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1、八年级八年级Unit 7-8 复习复习词组复习词组复习1.建议某人做某事建议某人做某事2.2. 保护保护3.3. 脱掉,起飞脱掉,起飞4.4. 依赖,取决于依赖,取决于5.5. 允许某人(不)做某允许某人(不)做某事事advise sb. to do sth.protect fromtake offdepend on allow sb. (not) to do sth.6.赚钱赚钱7. 决定(不)做某事决定(不)做某事8. 负担得起(做)某事负担得起(做)某事9. 引起某人的注意引起某人的注意10. 执行执行make moneydecide (not) to do sth. afford( t

2、o do )sth.catch ones eyecarry out11. 吃光吃光12. 付账付账13.13. 点菜点菜14. 为了为了15. 喜欢吃甜食喜欢吃甜食eat up have the billtake ones orderin order tohave a sweet tooth16. 不但不但而且而且17. 切碎切碎18. 据说据说19. 或者或者或者或者20. 做完某事做完某事not only but also cut up Its said that.either or.finish doing sth. 21. 同时同时22. 事实事实23. 根据根据24. 过时过时25.

3、 从那时起从那时起at the same timeIn fact = as a matter of factaccording to out of style from then on 26. 在桌旁,就餐在桌旁,就餐27. 值得做某事值得做某事28. 保持膳食平衡保持膳食平衡29. 第一次第一次30. 以便以便at the tablebe worth doing sth. keep a balanced dietfor the first timeso that31. 至于至于32. 阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事33. 用用把把填满填满34. 足够好足够好35. 记得别做某事记得别做某事as

4、 for stop sb. from doing sth.fill withgood enoughremember not to do sth.经典句型经典句型1.try ones best to do sth.2.尽力做某事尽力做某事我们应该尽力学习英语。我们应该尽力学习英语。We should try our best to stuy English.让我们尽力来使它成功。让我们尽力来使它成功。Lets try our best to make it successful.2. Will you please do sth. .? 请你做某请你做某事可以吗?事可以吗?=Could you

5、please do sth请你请你说说一些关于你自己的事情。一些关于你自己的事情。Will you please say something about yourself ?当你进入房间的时候,请把你湿的鞋子脱掉可以吗?当你进入房间的时候,请把你湿的鞋子脱掉可以吗?When you enter the room, will you please take off your wet shoes ?3. Its +adj. + for /of sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事怎样对某人来说做某事怎样Its +adj. +that 从句从句某人做某事怎么样某人做某事怎么样对一名瘦的女孩

6、来说,穿暖色的衣服是合适的。对一名瘦的女孩来说,穿暖色的衣服是合适的。Its suitable/fit for a slim girl to wear clothes in warm colors.合适的制服能够表现出良好的纪律合适的制服能够表现出良好的纪律是真的是真的。Its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.吉姆要回英国度假是真的。吉姆要回英国度假是真的。Its true that Jim is going back to England for a holiday.制服不受欢迎但很有用是众所周知的。制服不受欢迎但很有

7、用是众所周知的。Its well-known that uniforms arent popular but useful.对我们来说,保持健康是重要的。对我们来说,保持健康是重要的。Its important for us to keey healthy.对他来说,做这种事情真的是太蠢的。对他来说,做这种事情真的是太蠢的。Its foolish/stupid of him to do such a thing.4. the+ adj./adv. 比较级比较级.,the +adj./adv. 比较级比较级. 越越就越就越越多越多/快,就越好。快,就越好。The more/sooner , th

8、e better.我们吃得越有规律,我们就越健康。我们吃得越有规律,我们就越健康。The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are .你越细心,在考试中你犯的错误就越少。你越细心,在考试中你犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make in the exam. 5. so+ adj./adv +that从句从句 如此如此以至于以至于这个男孩是如此的矮以至于他够不着苹果。这个男孩是如此的矮以至于他够不着苹果。The boy is so short that he

