2018版高中英语 Unit 4 Earthquakes 4 Writing课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Section Writing写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练如何写新闻报道如何写新闻报道新闻报道通常有比较固定的写作格式:1.标题。标题通常居中,概括该篇报道的主要内容。好的标题能使读者在短时间内了解新闻的主要内容,引起阅读兴趣。2.导语。导语一般置于报道开头,作用是吸引读者的注意力,因此导语要求能高度概括报道的内容,让读者一看就能了解整篇报道最吸引人的地方。3.主体。新闻报道主体一般被认为是导语的注释和补充。主体部分在报道中占相当大的篇幅,主体结构的展开可以按事实的重要程度为顺序,也可以按时间、空间或逻辑顺序。行文要尽量抓住一些显著的细节进行深入描写。注意语法要正确,动词及时态的使用要恰当

2、等。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练4.结语。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容做概括性的总结或对新闻事件的发展趋势进行预测。有时,作者会根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练1.Today all the students and teachers in our school took part in .今天我校的全体师生参加了2.The activity was organized in order to .组织这次活动是为了3.To make .cleaner and tidier .为了使更干净整洁4.The Students

3、Union organized students to .学生会组织学生去5.In the activity we were asked to .在活动中,我们被要求去6.The activity gives/offers us a chance to .活动给我们提供了的机会。7.is of great help/value to us.对我们帮助极大/有很大价值。8.First,we .Then,we .Finally,we .首先,我们其次,我们最后,我们写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练9.Many people thought well/highly of .很多人对评价很高。10.A

4、lthough we felt .,we thought it worthwhile to do .尽管我们感到,我们认为做是值得的。写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练In order to know how to ,many students took part in .First, gave us some instructions/advice on .Then we were asked to .Finally,with the help/guidance of ,we succeeded in .The gave us a chance to ,which is of great he

5、lp to us.写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练假设你是李华,是校报英语专栏的小记者。今天你校组织全体师生进行了一次地震应急疏散演练。请根据下列要点提示,为校报写一篇新闻报道。词数100左右。要点提示:1.演练的目的、时间和地点;2.演练的参加者、经过和结果;3.你和同学们的感受。参考词汇:地震应急疏散演练earthquake emergency evacuation drill写作指导常用句型写作模板针对训练参考范文:In order to let students know how to survive in an earthquake,today all the students an

6、d teachers in our school took part in an earthquake emergency evacuation drill.At first,the teachers gave us some instructions in the classroom and told us how to protect ourselves when an earthquake happened.Then we were asked to walk down the stairs quickly when we heard the ring.With some teachers guiding the way,all the students succeeded in getting to the playground in a few minutes.This drill offers a good opportunity for us to learn how to avoid being injured during an earthquake,which is of great help to all the students.



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