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1、情态动词引导疑问句的回答1)must引导,否定回答用neednt或dont have toe.g.-Must we hand in the homework today?-Yes, you must. No. you neednt/ dont have to.2) Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A1aClothingFun thingsKitchen things hatvolleyballplateT-shirtjacketbaseball captoy truckbook (Harry Potter)magazines (rabbits)CD

2、 (Michael Jackson)cup1bPersonThingReasonJanes little brothervolleyballJ.K. Rowling is her favorite writer.Marytoy truckShe loves volleyball.CarlamagazineHe was the only little kid at the picnic.Deng WenbookShe always listens to pop music.GraceCDHe loves rabbits.1cIt must be Marys. J.K. Rowling is he

3、r favourite writer.Whose book is this?1.在野炊上at the picnic去野炊have a picnicgo for a picnice.g.让我们去野炊。Lets have a picnic.Lets go for a picnic.2aThings in the schoolbag1. T-shirt2.3.hair bandtennis balls2bmustcantcouldmightmustListen again. Fill in the blanks.1. The person _ go to our school.2. The pers

4、on _ be a boy.3. It _ be Meis hair band.4. The hair band _ belong to Linda.5. It _ be Lindas schoolbag.Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.2cLook! Theres a schoolbaghere.Whats inside?Theres a T-shirt, .The person mustgo to2.属于belong toe.g.这本书属于我。This book belongs to me.那辆车属于他的。That

5、 car belongs to him. 3.情态动词表示推测1)must,一定,用于肯定推测,只用于肯定句。e.g.在长途旅行之后,你一定累了。You must be tired after the long journey.2)may/ might/ could, 可能,也许。e.g.也许这是事实,但是我仍然怀疑。It may/ might/ could be true. But I still doubt it.你妈妈可能不知道事实。You mother may/ might not know the truth.3) cant/ couldnt, 不可能,用于否定推测。e.g.我们不可

6、能错。We cant/ couldnt be wrong.2d4.the rest of., 剩下的e.g.其余的学生是男生。The rest of the students are boys.剩下的钱被偷了。The rest of the money was stolen.3aRead the article and decide which might be the best title.A. A Small and Quiet TownB. Strange Happenings in My TownC. Animals in Our Neighborhood5.take place和ha

7、ppen相同点:都是不及物动词,不能直接接宾 语,不能用于被动语态。不同点:take place 根据计划或安排发生 happen 偶然发生e.g.这场战争发生于1991.The war took place in 1991.昨天她出了车祸。A car accident happened to her yesterday.某人偶然发生某事sth happen to sbe.g. 他遭遇了车祸。He happened to a car accident.(错误)A car accident happened to him.他碰上了好事。A lucky thing happened to him.

8、Sam出了什么事?What happened to Sam?某人偶然,碰巧做某事sb happen to do sthe.g. 当我到那的时候,她碰巧在那。She happened to be there when I arrived there.今天上午我碰巧遇到他。I happened to meet him this morning.6.voice 人声sound 泛指各种声音noise 噪音制造噪音make (a) noise吵闹的(形容词)noisy7.(1)tooto 太而不能(2)sothat如此以至于(3)notenough to do sth不够去做某事e.g. 她如此的小,

9、而不能上学。She is too young to go to school. She is so young that she can not go to school.She is not old enough to go to school他太迟了赶不上公共汽车了。 He is too late to catch the bus.He is so late that he cant catch the bus.He is not early enough to catch the bus8.wolfwolvesthiefthieveslifeliveswifewivesleafleave

10、sknifeknives以f或fe结尾,变复数改为ves9.有某人/某物正在做某事there be sb/sth doing sthe.g.那儿有辆车正在收集垃圾。There is a car collecting rubbish over there.有一只小鸟正在树上唱歌。There is a bird singing in the tree.有一些人正在摘苹果。There are some people picking apples.有一些学生在操场上踢足球。There are some students playing soccer on the playground.10.喜欢/享受

11、做某事做某事玩得很愉快,开心enjoy doing sthhave a great/ good time (in) doing sthhave fun (in) doing sthe.g.我和你聊得很愉快。I enjoy talking with you.I have a great time talking with you.I have fun talking with you.3bnervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people live _animal like a very la

12、rge dog _person who makes noise _uneasyteenagersneighborneighborhoodwolfnoise-maker3cWho gave opinions?What are the opinions?Victors wifeShe thinks that it could be an animal.Victor and his friendsThey think it must be teenagers having fun.The policemenHelenOne woman in the areaThe writer himselfThe

13、y think it might be the wind.She thought it was too big to be a dog. She thought that maybe it was a bear or a wolf.She guesses it cant be a dog.He thinks the noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.1. 这是谁的排球这是谁的排球? _ _ is this? 这一定是卡拉的。她热爱排球运动。这一定是卡拉的。她热爱排球运动。 It _ be _

