八年级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(第3课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(第3课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《八年级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(第3课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(第3课时)Section B(1a1d)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、R八年级下册Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?SectionB 1a- 1dWhats this?Its a panda.Its an elephant.Whats this?weigh v.称重称重adult n. 成人成人adj. 成年的成年的New wordsbirth n. 出生;诞生出生;诞生up to 至多有;不多于至多有;不多于1a Compare facts about these two animals. Use the language in the box to help you make sentences.El

2、ephant is 350 cm tall weighs 5,000 kilos eats 150 kilos of food a day1aPanda is 150 cm tall (standing on two legs) weighs 100 kilos eats 10 kilos of food a dayExample sentences:This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.(200 cm taller/shorter, weigh much more/less, eat much more/less, eat

3、many times more)1a 大熊猫最奇特的一点大熊猫最奇特的一点是新生儿在出生时相当的是新生儿在出生时相当的不成熟,体重仅是它母亲不成熟,体重仅是它母亲体重的体重的0.1%,平均为,平均为145克左右,约为成年的千分克左右,约为成年的千分之一。照顾孩子是一项非之一。照顾孩子是一项非常艰巨的任务,通常历时常艰巨的任务,通常历时18个月,有时长达两年,个月,有时长达两年,直到她的下一个孩子出生。直到她的下一个孩子出生。 大象是大象是现存世界最大的存世界最大的陆栖栖动物,主要外部特征物,主要外部特征为柔柔韧而而肌肉肌肉发达的达的长鼻和扇大的耳鼻和扇大的耳朵,具具缠卷的功能,是象自卷的功能,

4、是象自卫和取食和取食的有力工具。象肩高的有力工具。象肩高约2米,体米,体重重37吨。非洲象耳大,体型吨。非洲象耳大,体型较大,体重大,体重较重。重。亚洲象耳小,洲象耳小,身体身体较小,体重小,体重较轻。 1b Listen and check() the numbers you hear.100 16 20 50120 0.1 0.2 150 1c. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. At birth, a baby panda is about _ to _ kilos. 2. At birth, a baby panda is abou

5、t _ cm long. 3. A baby panda is not black. It is _ and it has no _.4. A panda can live up to _ to _ years.0.10.215pinkteeth2030An adult panda weighs many times more than a baby panda.A baby panda cannot see.1d. Take turns telling your classmates about pandas. Language pointsAn adult panda weighs man

6、y times more than a baby panda. weigh是是动词动词,意为,意为“有有.重;重重;重”,用作及物动,用作及物动词时词时,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构被动结构。weigh也也可表示某物重达多少可表示某物重达多少,接表示数量的名词性接表示数量的名词性状语。状语。 如:如:The first man-made satellite of our country weighs 173 kilogrammes. 我国第一颗人造卫星重我国第一颗人造卫星重173公斤。公斤。 The doctor weighed the baby every m

7、onth. 医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。医生每个月都给这个婴儿称体重。Language pointsweight做做名词名词,意为,意为 “重量重量,分量分量”,也可指也可指“重重的特性的特性”“重力重力”,是是不可数名词不可数名词,引申可表示引申可表示“负荷负荷,负担负担”,作此解时通常作此解时通常只用于单数形式只用于单数形式;也可作;也可作“重重量单位量单位”或或“不同分量不同分量”解解,是是可数名词可数名词,也可用作也可用作不不可数名词可数名词;还可作;还可作“秤砣秤砣,砝码砝码”“重物重物”解解,是是可数可数名词名词。weight还可表示还可表示“重要性、严重性重要性、严重性或或影响

8、力影响力(的程度的程度)”,是是不可数名词不可数名词。1. Jim is funnier than _ in his class. A. any other boy B. any boy C. any other boys D. all the boys2.We should _ animals and make laws on animal _. A. protect, protection B. protect, protect C. protection, protect D. protection, protection AA3. Why dont you buy this book?

9、 Because it is _ of the two books. A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. the most expensive4. David jumped the _ in the long jump. He won the game! A. longest B. fastest C. highest D. farthestBD5. Li Ming is much clever than _ student in their class. A. any B. any other C. others D. the others6. Our school is _ than yours. A. bigger twice B. twice big C. two bigger D. twice biggerB D 学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。 米南德米南德



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