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1、 Lesson 1 Body Languagebody languageimportant form communicationalthoughthink aboutmessagenod ones headshow agreementput fingers up to mouth身体语言身体语言重要的形式重要的形式沟通沟通虽然虽然考虑考虑信息信息点头点头表示同意表示同意 把手指放到嘴边把手指放到嘴边ask for silencewestern culturesshrug ones shoulderscare aboutAsian countriesbowshow respectgreet ea

2、ch othershake handsrudepolite要求安静要求安静西方文化西方文化 耸肩耸肩关心关心 在乎在乎亚洲国家亚洲国家互相问候互相问候握手握手鞠躬鞠躬表示尊重表示尊重粗鲁的粗鲁的礼貌的礼貌的How many polite body languages are mentioned in the text? oSixWhat are they? Nod ones head ,put fingers up to the mouth, shrug ones shoulders, bow, kiss, shake hands , Book Page 7 o4. Complete the

3、table according to the textoBody language:oPurpose:oPlace:1.nod their heads oTo show agreement in many countries2.Put their fingers up to their mouthoTo ask for silencein many countries3.shrug their shoulders oTo show they dont understand or they dont care about somethingin western cultures4.bowoTo

4、show respect when they greet each other or say goodbyein Asian countries , such as Japan5.kissogreet for women and childrenin many European cultures6.shake hands and put the free hand on each others shouldersomen greet each other Can you tell me why you must be careful about your feet in the Middle

5、East?o Its rude to show the bottom of your shoes when you rest one leg on top of the other. Its not polite to touch people with your shoes.Lesson 1 Grammar 被动语态被动语态oPage7 o6.Circle the doer(动作实施者 )in the following sentences.o1) This meal is cooked by my grandpa.o2)English is spoken by many people ar

6、ound the world.o3)The glass is broken by Tim.7.Complete the following sentence with the passive voiceo1. are made2. is written3. are invited4. is given8.Change the following sentence into the passive voiceo1.A lot of postcards are bought by tourists here.2.Tests are taken every Friday.3.The dog is w

7、alked every day by Sarah.4.All the housework is done by dad.9.Who usually does the following housework in your family? Use the passive voice to make sentences.omake breakfastosweep the floorowash the dishesocook dinnerThe answers to Exercise 9o1. Breakfast is made by mom.2.The floor is swept by dad.3.The dishes are washed by mother.4.Dinner is cooked by father.



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