9、cant reach the apples.The boy is too short to reach the apples.The boy is not tall enough to reach the apples.他跑得如此快,以至于我们跟不上他。他跑得如此快,以至于我们跟不上他。He ran so fast that we couldnt follow him.so + adj. + a/an + 单数名词单数名词+ that= such + a/an + adj. +单数名词单数名词+ that拓展拓展它是一本如此有趣的书以至于我看了一整晚。它是一本如此有趣的书以至于我看了一整晚。I

10、t was so interesting a book that I read it the whole night.=It was such an interesting book that I read it the whole night.注:注: 当名词被当名词被many , few, much, little 等修饰等修饰时,一般用时,一般用so而不用而不用such.比较比较 :so. that 与与 so thatso that 以便以便= in order that我想买一件风衣为了让我看起来更加的英俊。我想买一件风衣为了让我看起来更加的英俊。I want to buy a wi

11、ndbreaker so that/in order that I will look more handsome.今早我很早起来是为了我能够赶上早班车。今早我很早起来是为了我能够赶上早班车。I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus. I got up very early this morning in order to catch the first bus.6. there be 句型的将来时句型的将来时There will be = there is going to be下周天在这里将会下

12、周天在这里将会有有一场时装表演。一场时装表演。There is going to be a fashion show here next Sunday.明天在我们学校的操场上将会明天在我们学校的操场上将会有有一场篮球赛。一场篮球赛。There is going to be a basketball game on our school playground tomorrow.monthsoftheyear功能意念项目1. 就餐(就餐((Having meals)This way, please.Heres a table for two.May I take your order ?-Anyt

13、hing else ? -No, thats all.May I have the bill ?Could I order the meal by phone ?What would you like for the main course ?Heres your change. Thanks for coming.用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。A: Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant.B: Good evening. I _ a table _ three this afternoon. Im Mr.

14、Black.A: OK. This way, please.(At the table)A: Here is the menu. May I _ your order now ?B: Yes, Id like dumplings _ seafood, Bejing Duck and some vegetables. Thats _. bookedfortakewithallA: OK. Please wait a moment. B:All right. B: (An hour later) May I _ the bill, please ?A: Let me _. Its 50.50$.B

15、: Here you are.A: Heres your _. Thanks for _.haveseechangecoming2. 购物(购物(Shopping)What can I do for you ? /May I help you ? /Can I help you ?What color/size/kind do you want ?= What color /size /kind would you like ?May I try it/them on ?It looks nice on you.How much is it/ are they ?Oh, Thats very

16、cheap/dear. (Thats too much/expensive, Im afraid. /Well, Ill think about it./ Ill take it.A:_Ihelpyou?B:_,_.I_asweater.A:_doyouwant?B:Orange.A:_youare.B:_isit?A:20dollars.B:_.Thankyou.A:_.$20CanYespleasewantWhatcolorHereHowmuchIll take itYouarewelcomeThatsallright/OK.Notatall.注意使用购物用语:-Goodmorning._

17、I_you,sir?-Yes,_.I_T-shirt.-WehaveT-shirts_red,greenandbrown.What_doyou_?-Iwantabrownone.-_.-_isit?-_13_.-Well,thatsagood_.Ill_it._.-Youre_.CanawantpleasehelpcolorwantHereyouareItsHowmuchdollarstakeThankswelcomeinprice 补全对话:补全对话:A: Hi, Mary, _ a nice dress!B: Thank you. My mother said its a Chinese

18、Tang costume.A: Really ? _ it made of ? B: Silk.A: _ is it made ?B: Its _ in Hangzhou.A: And it _ soft, doesnt it ? B: Yes.A: The weather is getting warmer and _. I need some clothes.B: Why _ go shopping ?A: Good idea.whatWhatWheremadefeelswarmernotA: Does it look ugly on me ?B: Im just having a loo

