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1、Chapter 6Fish story1;.Language2;.副词的用法副词的用法3;.Adverbs in the story:1. travels widely2. extremely fortunate3. They are completely satisfied. 4. he usually leaves for5. sell very quickly修饰动词修饰动词travels修饰形容词修饰形容词fortunate修饰动词修饰动词sell修饰动词修饰动词leaves修饰形容词修饰形容词satisfied4;.6. He has rarely received 7. Remem

2、ber to sit quietly and watch closely8. As we rushed excitedly修饰动词修饰动词received修饰动词修饰动词sit修饰动词修饰动词watch修饰动词修饰动词rushed5;.副词的基本形式:(形容词副词的基本形式:(形容词+)ly结尾结尾副词的主要作用副词的主要作用: 用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子, 说明时间、说明时间、地点、程度和方式等。地点、程度和方式等。adverbs 副词副词6;.The boy can run quickly.The girl looks really b

3、eautiful.She sings very well.Luckily, the lost girl was found.副词的作用:副词的作用:修饰副词修饰副词修饰整个句子修饰整个句子修饰动词修饰动词修饰形容词修饰形容词7;.副词的类型:副词的类型:1. Listen carefully. 2. He gave me a gift yesterday.3. He often goes to the theatre.4. When will you arrive?5. All the students go outside.6. Its rather easy. I can do it.频率

4、副词频率副词疑问副词疑问副词地点副词地点副词程度副词程度副词时间副词时间副词方式副词方式副词8;.1) 时间和频度副词时间和频度副词: now, then, often, always, usually, early, today, lately, next, already, seldom, ever, never, yet, soon, too, immediately, hardly, finally, shortly, before, ago, sometimes, yesterday. 副词分类副词分类9;.频率副词的位置频率副词的位置be 动词和助动词的后面,实义动词的前面。动词和

5、助动词的后面,实义动词的前面。He is often late for school.She has just told us the news.They usually take a walk after dinner.10;.2) 地点副词地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round, around, near, off, past, u

6、p, away, on. 11;.3) 方式副词方式副词:carefully, properly, suddenly, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly. 4) 程度副词程度副词: much, little, very, rather, so, too, still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, completely, almost.12;.5) 疑问副词疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 连接副词连接副词: therefore, moreover

7、, however, otherwise, then. 13;.carefulangrytrue politecarefullyangrily truly直接加直接加 ly辅音字母辅音字母y, 变变y为为i 加加 lypolitely副词的构成:形容词副词的构成:形容词ly以字母以字母e结尾结尾, 去去e加加 ly以字母以字母e结尾结尾, 直接加直接加 ly14;.区分以区分以-ly结尾的副词或形容词结尾的副词或形容词有些形容词也是以有些形容词也是以-ly结尾,如结尾,如early, lovely等。区分这类词的办法是认清楚等。区分这类词的办法是认清楚它们的构成方式:它们的构成方式:形容词:名

8、词(形容词:名词(n.)+ ly 如:如:friendly副副 词:词: 形容词形容词(adj.)+ly 如:如:carefully15;.判断下列词:形容词?判断下列词:形容词? or 副词?副词? quickly, impatiently, fatherly, slowly, badly, monthly, weekly, rudely, politely, yearly, brotherly, hopefully, really, kindly形容词:形容词:fatherly, monthly, weekly,yearly, brotherly副词:副词:quickly, impatie

9、ntly, slowly badly, rudely, politely, hopefully, really, kindly16;.We use hard, fast, late as both adjectives and adverbs (without-ly). 形容词和副词同形形容词和副词同形 It s hard for me to say sorry to my son. He works hard. Shes a fast typist. Yes, she can type fast. Do you like late dinners? No, l dont like to ea

10、t late.good is an adjective; well is an adverb. Is she a good singer? Yes, she sings well.17;.1)close与与closelyclose意思是意思是 “近近”; closely 意思是意思是 “仔细地仔细地”。 He is sitting close to me. Watch him closely.兼有两种形式的副词兼有两种形式的副词18;.2) late 与与lately late意思是意思是 “晚晚”; lately 意思是意思是“最近最近”。 You have come too late. W

11、hat have you been doing lately?19;.3) deep与与deeplydeep意思是意思是“深深”, 表示空间深度;表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度时常表示感情上的深度, “深深地深深地”。 He pushed the stick deep into the mud. Even father was deeply moved by the film.20;.4) high与与highlyhigh表示空间高度表示空间高度; highly表示程度表示程度, 相当于相当于much。 The plane was flying high. I think hi

12、ghly/much of your opinion.21;.5) wide与与widelywide表示空间宽度表示空间宽度; widely意思是意思是 “广泛地广泛地”, “在许多地方在许多地方”。 He opened the door wide. English is widely used in the world.22;.6) free与与freelyfree的意思是的意思是“免费免费”; freely 的意思是的意思是“无限制地无限制地”。 You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like. You may speak freely

13、; say what you like.23;.副词的原级,比较级和最高级:副词的原级,比较级和最高级:与形容词基本相同。与形容词基本相同。Tom runs as quickly as Jim.Tom runs more quickly than Peter.Ted runs (the) most quickly of the four.24;.1.Tina isnt a _ (true) friend of mine. I feel _ (true)sorry for this例题解析例题解析true truly25;.2. Helen always goes to school _ on

14、Monday morning A. last B. late C. latest D. lately解析解析: late既是形容词既是形容词, 也是副词也是副词, 表示表示“晚晚”, 意思与意思与early相反。相反。lately是是“最近最近”的意思的意思, 用来表示时间。用来表示时间。last意为意为“上一个上一个”、“最后的最后的”。latest用作形容词时意为用作形容词时意为“最近的最近的”、“最新的最新的”, 用作副词时意为用作副词时意为“最晚地最晚地”。答案答案B26;.3. When I lived _, I felt _ A. alone, lonely B. lonely,;

15、 alone C. lonely, lonely D. alone, alone解析解析: 考查考查alone与与lonely的用法区别。的用法区别。 alone是是“独自一人的独自一人的”意思意思, 既可用作既可用作形容词形容词, 也可用作副词也可用作副词, 可做宾语补足语或状语。可做宾语补足语或状语。lonely是形容词是形容词, 表示人的感情表示人的感情, 意为意为“寂寞的寂寞的”、“孤独的孤独的”。本题句意为。本题句意为“当我一个人生活的时候当我一个人生活的时候, 我时常我时常感到孤独寂寞感到孤独寂寞”。答案。答案A27;.4. Jim is _ at all his lessons.

