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1、Welcome to the unit【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件Did you watch any match of London Olympic Games?【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件Do you still remember them?易思玲生于易思玲生于1989年是年是中中国女子射击队国女子射击队运动员,运动员,2008年进入中国国家射年进入中国国家射击队。击队。 2012年参加伦年参加伦敦奥运会。敦奥运会。2012年年7月月28日,易思玲在日,易思玲在伦敦奥伦敦奥

2、运会运会女子女子10米气步枪项米气步枪项目上获得金牌。目上获得金牌。【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件孙杨,主攻中长距离孙杨,主攻中长距离自由泳自由泳。2012年年伦敦奥运会伦敦奥运会上,男子上,男子400米自由泳决赛中,孙杨夺米自由泳决赛中,孙杨夺得中国男子游泳奥运会第一枚得中国男子游泳奥运会第一枚金牌;男子金牌;男子200米自由泳决赛,米自由泳决赛,孙杨夺得银牌;男子孙杨夺得银牌;男子4200米米自由泳接力决赛中,中国队依自由泳接力决赛中,中国队依靠孙杨最后一棒发力而夺得铜靠孙杨最后一棒发力而夺得铜牌,这是中国男子游泳奥运会牌,这是中国

3、男子游泳奥运会接力第一枚奖牌;男子接力第一枚奖牌;男子1500米米自由泳决赛中,孙杨夺得金牌,自由泳决赛中,孙杨夺得金牌,打破了由自己保持的原世界纪打破了由自己保持的原世界纪录。录。【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件叶诗文,叶诗文,中国女子游泳队中国女子游泳队运运动员。动员。2012年伦敦奥运会年伦敦奥运会上,上,16岁的叶诗文在女子岁的叶诗文在女子400米米混合泳决赛中,以混合泳决赛中,以4分分28秒秒43的成绩夺得冠军并打破的成绩夺得冠军并打破世世界纪录界纪录。随后在女子。随后在女子200米米混合泳比赛中,两次打破奥混合泳比赛中,两次打

4、破奥运纪录,以运纪录,以2分分07秒秒57夺冠,夺冠,成为双冠王,创造了中国游成为双冠王,创造了中国游泳个人两项奥运冠军的历史。泳个人两项奥运冠军的历史。【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件 To learn to talk about your favourite sports To learn to say some sports in English【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件walkingreallybowltimetennisvolleyballenjoygo swimmi

5、ngWords reviewn. 散步,步行散步,步行adv. 的确,确实的确,确实n. 碗,盆碗,盆n. 次,回次,回n. 网球网球n. 排球排球vt. 享受享受, 欣赏欣赏, 喜喜爱爱去游泳去游泳【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件After you listened Eddie and Hobos conversation, answer the questions:1. Does Eddie like any sports?2. Yes, he d

6、oes.3.2. Which sports does Eddie like?4. He likes walking.5.3. Why does Eddie like walking?6. Because he walks to his bowl many times a day. 【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件football, swimming, tennis, volleyballvolleyballtennisfootballswimming【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件W

7、hich is your favourite sport?playing basketballplaying table tennisskiing【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件playing volleyballplaying footballjogging【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件swimmingplaying tennis【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件Listen to Amy and Simons convers

8、ation.Amy: I like swimming. Whats your favourite sport, Simon?Simon: I like playing football.Amy: Do you often play football?Simon: Yes. I often play football after school. What about you?Amy: I go swimming every week.【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件Talk about your favourite sport.A: I l

9、ike _. Whats your favourite sports?B: I like _.A: Do you often _?B: Yes. _ a week. What about you?A: I _ every week.【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件 To preview Reading on Page 20 To collect some information about football players (You can get help form the Internet.) To preview the new words【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件 Write a conversation between you and one of your friends. You can talk about your favourite sports.【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件【最新】江苏省灌南县七年级英语上册Unit2 Welcome to the unit课件



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