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1、Unit 2 Men, Animals and PetsTeaching ObjectivesuUnderstand what animals are being described;uGet to Know more about animals;uGet to know more about how man and animals co-exist;uLearn to listen for useful information.Warming-up activitiesuSpeak out as many animals as you as many animals as you can i

2、n English;can in English;uWhich animal do you like best, Why?uHave you ever raised a pet? uWhat are the positive and negative effects of having a pet?Positive and negative effects of having a petuThe positive effects: Caring a pet can make people happier and healthier1.Increasing exercises.2.Providi

3、ng companionship.3.Helping meeting new people (pet stores, clubs).4.Reducing anxiety.5.Helping people finding meaning and joy in life.uThe negative effects:1.Money-consuming (food, clothes, vaccination, etc).2.Bringing harm to peoples health.The Chinese Zodiac u鼠:鼠:Rat u牛:牛:Oxu虎:虎:Tigeru兔:兔:Hareu龙:龙

4、:Dragonu蛇:蛇:Snakeu马:马:Horseu羊:羊:Sheepu猴:猴:Monkeyu鸡:鸡:Roosteru狗:狗:Dogu猪:猪:BoaruWhat animal sign were you born under?u My animal sign is Boar. u I was born in the year of the Boar.u What is next years animal sign?u Next years animal sign is the Dragon.Listening Aidsu1. alien: n. 1. a person who comes

5、from a foreign country 2. being from another world 外星人外星人u2. culture: n. a group of cells grown for medical or scientific study 培养的细菌培养的细菌u3. vaccine: n. 疫苗疫苗 develop a smallpox, polio, rabies, etc vaccine 培养天花、小儿麻痹症、狂犬病等的疫苗培养天花、小儿麻痹症、狂犬病等的疫苗u4. trunk: n. 1. long nose of an elephant. 2. main stem of

6、 a tree, from which the branches grow 树干树干u5. tusk: n. a pair of long teeth of certain animals (eg the elephant, walrus and wild boar) 长牙长牙u6. twig: n. a small branch or division of a branch utrunkubranchutwigListening inuTask 1 uSeven animals will be described in this passage.uA . Write down the na

7、me of the animal described in each case.uKey words : trunk tusku1. ElephantsKey words : arms and legs, no tails, climbers, intelligentu2. ChimpanzeesuKey words : Africa, long neck, eat leaves and twigsu3. GiraffesuKey words: cold countries, wings, swimmer, black and whiteu4. PenguinsuKey words: Aust

8、ralia, short front legs, pouchu5. KangaroosuKey words: Africa, black and white stripesu6. Zebras zebra crossing 斑马线斑马线uKey words : very cold countries, strong, white coatu7. Polar bearsTask 2The fastest and the most intelligent animals in the worlduGuess and then answer:1. What is the fastest animal

9、 on land? Speed?2. What is the speed of the fastest birds?3. What is the speed of the fastest fish?4. Why can animals run faster than human beings?5. Why can human beings travel faster than animals?Key to Task 2uExercise A1.the cheetah.2.170 km/h3.More than 100 km/h4.Because most animals run on four

10、 legs.5.Because we have machines.uExercise B1.F 2.F 3.TThe fastest animal on landThe CheetahRun at a speed of 100 kilometers an hourCultural Notesu印度豹属猫科动物,奔跑时速可达每小时印度豹属猫科动物,奔跑时速可达每小时60英里,长腿、细腰、英里,长腿、细腰、嘴在脸部并不突出,小而精致,两眼平行向前,捕猎时可聚焦猎物。嘴在脸部并不突出,小而精致,两眼平行向前,捕猎时可聚焦猎物。印度豹看起来更像是身材大些的猫,并不攻击人类,它们不像美洲印度豹看起来更像