19、k,.C. Do you have any other kind ?D: How much is it ?E: Could you tell me where the Womens Wear Section is ?F: Could I try it on ?G: By the way what is it made of ?从方框中选择正确的句子,补全对话:从方框中选择正确的句子,补全对话:Salesgirl : What can I do for you ?Mrs. Jones: _Salesgirl: Certainly. This way, please. Its on the thi

20、rd floor.Mrs. Jones: So many beautiful clothes! What a beautiful cheongsam ! _EFA: Does it look ugly on me ?B: Im just having a look,.C. Do you have any other kind ?D: How much is it ?E: Could you tell me where the Womens Wear Section is ?F: Could I try it on ?G: By the way what is it made of ?Sales

21、girl : Certainly. The changing room is over there.Mrs Jones:_Salesgirl : No. It looks nice on you.Mrs Jones : I like it very much._Salesgirl : Its on sale. Its only 200 yuan.Mrs Jones:_ Salesgirl: Its made of silk.Mrs. Jones: I think Ill take it.ADG 宾语从句宾语从句是主从复合句的一种。主从复合句是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的。 主句是复合

22、句的主体,从句仅仅是主句的一个成分,它从属于主句,不能独立。从句在全句中充当什么成分,就叫什么从句。宾语从句当中的从句在全句中作宾语。 宾语从句宾语从句是初中英语教材中重点语法之一,也是中考一个考查热点。运用宾语从句时注意的问题运用宾语从句时注意的问题1.引导词的选择引导词的选择一般疑问句充当宾语从句一般疑问句充当宾语从句特殊疑问句充当宾语从句特殊疑问句充当宾语从句疑问代词或疑问副词疑问代词或疑问副词2.语序语序陈述句语序陈述句语序3.时态时态陈述句充当宾语从句陈述句充当宾语从句主主句句一般现在时一般现在时一般一般过去过去时时从从句句按实际情况用相应时态按实际情况用相应时态过去过去的某种时态的

23、某种时态4.当主句谓语动词为当主句谓语动词为think,suppose,expect,believe等时,其后的宾语从句为否定句时,常将否定词等时,其后的宾语从句为否定句时,常将否定词not从从从从句中移到主句中,构成句中移到主句中,构成否定转移否定转移5.如果从句说的是如果从句说的是客观现象或真理客观现象或真理,无论主句是什,无论主句是什么时态,从句都用么时态,从句都用一般现在时一般现在时。thatif/whether1将下列简单句合成复合句。将下列简单句合成复合句。1).Hewillcomebackinaweek.(Ithink)Ithinkthat hewillcomebackinawe

24、ek.2).Whoishelookingfor?(Doyouknow)Doyouknowwhohe islookingfor?3).Whyistheplanelate?(Ididntknow)Ididntknowwhythe plane waslate4).Hehasalreadycomeback.(Hetoldme)Hetoldmehe had alreadycomeback5).HowcanIgettothezoo?(Couldyoutellme)CouldyoutellmehowI cangettothezoo?6).Whataretheydoing?(Hedidnttellme)Hed

25、idnttellmewhatthey weredoing.7).Whenwillwehaveatest?(Theteacherdidnttellus)Theteacherdidnttelluswhenwewould haveatest.8).HashecomebackfromGuangzhou?(Iaskedmyteacher)IaskedmyteacherifhehadcomebackfromGuanggou.1.Iknow(that)he_(join)theLeaguein1985.2.Couldyoutellmewherehe_(mend)hisbikeatthattimeyesterd



28、(be)15.Theheadmasterhopeseverything_well.(go)16.Tomsaysthatthey_(play)basketballatsixoclockyesterdayevening.17.Ihearthey_(return)italready. will be goes were playing have returned18.Heaskedwhatthey_ateightlastnight.(do)19.Hesaidthatthey_membersofthePartysince1948.(be)20.Theteachertoldhisclassthatlig

