高中英语 Unit3 computers词汇导练Part2课件 新人教版必修2

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1、 1. simplify vt. 简化简化 Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums. 尽管当时我还年轻,但是我尽管当时我还年轻,但是我能简化一些复杂的数学题。能简化一些复杂的数学题。(P18 Line 2) 读一读读一读阅读下列句子阅读下列句子,指出指出simplify及其派及其派生词的词性与意义。生词的词性与意义。 The machine is very simple to use.(词性词性:_意义意义:_ )adj.简单的简单的 You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply l

2、ie on the beach. (词性词性:_意义意义:_) The application forms have now been simplified. (词性词性:_意义意义:_ )adv.vt.仅仅,只是仅仅,只是简化简化练一练练一练用用simple及其派生词的适当形式填及其派生词的适当形式填空。空。 This story is written in_ English. I wont go to the concert_ because I have no money to waste. The English in this story has been _ to make it

3、easier to understand. simplifiedsimplesimplysimple adj. 简单的简单的,简易的;简易的;simply adv. 简单地简单地,仅仅,只是;仅仅,只是;simplify vt. 简化简化 (其中其中-fy/ify为动词后缀,为动词后缀,表示表示“使使,化,化”,如,如beautify(美化美化),purify(净化,使纯净净化,使纯净) 记一记记一记 2. operator n. 操作员操作员 After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes, I could “t

4、hink” logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. 在操作员用穿卡孔为我设计程序在操作员用穿卡孔为我设计程序后,我能够进行逻辑后,我能够进行逻辑“思考思考”,并且能够比,并且能够比任何人更快地算出答案。任何人更快地算出答案。(P18 Line 6) 读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,归纳阅读下列句子,归纳operate及其及其派生词的词性、意义与用法。派生词的词性、意义与用法。 What skills are needed to operate this machinery? (词性词性:_意义意义:_) The motor

5、operates smoothly. (词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt操作操作vi.运转,工作运转,工作 We will have to operate on his eyes. (operate on词性词性:_意义意义:_) He underwent a three-hour heart operation. (词性词性:_意义意义:_)对对实施手术实施手术n.手术手术 Its time to put our plan into operation. (put sth. into operation_ ) Jack is a computer operator.(词性词性:_意义意义:_

6、)实施,启用实施,启用n.操作人员操作人员练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。 你懂得如何操纵这部机器吗?你懂得如何操纵这部机器吗?Do you understand_? 只有有经验的操作人员才能够处理这个问只有有经验的操作人员才能够处理这个问题。题。Only experienced_. 手术后他在医院住了三周。手术后他在医院住了三周。 He spent 3 weeks in hospital _ . after the operationhow to operate the machine operators can deal with this problem单词家族单词家族operate v

7、t. 操作操作vi. 运转,工作运转,工作operation n.手术,操作手术,操作operator n. 操作人员操作人员常用搭配:常用搭配: operate on 对对实施手术实施手术in operation 工作中;使用中;有效工作中;使用中;有效put sth. into operation 实施,启用实施,启用a computer operator 电脑操作员电脑操作员a machine operator机器操作员机器操作员 记一记记一记3. artificial adj. 人造的人造的 At that time it was considered a technological

8、revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligence”.那时这被当作是一那时这被当作是一次技术革命,也是我次技术革命,也是我“人工智能人工智能”的开始。的开始。(P18 Line 9) 读一读读一读阅读下列句子,体会阅读下列句子,体会artificial的不的不同意思。同意思。 The first artificial satellite in the world was fired off on October 4, 1957. A job interview is a very artificial situation. I can

9、t stand his artificial smiles.假装的假装的人造的人造的不自然的不自然的练一练练一练 完成句子。完成句子。 I was fitted _by the dentist. 牙医给我镶了一颗假牙。牙医给我镶了一颗假牙。 The room _. 房间用人造花装饰。房间用人造花装饰。 is/was decorated with artificial flowers an artificial toothartificial satellite人造卫星人造卫星artificial flowers 假花假花artificial smiles假笑假笑artificial lake

10、人工湖人工湖artificial heart 人造心脏人造心脏artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能 记一记记一记 4. solve v. 解决解决 .I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem. 使使我成为一台我成为一台“通用机器通用机器”来解决任何数来解决任何数学难题。学难题。(P18 Line 13) 读一读读一读 The government is trying to solve the problem of infla

