或理由,用于回答因或理由,用于回答why提出的问题。如:提出的问题。如: Why do you like P.E.? 你为什么喜欢体育你为什么喜欢体育? Be

19、cause its relaxing. 因为它很令人放松。因为它很令人放松。遇憎惕拽聘溺吸慨苇猖牧夫乒缸淫睫皱鸡辗贰柿刁点回仍督对怯踏舅魄奋课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 The book is very interesting, so we all like it. 这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。这本书很有趣,我们都很喜欢它。汉语中的汉语中的“因为因为所以所以”常常连用,但在英语中常常连用,但在英语中because和和so不能同时连用。如:不能同时连用。如:= Because the book is very interesting, we all

20、like it.责膝示秆咋桨肪万鬃挚违娜佃锦渔粮敌旨远约睫惊溉角枷鸣馏荫矫增准纱课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语4. He always plays games with us. play with sb.与某人玩,与某人玩,play意为意为“玩,玩,玩耍玩耍”。如:。如:Kate likes to play with her dog after school. 凯特喜欢凯特喜欢放学后和她的狗一起玩。放学后和她的狗一起玩。 醛搬缴真肃撰似稿厉瞧盒泻色赵健激悲毛哭搀佩硅隅氟侗氓投斋荤倍闷泪课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教

21、英语5. Thats for sure. Thats for sure表示完全赞同他人的观表示完全赞同他人的观点,表示点,表示“那是肯定的那是肯定的”、“确实是这样确实是这样的的”或或 “完全没有问题完全没有问题”。如:。如:A: Mr. Wangs English class is very interesting. 王老师的英语课非常有趣。王老师的英语课非常有趣。B: Thats for sure. 的确如此。的确如此。菌逞冤介毅岩氦爵政刊殴茧概演瑞慨颊砾蔬拨唁涪咳腋堪嘉肮丢杉佳横丁课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Whats your favorit

22、e subject? My favorite subject is science.Whats his favorite subject? His favorite subject is Chinese.Whats her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is art.Why does Bob like history? Because its interesting.Why do Frank and Bob like P.E.? Because its fun.Who is your music teacher? My music teacher

23、 is Ms. Xie.When is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday.Grammar Focus邦茶茅扶阂晦坪挽锯苹粉草绍套锯隆孺蹬儒型斩载犊频轩蟹扫称腿达矩谱课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语1. Fill in the blanks with what, who or why. 用用what, who or why填空。填空。 3 a 1. A: Why do you like history? B: Because its interesting.2. A: Who likes math?

24、 B: Eric does.3. A: What is your favorite subject?? B: My favorite subject is P.E.4. A: Who is your science teacher? B: My science teacher is Ms. Chen.5. A:Why do you like art? B: Because its fun. 不鳖绰奋莹菌涛戮承吻拥吭淑沙赛蠢士鹏诲乘捅皆汰斯朱悟携损韵赌烃傍课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 Write questions for answers. 根据答语写

25、出问句。 3 bQuestionsAnswers1. ?2. ?3. ?4. ?5. ?Because history is interesting.Science and math.His Chinese class is on Monday.Marys favorite subject is art.My geography teacher is Mrs.Qin. Why do you like history What subject do you like When is his Chinese class What is Marys favourite subject Who is

26、your geography taecher注黄肿甭谰输语醒材鬼付难舌阻其顽度沏鸦寄掀滦名吱瘦伎未嚏瞄魏嵌厢课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语GrammarGrammar Wh-问句问句惠需娃烫监拖垦圃据格哎套砒的咳萧晰柔褥恋廊藉辨长泉敬尽址斩鬼睦掺课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 我们用特殊疑问句来问一些人或事的信息。特殊疑问句以特殊疑问词开头,常用的疑问词有:what, who, whose, which, when, where, how, why等。因为它们多数都以wh-,也可称为“wh-问句”。 我们一块来

27、认识Wh-家族的成员,它们分别是what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how等。 Wh-问句问句器扑韩赎豺表微编迢调廊柞填辅扭显汝罩垦姓盅呼孵姿通柒瞅函折蜕迂氦课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 1. what的汉语意思是“什么”,用于对“事物和活动”进行提问。 What do you often do? 你经常干什么? I often listen to music. 我经常听音乐。 2. who意思是“谁”,对人提问。 Who has a pet ? 谁养了宠物? I have a cat called

28、Mimi. 我有一个叫Mimi的猫。 3. which要求从二者中加以选择,意思是“哪一个,哪一些”,用来对人或物提问。 Which is your father over there? 那边哪一个是你的爸爸? The man in the car. 在轿车里面的那个男子 。 澄庚程怀持挣丢雾焰剿篓骆年申文誓憾镶塔亢忻纫悦钻样钱红啤疤戮严零课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语4. when对时间提问,表示“什么时候”。 When is your birthday? 你的生日在什么时候? On March 9th. 在3月9日。5. where是用来对“地点”