14、. She loves volleyball.Whose volleyballmust CarlasFill in the blanks.2. 这是谁的发带?这是谁的发带? _ _ _ is this? 它可能是梅的发带。或者可能属于琳它可能是梅的发带。或者可能属于琳 达。她们两人都是长头发。达。她们两人都是长头发。 It _ be Meis hair band. Or it _ belong to Linda. They _ have long hair.couldmightbothWhose hair band3. 那晚你看见了什么?那晚你看见了什么? _ did you see that

15、 night? 我不确定,但肯定不可能是狗。它更我不确定,但肯定不可能是狗。它更大。我想也许是一头熊或一匹狼。大。我想也许是一头熊或一匹狼。 Im _ _, but it _ _ a dog. It was bigger. I think it _ _ a bear or a wolf.What not surecant bemight be4a1. A: Wheres Jean? B: Im not sure. She _ (is/ might be/ must be) in the laboratory.might be2. A: Everyone is going to the pool

16、 after school. B: Really? It _ (must be / cant be /could be ) hot outdoors.must be3. A: Thats the phone. B: Hmm. I wonder who it _ (must be / could be / should be).could be4. A: I wonder if there are Jims glasses. B: They _ (cant be / might be / could be) his. He doesnt wear glasses.cant be5. A: I h

17、ear water running in the bathroom. B: It _ (could be / must be / cant be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower.could be/ must be1. A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must be _ _.2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be _. getting colder/ cold outsidehaving a sore thro

18、at/ ill4b3. A: This restaurant is always very crowded. B: The food _.4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It cant _.must be deliciousbe that boringLook at this picture of a room. How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his/her hobbi

19、es? Discuss your ideas with a partner.4cSection Ba. A UFO is landing.b. An alien is running after a man. c. The man is running, looking afraid.1a_1b231A woman is filming with a camera. They are making a movie.1cListen again. Complete the sentences.They see.The man says.1. a man runninghe might be _2

20、. something in the skyit could be _3. something strangeit must be _4. a woman with a camera.she could be _late for worka planean alienfrom the TV newsThey see.The woman says.1. a man runninghe could be _2. something in the skyit must be _3. something strangeI must be _4. a woman with a camerathey mu

21、st be _a UFOdreamingmaking a movierunning for exercise情态动词表示推测1)must,一定,用于肯定推测,只用于肯定句。e.g.在长途旅行之后,你一定累了。You must be tired after the long journey.2)may/ might/ could, 可能,也许。e.g.也许这是事实,但是我仍然怀疑。It may/ might/ could be true. But I still doubt it.你妈妈可能不知道事实。You mother may/ might not know the truth.3) can

22、t/ couldnt, 不可能,用于否定推测。e.g.我们不可能错。We cant/ couldnt be wrong.1.情态动词+ be+doing sth表示推测正在发生的动作e.g.我想他可能正在家看电视。I think he may/ might/ could be watching TV at home.你一定是在做梦。You must be dreaming.1dRole-play the conversation between the man and the woman.A: Why do you think the man is running?B: He could be

23、 running for exercise.A: No, hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.2.特殊疑问词+do you think+其他, do you think为插入语。1)特殊疑问词在句中作主语,疑问句语序不变。2)特殊疑问词在句中不作主语,用陈述句语序。e.g.你认为谁是你们班最高的?Who do you think is the tallest in your class?你认为我们应该去哪里度假?Where do you think we should go on vacation?你认为

24、我能够做什么?What do you think I can do?你认为他多大了?How old do you think he is?3.suit1)名词,西服、套装e.g.今天他穿着西服。Today he wears a suit.2)动词,适合、适宜很适合某人suit sb finee.g. 我认为蓝色衣服更适合他。I think blue clothes suit him very fine.suitable,形容词,适合的适合be suitable for这个玩具不适合小孩。The toy is not suitable for children. 2aLinking word o

25、r phrasePurpose of linking word or phrasesoexpressing a differenceas, because, sincegiving a choicebut, however, thoughexpressing a resultnot only. but also .expressing two things happening at the same timeorgiving reasonswhen, whileadding information4.对某人表达express sth to sbe.g.他向我们表达谢意。He expressed

26、 his thanks to us.expression, 名词e.g.我送给他们花以表示感谢。I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. 5.表示原因because, since, as, for. 语气依次减弱。because可以回答why的提问since表示显而易见的原因for表示原因不能用于句首e.g.我想离开,因为我在这找不到工作。I want to leave, because I cant find a job here.既然我们没有钱,我们就不能买它。Since we dont have money, we cant buy

27、it.天下雨了,你最好乘坐出租车。As it is raining, youd better take a taxi.我去见他,因为我有事要告诉他。I went to see him, for I had something to tell him. 6.while和when 当时候1)when可和延续性动词连用,也可和短暂性动词连用while只和延续性动词连用 e.g.当我到家时, 他正在烧饭。When I got home, he was cooking.当我睡觉时,他打开了电视。While I was sleeping, he turned on the TV.2) When引导时间状语