11、tion. (词性词性:_意义意义:_ ) There is simple solution to this problem. (词性词性:_意义意义:_)vt.解决解决n.解决方法解决方法练一练练一练根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 在朋友们的帮助下,他终于解决了问题。在朋友们的帮助下,他终于解决了问题。With the help of his friends, he finally _ . 那聪明的孩子很快就把数学题目解答出那聪明的孩子很快就把数学题目解答出来了。来了。The clever child_ quickly. solved the maths probl

12、em solved/settled the problem 记一记记一记 solve a problem puzzle解决问题解决问题疑惑疑惑a solution to sth. 的解决方法的解决方法 5. from .on从从时起时起 From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 从那时起从那时起,我在我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。体积和脑容量方面迅速成长。(P18 Line 13) 读一读读一读观察短语观察短语from then on与与since/ever since then作时间状语时,句子时态有何不同。作时

13、间状语时,句子时态有何不同。 His wife died in 1992 and from then on he lived alone. 他妻子在他妻子在1992年去世,从那时起年去世,从那时起他独自一人生活。他独自一人生活。 From now on I will try to do better. 从今从今以后我要努力做得更好。以后我要努力做得更好。 He has disappeared ever since then. 从那从那以后,他就消失了。以后,他就消失了。练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。 从现在开始我要独立工作了。从现在开始我要独立工作了。_ Ill work on my own

14、. 从那时起他开始学习俄语了。从那时起他开始学习俄语了。From then on _ . 从那时起我一直渴望和他面对面相聚。从那时起我一直渴望和他面对面相聚。_ I have been longing to meet him face to face.Ever since then From now onhe began to learn Russian from .on(“从从开始开始”)适用于一适用于一般过去时或一般将来时态。般过去时或一般将来时态。since(自从自从)/ever since then (从那里从那里起,从此以后起,从此以后)需与完成时连用需与完成时连用 记一记记一记 6

15、. as a result 结果结果 As a result I totally changed my shape. 因此,我已因此,我已经完全改变了形状。经完全改变了形状。(P18 Line 19) 读一读读一读体会体会as a result 与与as a result of 的用法。的用法。 It rained yesterday. As a result, we didnt go to class. 昨天天下雨了昨天天下雨了,因此我们没有去上课。因此我们没有去上课。 We didnt go to class as a result of the rain yesterday. 因昨天下雨

16、了,我们没有去上课。因昨天下雨了,我们没有去上课。练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。 他不用功,结果考试不及格。他不用功,结果考试不及格。He didnt work hard_, he failed (in) the exam (s). 由于粗心,他出了一场事故。由于粗心,他出了一场事故。_ his carelessness, an accident happened to him.He was careless, and _, an accident happened to himas a resultas a resultAs a result ofas a result 结果。其前面的句子

17、讲原因,其结果。其前面的句子讲原因,其后接结果。后接结果。as a result of 作为作为的结果,由于。后接的结果,由于。后接表原因的短语。表原因的短语。记一记记一记 7. so . that如此如此以致以致 Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! 随着时间随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,从来不会忘记告诉我的任像一头大象一样,从来不会忘记告诉我的任

18、何事情!何事情!(P18 Line 20) 读一读读一读 so .that与与such .that都可用来引都可用来引导结果状语从句,阅读例句,体会导结果状语从句,阅读例句,体会such 与与so后所接词语有何不同。后所接词语有何不同。Mike is so honest a man that we all believe in him.=Mike is such an honest man that we all believe in him。迈克是一个如此诚实的人,。迈克是一个如此诚实的人,我们都信任他。我们都信任他。 练一练练一练 一句多译。一句多译。这本书很有趣,人人都想看。这本书很有趣

19、,人人都想看。 This book is _ everyone wants to read it. _. _.It is so interesting a book that everyone wants to read itso interesting thatIt is such an interesting book that everyone wants to read it.so是副词,后跟形容词或副词,或是副词,后跟形容词或副词,或接接adj.+a/an +n. such是形容词,一是形容词,一般用来修饰名词,或般用来修饰名词,或such+ a/an +adj. +n. 记一记记一

20、记 8. application n. 应用,用途,申请应用,用途,申请 Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 从二十世纪七十年代起,从二十世纪七十年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。我又被开发出了很多新的用途。(P18 Line 25) 读一读读一读 阅读下列句子,归纳阅读下列句子,归纳application及其同根词的词性与意义。及其同根词的词性与意义。 She is too young to apply for that job. (词性词性:_意义意义:_) Students from all Asi

