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1、七选五专项七选五专项Choose five out of seven高考大纲对“七选五”的要求考查重点:主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。(考试说明)MainideaofthetextLogicofthecontextStructureofthetextTrainingforamarathonrequirescarefulpreparationandsteady,gradualincreasesinthelengthoftheruns.36,buythebest-fitting,best-builtrunningshoesyoucanfind.Noonecansa

2、ywhichbrandwillworkbestforyouorfeelbestonyourfeet,soyouhavetorelyonyourexperienceandonthefeelofeachpairasyoushop.Whenyouhavefoundshoesthatseemright,walkinthemforafewdaystodouble-checkthefit.37.Asalways,youshouldstretch(伸展)atleasttenminutesbeforeeachruntopreventinjuries.(20152015课标全国课标全国课标全国课标全国2 2卷)

3、卷)卷)卷)TopicsentenceTrainingforamarathonrequirescarefulpreparationandsteady,gradualincreasesinthelengthoftheruns.36,buythebest-fitting,best-builtrunningshoesyoucanfind.Duringthefirstweek,A.AftersixdaysB.ForagoodmarathonrunnerC.Beforeyoubeginyourtraining(20152015课标全国课标全国课标全国课标全国2 2卷)卷)卷)卷)1.结构线索法:结构线索



6、rovingdistanceandtime3.逻辑关系线索法:逻辑关系线索法:并列、因果、并列、因果、总分、分、转折、折、递进butrunfiveminuteslongereachdayButduringthenextweek,setagoalofatleastamileandahalfperrun.39.Aftertwoweeks,starttimingyourself.D. Witheachday,increasethedistancebyahalfmileF.TimespentforpreparationraisesthequalityoftrainingG.Nowyouareready


8、gdistanceandtime逻辑关系线索法:逻辑关系线索法:并列、因果、并列、因果、总分、分、 转折、折、递进1.结构线索法结构线索法2.代词线索法代词线索法3.词汇复现法词汇复现法4.回归大意法回归大意法5.逻辑关系法(逻辑关系法(并列、因果、总分、转折、并列、因果、总分、转折、递进递进)七选五方法参考七选五方法参考词汇复现法(同词复现)词汇复现法(同词复现)词汇复现法(同词复现)词汇复现法(同词复现)1. Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are when Im already hungry and ther

9、es nothing ready to eat. So think ahead of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials already? 37 E. Cooking is a burden for many peopleG. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.(20142014新课标全国卷新课标全国卷新课标全国卷新课标全国卷II)II)2. Parents should help

10、 their children understand money. 71 So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example. (20112011课标全国卷)课标全国卷)课标全国卷)课标全国卷)D. Tell your child why he canor cannothave certain things.E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most im

11、portant to you.G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.词汇复现法(同一词汇范畴词汇复现法(同一词汇范畴词汇复现法(同一词汇范畴词汇复现法(同一词汇范畴) )代词线索法代词线索法3. Evaluate your time wasters. 37 Once youve identified the activities that take a large amount of your time, you can take steps to change y

12、our behavior. B. Be sure to make full use of your time in your daily life. E. These are activities you often do that dont produce any significant benefits.代词线索法代词线索法4.Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. 36 Trust is a risk. But you cant be successful when theres a lack of

13、trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake. A. Learn to really trust yourself. B. It is putting confidence in someone.(20152015课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷)逻辑关系线索逻辑关系线索 (因果关系因果关系) 5. Unfortunately, weve all been victims of betrayal. Whe

14、ther weve been stolen from, lied to , misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply cant trust anymore. 37 Its understandable, (20152015课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷课标全国卷)C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.E. Theyve been too badly hurt and they cant bear to let i

15、t happen again.回归大意法回归大意法6. Attract your audience. Whether your audience is a table full of judges or the public, it is important for the one debating to speak directly to the audience. Explain your points in a way that the audience can relate to. Dont be afraid to express your love for the topic. 3

16、8C. You can give your listeners some ideas or data they can remember.G. Public speaking is a part of debating and those who know this can move listeners with their words.干扰项干扰项结构线索法结构线索法7. From my experience, there are three main reasons why people dont cook more often: ability, money, and time. 36

17、Money is a topic Ill save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. A. Try new things.B. Ability is easily improved.F. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.(20142014新课标全国卷新课标全国卷新课标全国卷新课标全国卷II)II)1.

18、看看标题、副标题或者首段标题、副标题或者首段预测预测文章文章大大意意;2.浏览浏览选项选项,找出,找出关键词关键词;3.通通读读全文全文,查看,查看主题句主题句,分析,分析结构结构;4.看空前空后内容,分析之间的看空前空后内容,分析之间的逻辑性逻辑性;5.灵活掌握答题灵活掌握答题顺序顺序(先易后难先易后难);6. 代入答案,重点代入答案,重点核查核查逻辑关系。逻辑关系。 解题步骤解题步骤Kidshealth:FourstepsforfightingstressEverybodygetsstressedfromtimetotime.71Somewaysofdealingwithstresslik

19、escreamingorhittingsomeonedontsolvemuch.Butotherways,liketalkingtosomeoneyoutrust,canleadyoutosolvingyourproblemoratleastfeelingbetter.C.Differentpeoplefeelstressindifferentways.2012 新课标全国卷新课标全国卷Trytakingthesefourstepsthenexttimeyouarestressed:(1)Getsupport.Whenyouneedhelp,reachouttothepeoplewhocare






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