13、土。它们间的距离在缩小,终于抓住了,羚羊在一阵尘土中滚倒在地上,它的蹄在空中挣扎着,想触着了,羚羊在一阵尘土中滚倒在地上,它的蹄在空中挣扎着,想触着地面站起来,然而头颈已经受制于豹了。地面站起来,然而头颈已经受制于豹了。uThe key points: 1.To learn the note-taking of speed;2.To have practice in liaison and contraction:3. animal on; swim at; things up; animals in; 4. aeroplanes and spacecraftTask 4uWhat anima

14、ls have the shortest and longest lives?What animal has the shortest life ?uThe mayfly - A few hoursWhich animal has the longest life ?The Arctic clams - 220 years uThe key points:1.Pay attention to key words like: 2. shortest, longest, fastest, most intelligent, etc.2.To have practice in liaison and

15、 contraction:3. rise again, certificate to, insist onTask 3 Why the dinosaurs disappeared ?uIs there any dinosaur in the world?Exercise Bu1. The temperature might have gotten cooler and killed them off.u2. They may have run out of food.u3. They could have been destroyed by aliens from outer space. u

16、Key points:u1. the sentence pattern: may/might/could have done sthu2. expressions: it has sth to do with another idea is theres even a theory thatTask 5Using animals for researchuVocabulary: vaccine, smallpox, polio, cell culture, unwanted: 无用的,有害的无用的,有害的 justify:证明证明是正当的;替是正当的;替辩护辩护 not (A) any mor

17、e than (B) 正如正如B一样,一样,A也不也不 computer modeling: 计算机模拟计算机模拟(分析分析)技术技术 unot (A) any more than (B) 正如正如B一样,一样,A也不也不uA whale is not a fish any more than a horse is. 鲸之非鱼,无异于马之非鱼。鲸之非鱼,无异于马之非鱼。uImperialism will not change its nature any more than a leopard will its spots. 帝国主义绝不会改变其本性,正如豹子绝不会改变其皮上的斑点帝国主义绝不

18、会改变其本性,正如豹子绝不会改变其皮上的斑点一样。一样。uThe president is not satisfied with what John said any more than you are. 正如你一样,校长对约翰所说的也不满意。正如你一样,校长对约翰所说的也不满意。Phrases of expressing ideasu赞成赞成uagree withuapprove ofube for ube in favor ofuapplauduassent to u反对反对ube againstuoppose uobject toube opposed toDifficult and l

19、ong sentenceuHowever those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefit cannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be used to justify experimenting on other humans.AnswersuExercise A People have different opinions on using animals for research.uExercis

20、e B 1. for; was tried first on animals; is dependent on; using unwanted animals 2. against; suffer; unnecessary; the same rights 3. cell culture; computer modelingThe analyzing of this passageuPart 1: put forth the question (Every year about 17 million animals are used in laboratory experiments.)uPa

21、rt 2: the reasons of approving uPart 3: the reasons of opposingThe difficult pointsuTo get the outline of a passage: to understand both the main idea and the supporting details.uTo understand long and difficult sentences.uTo learn words and phrases like: unwanted justify not (A) any more than (B) Ta

22、sk 7 Cats in AmericauWhich have become more popular in America, dogs or cats? How do you know?uHow long have humans had cats in their homes?uWhere did American house cats come from?uCats have been treated well in the United States all along, havent they?ube highly honored (in ancient Egypt, people w

23、ho killed a cat could be published by death.)ube not treated as gods (in early America, worked, killed rats and mice.)usometimes be mistreated (religious extremists believed that cats worked for the devil.)ulater be taken into peoples homes (families who have enough food)uNowadays be well treated (l

24、ive a good life; do not need to work for their food)AnswersuExercise A1.Cats have become more popular, because there are more pet cats in American homes.2.About 8,000 years.3.They probably arrived in the US from Europe.4.No.uExercise B1.food especially prepared for cats; other equipment; with images of cats; in special burial grounds2.pleasure; care; being alone; independentuExercise C F; F; T; F; FThe difficultyufairy & furry fri & f:ri 仙女;仙女的仙女;仙女的 & 毛皮的;盖着毛皮的毛皮的;盖着毛皮的 fairy tails 童话童话The End部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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