21、an countries can apply for the scholarship. (词性词性:_意义意义:_)申请,求职申请,求职申请做某事申请做某事vi.vi. The new technology was applied to farming. (词性词性:_意义意义:_) Did you attach your photo to your application form? (词性词性:_意义意义:_) There were over 500 applicants for the job. (词性词性:_意义意义:_)应用于,使用应用于,使用n.申请申请n.申请人,求职者申请人,求

22、职者vt.练一练练一练 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。 只有只有18至至28岁之间的人才允许申请这个岁之间的人才允许申请这个工作。工作。 3G手机有多种新用途。手机有多种新用途。 申请表格可于这里下载。申请表格可于这里下载。Only people between 18 and 28 are allowed to apply for this job. Application form can be downloaded here. The 3G mobile phone has many new applications. apply v. 应用,申请应用,申请applicant n. 申请人,

23、求职者申请人,求职者apply for sth.申请某事申请某事 apply to sb.向某人提出申请向某人提出申请 apply to sth. 应用于应用于apply to do sth.申请做某事申请做某事 记一记记一记9. explore vt & vi. 探索;探测;探究探索;探测;探究 I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.我还被放我还被放置在航空火箭里去探测月球和火星。置在航空火箭里去探测月球和火星。(P18 Line 31) 读一读读一读阅读下列句子,归纳阅读下

24、列句子,归纳 exploration 及其同根词的词性、意义与用法。及其同根词的词性、意义与用法。 As soon as we arrived on the island, we were eager to explore. (词性词性:_意义意义:_ ) A curious man always likes exploring the unknown.(词性词性:_意义意义:_ )vi.考察考察vt.探索,探究探索,探究 Christopher Columbus was the explorer who found the Americas. (词性词性:_意义意义:_) The explo

25、ration of the South Polar will set off next Monday.(词性词性:_意义意义:_)探险家探险家 探险,勘探探险,勘探 n.n.练一练练一练完成句子。完成句子。 这些想法将在第七章里作更详细的探讨。这些想法将在第七章里作更详细的探讨。These ideas_ in more details in chapter 7. 太空探索,就像对人生的探索一样,只要太空探索,就像对人生的探索一样,只要你去尝试,就是有风险的。你去尝试,就是有风险的。The_, like the _ of life, if you will, is a risk. explora

26、tionwill be exploredexploration of spaceexplorer n. 探险家,探测器探险家,探测器exploration n. 探险,勘探。探险,勘探。 记一记记一记 10. anyhow adv. 无论如何无论如何 Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.不管怎样,我的不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量得生活。目标是给人类提供高质量得生活。(P18 Line 32) 读一读读一读阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意anyhow的意思的意思和用法。和用法。 I coul

27、dnt think of the name of that man anyhow. Anyhow I must tell the truth.拓展拓展anyway与与anyhowanyway和和anyhow同义,相当于同义,相当于in any case,但前者多用于美国英语,但前者多用于美国英语,后者多用于英国英语。如:后者多用于英国英语。如:Anyhow/Anyway its worth trying.练一练练一练 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。 屋子锁着屋子锁着,我无论如何也进不去。我无论如何也进不去。 无论如何无论如何,他一定吃了很多东西,因为现他一定吃了很多东西,因为现在他胖了。在他胖了

28、。 不管怎样不管怎样,我们设法得到了我们想要的。我们设法得到了我们想要的。Anyway, he must have eaten a lot because now he is fat.The house is locked and I cannot get in anyway.We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow. 11. goal n. 目标,目标,(进球进球)得分得分 读一读读一读 朗读下列句子朗读下列句子,注意注意goal的意义与用法。的意义与用法。 The winning goal was scored by Hill. 致胜的致胜的一球是希

29、尔踢进去的。一球是希尔踢进去的。 Ive finally achieved my goal of visiting all the capital cities of Europe. 我终于游历了欧洲各我终于游历了欧洲各国的首都,实现了我的目标。国的首都,实现了我的目标。 The company has set itself some long-term organizational goals. 公司为整个机构定下一些公司为整个机构定下一些长期目标。长期目标。练一练练一练 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 我们的足球队比他们领先两分。我们的足球队比他们领先两分。Our football team leads them _ . 你一旦设定目标,就要努力工作去实现这你一旦设定目标,就要努力工作去实现这个目标。个目标。Once youve_, youve got to work hard to_ . goal n目标;目的;球门;目标;目的;球门;(进球进球)得分得分achieve/reach itby two goalsset a goalscore a goal 射门得分射门得分set a goal 设定目标设定目标achieve/reach a goal 达到目标达到目标 记一记记一记



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