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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 1 Warming-up and reading 1.When and where did the ancient Olympic Games begin and stop?In Greece; around the year 776 B.C. It stopped in 393 A.D.2.How often are the Olympic Games held?Every four years. The first Olympic Games in modern times happenedin Greece in 1896.

2、3.When and where did the modern Olympic Games start ?In the 1896 games there were 311 competitors from just 13 countries.4. How many countries and competitors took part in the first modern Olympic Games? Xu Haifeng was the first Chinese athlete who won one gold medal in the Summer Olympics .7. Who w

3、as Chinas first gold medal winner and for what event?9. Do you know the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games? the Olympic Motto)Higher, swifter, strongerFlagEuropeAsiaAfricaAmericaOceaniaThe five interlocking rings stand for friendship of five continents.Blue=EuropeBlack=Africa Red=

4、AmericaYellow=AsiaGreen=Oceania BeijingThe 2008 Olympic Games will be held in _. Beijing Olympic Park One of the great competitions is not for a medal.It is the competition between countries to hold the Olympics.Reading:the person who ask questions (采访者采访者) the person who answer questions (被采访者被采访者)

5、An InterviewWhat is an interview ?It is an meeting at which a reporter asks questions in order to find out his view .Interviewee :Interviewer :Information about Pausanias:He was a Greek traveler and writer in the second century AD.True or false statement:Pausanias lives with us in the present days.(

6、 )Pausanias found that the Olympic Games had changed a lot over time.( )Anybody that wants to take part in the Olympics can be admitted.( )Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics are held in the same year.( ) All people could enjoy watching the Olympics if they liked in the ancient time .( )

7、FTFTFF8.7.6.All competitors just compete for money.( )The 29th Olympics will be held in China .( )No country wants to host the Olympics because it is expensive .( )Ancient & modern OlympicsSimilaritiesDifferencesEvents in WOEvents in SOWhen to be heldWho can joinWho can not joinPrizesBeliefs Table f

8、illing:*Events in the Winter Olympics:Winter Olympics is only held in modern Olympics.Similarities & Differences*Where are the Summer Olympics held?Only held in Athens in the Ancient Olympics.1.Different cities can compete for the right to host the Olympics.2.*Who can take part in the Olympics?1. On

9、ly men and boys could take part in the Ancient Olympics.2. Anybody that reaches the sports stander can take part in the Modern Olympics.*What are the prizes for the winner?There were only olive wreaths (橄榄枝环)橄榄枝环)for the winners in the Ancient Olympics. 1.2. Olympics medals for the winner in Modern

10、Olympics. The beliefs of the Olympics remain the same .Olympics Motto:Swifter , higher , stronger.Language points & Sentence focus1.参加参加2.精神、宗旨、精神、宗旨、灵魂灵魂3.过去常常过去常常4.查明,找出查明,找出5.每四年,每隔三年每四年,每隔三年6.(遍及)全世界遍及)全世界7.一套,一组一套,一组8.和和竞争竞争9.为为而竞争而竞争10.获准做某事获准做某事11.作为作为被接受被接受12.达到达到水平、标准水平、标准13.在在方面扮演重方面扮演重要角色

11、(起重要作用)要角色(起重要作用)14.和和一样一样15.感谢您(能抽空感谢您(能抽空)16.同根同根17.有有/没做没做机会机会18.伴随,与伴随,与搭配搭配19.把把与关联起来与关联起来20.和和有关有关21.和和赛跑赛跑22.听说听说23.确定确定24.轮流轮流25.一个接一个一个接一个1.takepartin/joinin参加参加2.thespiritof精神、宗旨、灵魂精神、宗旨、灵魂3.usedto过去常常过去常常4.findout查明,找出查明,找出5.everyfouryears每四年,每隔三年每四年,每隔三年6.allovertheworld(遍及)全世界(遍及)全世界7.asetof一套,一组一套,一组petewith/against和和竞争竞争petefor为为而竞争而竞争10.beadmittedto获准做某事获准做某事11.beadmittedas作为作为被接受被接受12.reachthestandard达到达到水平、标准水平、标准After class please read the passage by yourselves.



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