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1、1. Wheres the party?2. Who helps Cinderella?3. When does Cinderella have to come back?Read and answer自读故事自读故事1-3段,回答下列问题。段,回答下列问题。在文中划出关键词句哦!在文中划出关键词句哦!There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.1. Wheres the party?Read and answerThere is a party at the princes house, but Cinder

2、ella cannot go.Read and answerCinderella, come andhelp me!Cinderella, where aremy gloves?What do you think of the sisters?Lets read!Cinderella, come andhelp me!Cinderella, where aremy gloves?你能读出她们的神情和语气吗?你能读出她们的神情和语气吗?sadWhy are you so sad, dear?Why? I cant go to the party. I dont have any nice clo

3、thes or shoes.Let me help you.A fairy comes.BecauseBecause2. Who helps Cinderella?Lets read!你能读出她们的神情和语气吗?你能读出她们的神情和语气吗?Cinderella puts on the newclothes and shoes.Come back before12 oclock.3. When does Cinderella have to come back?Read and matchWhat happens then ? (之后发生了什么之后发生了什么?) 自读故事自读故事4-5段,将下列

4、图文配对。段,将下列图文配对。bdacListen and repeat试着模仿语音语调哦!试着模仿语音语调哦!Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit.Ask and answer同桌相互问答,回忆故事情节。同桌相互问答,回忆故事情节。可以发挥想象,多问一些哦!可以发挥想象,多问一些哦!Whose foot is fit for the shoe?4人小组选择喜欢的方式,人小组选择喜欢的方式,展示故事。展示故事。Retell (根据板书图片,复述故事。根据板书图片,复述故事。)Act out(小组表演故事,全班读旁白。小组表演故事,全班读

5、旁白。)Lets show!Lets show!Lets show!(Tips:四人小组配上表情与动作,接龙讲述故事。比一比,哪组的讲述最棒!)Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She lives with her stepmother and stepsisters. One day there is a partyThere is a at the princes house. All the girls can go, but Cinderella cannot. She does not have any clothes or shoes.The fair

6、y Cinderella. Cinderella has beautiful and . She can go to the party now.Cinderella has a time at the party. The prince _ her very much.Cinderella goes home at 12 oclock. She leaves a behind.The prince visits every . Many girls on the shoe, but it does not . Finally, Cinderella tries it on. It fits

7、well.partynicehelpsclothesshoesgoodlikesshoehousetryfit(Tips:请在书P15上独立完成吧!)1. This dress you well. You look so pretty!2. Its late for school. Mary run and catch the bus.3. This T-shirt is very nice. You can them .4. We always on summer holiday.5. Its time for swimming. Mike his clothes and his swimming suit. fits has to try onhave a good time takes off puts onhas to, have a good time, try on, fits, puts on, takes off (Tips:请选择正确的词或词组填空。)Homework 1. 语音作语音作业:业:Read the story time.2. 完成习题。完成习题。Goodbye!



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