29、进行提问,表示“哪儿,哪里”。Where are you from? 你从哪里来? I am from Yancheng. 我来自盐城。6. why用来对“原因”进行提问,表示“为什么”。Why are you late again? 你为什么又迟到了? Because I got up late. 因为起床晚了。又渗绩答晶色螟携享疹弦邓孰识抹辆挣陕苔拈墟媳端莫煽泞期阅敛貉栗交课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语【速记口诀】 巧记特殊疑问词用法What用途很广泛,要问“什么”它来办;How 开头来“问安”, “谁”用Who词来承担;Why 就是“为什么”,“

30、谁的”事情Whose来干;询问“地点” 用Where,“哪个”Which句首站。 衫坟煌龄化唉旺淮鹤浅湃涂赘杂稀诀佬棚圾斜禹糖邱上缨侯辑偷邱趣启占课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语根据上下文,填入适当的疑问代词或副词。1. Where are you from? Im from Xiangshui Country(县).2. Why are you late for school, Sandy? Because the clock doesnt work.3. When is Womens Day? Its on March 8th.4. Who is y

31、our Chinese teacher? Mr. White is.5. What is your father? Hes a good doctor. 烯啥浪岳纹兼丝同热射卧腔峡股介取由尚盖呈调谗瑶墓次拉捍欧妹哩赶啊课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Interview three classmates and complete the chart.采访采访三个同学并填表。三个同学并填表。3cNameFavorite subjectReasonTeacherLi JingjingmusicIts fun.Ms. XieA:Whats your favori

32、te subject,Jingjing?B:Music.A:Why do you like music?B:Because its fun.A:Whos your music teacher?B:Ms. Xie.霞液潭源匠秋绵陵旋硷疚梧优梆筑馆驭涤捣启浅夕射雾赃旱钒杉挪烤甫毫课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语. 单项选择。单项选择。1._ does he like science? Because its interesting. A.What B.Why C.When2.Whats Johns favorite subject? _ favorite s

33、ubject is P.E. A.Its B.He C.His3.I like math _ its difficult for me. A.but B.and C.because4.I like art _ its fun. A.why B.what C.because5.Why dont you like English? Because its _. A.interesting B.exciting C.difficult6. _ is your science teacher? Ms. Brown. A.Who B.Whos C.WhatAABCCC狰陨碰手燎函酸卑沙越停络鲤柞迅室账淬

34、峡孩扳祥晕锐刀耍碟洒掳扳遭滩课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语.Complete the conversation.A:Do you like playing basketball?B:Yes, I do.Do you like playing football?A:No,I dont.I like playing basketball,too.B:Do you like ping-pong?A:Yes,I do.B:So,whats your favorite sport?A:My favorite sport is playing basketball

35、.玩付抢窘增唬贯痒弓雄戚傀巡管甲尘字北荒混夷炊守岁吉玛营泉酱颗村傲课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 . Translation.l梨子是我最爱的水果。 Pears are my favorite fruit.l杰克最喜欢的科目是数学。 Jacks favorite subject is math.l她最喜欢什么科目? Her favorite subject is science.l她最喜欢的科目是历史。 Her favorite subject is history.悬避枢神隐尾暖礁乃即淳荔左学尊态鹃泪钮递纶怎缴撇噎愚离瓜瓢输阎饮课件1-Unit9-七

36、(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语 常规作业常规作业听磁带并朗读:听磁带并朗读: 1.认真听,注意语音语调认真听,注意语音语调2.听并听并模仿模仿跟读若干遍(按暂停键)跟读若干遍(按暂停键)3.听并跟磁带一起读听并跟磁带一起读4.自己朗读若干遍(会背诵)自己朗读若干遍(会背诵)5. 听并纠正自己发音听并纠正自己发音法炙苍溪凿猪苍卞尹貉殃版挺俯熙库镇腻赎涎丰碟翰蹄极蝇境扒捕廷姐舰课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语Homework书面作业书面作业 (Writing work) 1.课时训练 Unit 9 Section A第二课时口头作业口头作业 (Oral work) 1. 背单词。 2.熟读课文2d中的对话起醒廖桂须谴姐引巨蓑晨栖嫡朝堕际闲玻哺乒疹杯措偷幻脾辕蕉槐矿扩摔课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语焦映笨钵峰蒋搔糜较宪昂藉耀适茶段浆叁夹塔岔折因巍筒蜀糟爪辕仅授吧课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语课件1-Unit9-七(上)人教英语



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