16、 And Im sure hell do very _ in the exams. A. well, good B. good, well C. well, well D. good, good 解析解析:good为形容词为形容词, 如:如:He is good. 他是个好人。而他是个好人。而well作为身体状况的好坏作为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词讲时是形容词, 如:如:He is well。他身体不错。他身体不错。 而作为其他意思时为副词而作为其他意思时为副词, 如:如:He speaks English well. 答案答案 B 28;.5. The young man on the mo

17、torbike was not _ hurt A. good B. bad C. badly D. ill解析解析: 考查考查bad和和badly的区别。的区别。bad意思是形容词意思是形容词, 有有“坏的坏的”、“糟糕的糟糕的”, 它它可做定语或表语。可做定语或表语。badly是副词是副词, 可做状语修饰实义动词。本题为被动结构可做状语修饰实义动词。本题为被动结构, “ was not badly hurt” 意为意为“伤得不厉害伤得不厉害”。答案。答案C29;.6. Now open your books, please. Read the passage as _ as you can.

18、 Then Ill ask you some questions A. quick B. quickly C. early D. slow 解析解析: 考查短语考查短语asas one can的用法的用法asas one can和和asas possible均意为均意为”尽可能尽可能 ”, 两个两个as之间加副词。根据句意之间加副词。根据句意“尽可能快地读这篇文章尽可能快地读这篇文章”可推可推断应用断应用quickly。 答案答案B30;.7. What a _ cough! You seem _ ill. A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible

19、 C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly解析解析: terrible是形容词是形容词, 而而terribly是副词是副词, 第一个空是修饰名词的第一个空是修饰名词的, 所以应填所以应填入形容词。第二个空入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词是形容词, 这里这里terribly 是用来修饰是用来修饰ill的。的。 答案答案A31;.8. - Can you catch me? - Sorry, I can _ understand you. A. hardly B. almost C. even D. ever 解析解析: hardly为否定词为否定词,

20、 用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其决定了其意为意为 “听不明白听不明白”, 所以只能选所以只能选 hardly。 答案答案A 32;.9. She did her homework _. A. carefully B. careful C. care D. careless 解析解析: 这里应填入副词这里应填入副词, 而而careless是由是由care加加less后辍得来的后辍得来的, less意为意为 “没有没有”, 是否定之意是否定之意, 如如: careless-不小心不小心, homeless-无家可归。而无家可归。而care

21、fully为副词。为副词。答案答案A33;.34;.1. Dont eat so _ (quick / quickly). Its not good for you.2. Why are you _ (angry / angrily)? I havent done anything.3. Can you speak _ (slow / slowly)?4. Bill is a very _ (careful / carefully) driver.5. Jane is studying _ (hard / hardly).选词填空选词填空35;.6. Those oranges look _

22、(nice / nicely). Can I have one?7. Please be _ (quiet / quietly). Im studying.8. -Where is Diane? - She was here but she left _ (sudden / suddenly).9. He insisted on being paid _ (immediate / immediately).10. It is _ (impossible / impossibly) for lost time to be made up.36;.11. I have read a few boo

23、ks _ (late / lately).12. His voice sounds _ (sweet / sweetly).13. He felt _ (excited / excitedly) about the news. 14. She told us the good news _ (excited / excitedly).15. He has given us a _ reply (satisfying / satisfied).16. Are your customers _ (satisfying/ satisfied) with your service?37;.1.C,be

24、 badly hurt 严重受伤严重受伤2.A3.B, look+adj, look+adv+at4.C, terribly=very, be worried about5.D6.C7.B, loud adj / adv+enough8.C, keep+adj 9.A10.D, a success 38;.1.patiently 有耐心地有耐心地, late2.well, carelessly3.good, well4.terrible, terribly5.noisily, angry, make+adj39;.happilylatecarelessloudly quietly, quite

25、=very40;.1.D, as+adj/adv原形原形+as2.A, be+adj/n, as+adj/adv+as possible=尽可能尽可能3.A, much too+adj 太太4.D5.C, harder and harder 越来越努力越来越努力/厉害厉害6.A7.D8.B, hardly几乎不几乎不9.D, deeply affected 影响很深影响很深10.A41;.1.mostly绝大部分绝大部分2.angrily3.well4.heavily5.alone adv, lonely adj6.straight, straightly7.close, closely8.L

26、ately, late9.quietly, quiet10.sad, sadly42;.1.fastest in2.rarely 3.looked, carefully4.How often5.How slowly43;.1.B2.A3.C, be sent to被送到被送到4.D5.C, make oneself at home宾至如归宾至如归6.A7.D8.C, a piece=a piece of meat9.B10.C, as friendly as 对待别人也像对待厨师那样友好。对待别人也像对待厨师那样友好。44;.B, look+adj, taste+adj, even+比较级比较级D, how soon多久之后多久之后-in 回答回答B, smell+adj45;.46;.47;.



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