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1、 Protecting the Yangtze Protecting the Yangtze RiverRiverHow much do you know about the Yangtze River ?How long is The Yangtze River? Where does the river start and where does it flow to?How many provinces does it runs across? It runs across nine provinces.It is 6,300 kilometers long.It starts from

2、the Tuotuo River in the Kunlun Mountain and flows into the East China Sea.the rare animals and fishesWhite-flag dolphin Yangtze alligator(扬子鳄)扬子鳄) Zhonghua sturgeon (中华鲟)The location of Yangtze River in ChinaEast China seaThe Tibetan PlateauQinghai Tibet Sichuan Yunnan Chongqing Hubei Hunan Anhui Ji

3、angsu Jiangxi Tangla MountainA quiz1)What are the three longest freshwater rivers in the world?1. The River Nile in Africa2. The Amazon River in South America3. The Yangtze River in ChinaHow long is The Yangtze River? It is 6,300 kilometers long.What is the most famous natural scenery? Qutang GorgeX

4、iling GorgeWu GorgeThree Gorges DamWhat is the famous manmade project? WuhanNanjingJianyingThe famous bridges over the riverWushanXilingChongqingWuhuAnqingJiujiangWe are proud of the great river!We enjoy its beautiful sceneries! ButWhat has happened to the Yangtze River?The river is now facing serio

5、us problemsUnsafe drinking water has led to health problems for people living near the river. It has had harmful effects on the ecology of the area, killing many plants and animals.1. The Yangtze River is polluted mainly because_ .A. too much water is taken from the riverB. there are too many people

6、 living along the riverC. too much waste is being put into the riverD. many animals living in or along the river have been killed2. The writer holds a(n) _ attitude towards the future of the Yangtze River. A. positive B. negative C. unknown D. doubtfulFast reading P1: The environmental problems of t

7、he Yangtze River have raised concern P2: Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River and many environmental organizations and projects have been set upMain Idea for each Para. P3:Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. One is the water and s

8、oil preservation project. P4: The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins. P5:The _of the Yangtze River is improvingenvironmental situationFast readingSkim the passage and match the main idea with the correct paragraph.Matching: structure of the article (Paragraph 1)Paragraphs 2-4

9、Paragraph 5The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern.A lot of work has been done to protect the river.The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving.Part 1 Part 2Part 3Protecting the Yangtze RiverP1: Raising the problemP2(2-4): How to Solve the problemP3(5):C

10、onclusion The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concernA lot of work has been done to protect the river The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improvingEnvironmental organizationsWater and soilpreservation projectA nature reserve forwhite-dolphinsThe structure of t

11、he report1.raise concern L1 2.rely on L53.the(a) wide range of L64.set up L85.deal with L86.put.in danger L117.under way L128.result i n L139.replace .with. L1410.nature reserve L1611 in regard to L2112 have a long way to go L21 1引起关注2依靠3大量的4建立5处理6使。面临危险7在进行中8导致9用。代替10自然保护区11 至于12有很长的一段路要走Part B Und

12、erline useful phrases Language points1.raise, raised, raised vt. 升起,举起,抬起,提高,饲养, 引起,筹集 raise your hands to answer the question(举起) raise ones voice(提高) raise the workers salary(提高) raise a question(提出) raise money for the Red Cross(筹集) He has a big family to raise.(供养) His job in the army is raising

13、 pigs.(饲养) rise, rose, risen vi.指太阳、月亮的升起,河水、价格等的上涨,指太阳、月亮的升起,河水、价格等的上涨,也指起立、起床,说明主语自身移向较高的位置也指起立、起床,说明主语自身移向较高的位置The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.The water in the river has risen sharply.He is used to rising at six and reading English aloud.I cant help_ the goats because I am busy doi

14、ng my work.A.raising B. raised C. to raise D. being raised2 concern vt. 关系到;影响; 使担心;使关心;使烦恼n. 有关的事(可数); 关怀, 关心(不可数); 焦急, 忧虑(不可数)1基本构词concerned adj.担心的;烦恼的;忧虑的;有关的,涉及的(置于名词之后)concerning prep. 关于(about)2短语搭配 concern oneself with / in / about sth 关心某事; 忙于某事so/as far as.be concerned 就来说/而论be concerned w

15、ith/in 与有关be concerned about 担心,操心have no concern with 与无关show concern for sb 关心某人So far as I am concerned, the second arrangement is more suitable.就我来说,第二种安排更合适。For more information concerning the club, contact me, please.如果你想了解关于俱乐部的更多消息,请与我联系。3 rely on 依靠,依赖,信任rely on/ upon sb. for help 依靠某人的帮助re

16、ly on/upon ones own efforts依靠自己的努力rely on/ upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事rely on/ upon it that 相信(事情)Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.I relied on you(r) coming early.You can rely on it that it will rain thisweekend.You can rely on me to keep you secret.4. be under way: 已经开

17、始并进行着The project is under way.Economic recovery is already under way.under constructionunder considerationunder discussionunder repairunder investigationall the wayby the wayby way of find ones wayin any way in no way in ones (own) way一直,从头到尾一直,从头到尾顺便一说顺便一说1 1)经过,经由)经过,经由 2 2)为了)为了找到路,找到路, 设法到达设法到达不

18、管怎样,好歹不管怎样,好歹决不决不以自己的方式以自己的方式in the way oflead the way lose ones waymake ones waymake way forno way on ones (the ) way妨碍妨碍, ,阻挡,挡路阻挡,挡路领路,带路领路,带路 迷路迷路( (辛苦地辛苦地) )前进前进让路,让位让路,让位没门没门在途中在途中5. effort n. 努力努力make an effort/ efforts to domake every effort to dospare no effortwithout effort 他毫不费力地完成了这项任务。他

19、毫不费力地完成了这项任务。He did the task_ _.我将尽一切努力去完成我的目标。我将尽一切努力去完成我的目标。Ill _ _ _ to _ my aim.without effortmake every effort reach The rescue team made every_ to find the missing mountain climber.A. effort B. effect C. affect D. efforts 6 . appreciate v. 赏识,欣赏,感谢 appreciate sth./ doing sth.我很赏识你的才华。I _ your

20、_.他们非常感谢我们的及时帮助。They greatly _ our _ help.我恭候佳音。I shall _ _ _ you.appreciate talentsappreciate timelyappreciate hearing fromI really appreciate_ to relax with you on this nice island.A.to have had time B. having timeC. to have time D. to having time.Use another form of the word in bold in the first

21、sentences to fill in the blank in the second sentence. 1.Her opinion on the matter differs from mine. You can make a real _ to someones life by helping them to go to university. 2. Smoking is a danger to your health. The factory has been releasing _ chemicals into the air for years. differencedanger

22、ous3. Parents should educate their children on what to do in case of a fire. No country can afford to overlook the value of _. 4. Thankfully, the documents survived the fire. His only chance of_ was a heart operation. 5. Mike is responsible for designing the new model. I think we have a moral_to help those who are in need. 6. Please accept this present in appreciation for all you have done for us. I would_ you letting me know when you will be home. educationsurvivalresponsibilityappreciate



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