29、ht_fasterthansound.(travel)21.Ithinkyou_abouttherelayracenow.(talk)22.Ididntknowwhomtheletters_from.(be) had been were doingtravels are talking were23.Ididntknowwhattimehe_theletter.(write)24.MissWangtoldmethattheearth_(move)roundtheearth.25.Couldyoutellmewho_awaythebookalready?(take) wrote moves ha

30、s taken26.LingFengtoldmehe_toseveraltimes.(be)27.Ourteachertoldusinclassthesun_intheeast.(rise)28.Canyoutellmewhatthey_yesterday?(do) has been risesdid翻译句子翻译句子1.史密斯先生说他明天出发去上海史密斯先生说他明天出发去上海MrSmithsaysthathewillleaveforShanghaitomorrow.2.我想汤姆已经完成作业了我想汤姆已经完成作业了IthinkthatTomhasfinishedhishomework.3.他们说

31、他们去过北京两次了他们说他们去过北京两次了Theysaidthat theyhadbeentoBeijingtwice.4.老师告诉我们明天有一个英语考试老师告诉我们明天有一个英语考试TheteachertoldusthatwewouldhaveanEnglishtestthenextday.5.你知道比德通过考试了吗你知道比德通过考试了吗Doyouknow ifTomhaspassedtheexam.6.我想知道你明天有空吗?我想知道你明天有空吗?Iwanttoknowifyoullhavetimetomorrow.7.玛丽想知道你能帮她吗?玛丽想知道你能帮她吗?Tomwantstoknow


33、一:考查引导宾语从句的连接词考查引导宾语从句的连接词( ) 1.Theres a red car parking in our neighborhood. Do you know _ it is? (2007重庆) A What B who C Whose D whom( ) 2.Im wondering_ Liu Xiang will have time to _ the meeting. (2007江苏镇江) A whether,attend B that,attend C whether, appear D that,appear( ) 3.Can you tell me_it is f

34、rom here to the Summer Palace?Let me see.Its about fifteen minutes ride.(2006宜昌) A how long B How soon C how far D how muchCAC解题方法解题方法:先分析从句,看是否缺少成分,先分析从句,看是否缺少成分,然后根据句子的意思和连接词在从句中的然后根据句子的意思和连接词在从句中的作用作出选择作用作出选择中考链接二:中考链接二:考查宾语从句的时态考查宾语从句的时态( )1.Where is Tom? Do you know? (2007济南) -I think he_ to th

35、e library. A has gone B goes C has been D went ( ) 2.Tom said he _ back in a week. (2007四川) A will come B would come C come ( ) 3.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it_,Ill stay at home. A Will rain,rains B rains ,will rain C will rain ,will rain D rains,rainsABA解题方法:1.主句用一般现在时,宾语从句可以根据实际情况选用各种时态。 2.主句


37、heteachertoldhisclassthatlight_fasterthansound.(travel)8.Ithinkyou_aboutthemurdernow.(talk) will be goes were playing have returned had been travels are talking were doingExercise: fill in the blanks中考链接三中考链接三:考查宾语从句的语序考查宾语从句的语序( (时态,连词,语序同时考查)时态,连词,语序同时考查).( ) 1.He asked me_ . A.if she will come B.

38、 how many books I want to have C.They would help us do it D. what was wrong with me( ) 2.-The summer holiday is coming .Have you decided_? -Im planning to go Hawaii, the most wonderful place for water sports. A.when youre going to enjoy it B. how often are you going to enjoy it c. where youre going

39、to enjoy itDC一律为陈述句语序一律为陈述句语序解题方法解题方法:注意:当从句的原句为以下句子以及注意:当从句的原句为以下句子以及what, whowhat, who作主语时,语序不变:作主语时,语序不变:WhatWhat s wrong? Whats wrong? What s the matter?s the matter?WhatWhat s happening? What happeneed?s happening? What happeneed? eg:I don eg:I don t know whatt know what s the s the matter.matter. Can you tell me who is over Can you tell me who is over there?there?Good Bye ! Thanks for Listening !



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