28、从句,a)主句用过去进行时,从句用一般过去时。e.g.当老师进来时,我们在说话。When the teacher came in, we were talking.当Mary打电话给我时,我在冲澡。When Mary called me, I was taking a shower.b)主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时。e.g.当我们在说话时,老师进来了。When we were talking, the teacher came in.当我在冲澡时,Mary打电话给我。When I was taking a shower, Mary called me.While引导时间状语从句, 从句必

29、须用进行时态。a)主句用一般过去时,从句用过去进行时。e.g.当我们在说话时,老师进来了。While we were talking, the teacher came in.当我在冲澡时,Mary打电话给我。While I was taking a shower, Mary called me.b)如果强调两个动作同时发生,主句和从句都用过去进行时态当他们在唱歌时,我们在跳舞。While they were singing, we were dancing.3) while 表示“然而”e.g. 我跑到公交车站,然而我仍然错过了公交车。I ran to the bus stop while

30、I still missed the bus.Do you know the Stonehenge(巨石(巨石阵)阵)? How much do you know about it?7.不仅而且not onlybut alsoe.g.在聚会上,她不仅唱歌还跳舞。She not only sang but also danced at the party.他不仅勇敢而且聪明。He is not only brave but also smart.2b1)引导主语时,就近原则e.g.不仅你,他也喜欢数学。Not only you but also he likes math.2)连接两个并列分句,

31、not only位于句首时,起引导的分句要用部分倒装,but also 后的分句用正常语序。e.g.在聚会上,她不仅唱歌还跳舞。Not only did she sing, but also she danced at the party.e.g.不仅你,他也通过了考试。Not only did you pass the exam, but also he passed the exam.8.accept 主观上接受receive 客观上的,被动的接受,收到并不一定接受。e.g. 我已经收到了他的邀请,但是我不会接受。I received his invitation, but I wont

32、accept it.9.和某人交流communicate with sbhave communication with sbe.g.你和你的父母交流过了吗?Did you communicate with your parents?Did you have communication with your parents?李梅能用英语与外国人轻松交流。李梅能用英语与外国人轻松交流。 Li Mei can easily communicate with foreigners in English. Li Mei can easily have communication with foreigne

33、rs in English.10.阻止某人做某事stop/ prevent sb (from) doing sth:在主动态中 from 可以省略,被动态中不可省略keep sb from doing sth:from不可省略e.g.没有人能阻止我们实施计划。No one can stop/ prevent us (from) carrying out the plan.No one can keep us from carrying out the plan.水必须被保护不被污染。The water must be stopped/prevented/kept from being poll

34、uted.11.purposee.g. 他来访的目的是什么?What is the purpose of his visit?故意的on purposee.g.她故意那样做。She did that on purpose.1. Midsummer day is in June _ a lot of people go to Stonehenge during this month.2. The sun shines straight into the center of Stonehenge _ the stones were put in a special position.2dCompl

35、ete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on page 62.sobecause3. Some people think the rocks can _ stop people from becoming ill _ keep them healthy.4. We dont know who built Stonehenge _ how it was built.5. Historians think Stonehenge was built about 5,000 years ago; _, they are not su

36、re.not onlybut alsoorhowever2eCan you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world, that are similar to Stonehenge? What do you know about these mysteries? What is mysterious about them? Discuss them with your group.Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角洲百慕大三角洲3bNo More Mystery in the

37、NeighborhoodLast week, in a quiet neighborhood, something strange happened.We now know what was happening in the neighborhood.Now the mystery is solved. People in the neighborhood.1 Fill in the blanks with must, might, or cant.1. That bright light _ be a UFO-theres no such thing!2. Im still waiting

38、for the bus, so I _ be a bit late for the party.cantmight3. That sweater _ be Carlas. Shes the only one who wears such colorful clothes.4. Tony _ want to go to the concert. He likes music, but Im not sure if he likes rock music.5. The person you saw at the supermarket _ be Susan. I just talked to he

39、r on the phone and shes at work right now.mustmightcant2 Look at the chart and write sentences for the things below.NameLikesDislikesJessicatake photosrunToddplay the pianoeat sweet foodMikeplay tenniswatch moviesAnniereadcook1. DVD It cant be Mikes. He doesnt like to watch movies.2. bowl of ice-cream _ _3. camera _ _It cant be Todds. He doesnt like to eat sweet food.It must be Jessicas. She likes taking photos.4. cookbook _ _5. tennis ball _ _6. running shoes _ _It cant be Annies. She doesnt like to cook.It must be Mikes. He likes to play tennis.It cant be Jessicas. She doesnt like to run.



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