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1、Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1Pollution causes too many problems. Section B铜仁市第十中学唐芳What kinds of pollution can you find around us? I can find air pollution. soil pollution. water pollution. light pollution. noise pollution. litter.What problems does the pollution cause?What can you see in the pict

2、ure?Listen to 1a and answer the following questions.Whats the matter with Mrs Zhou?Could she sleep well at night?How long has she been like this?(视频视频p27-1a)Whats the matter with Mrs Zhou?Could she sleep well at night?How long has she been like this?Its difficult for her to breathe.No, she couldnt.S

3、he has been like this since last week/for one week.Whats wrong with you?How long have you been like this?Have you seen a doctor?Read 1a again, find the questions that Kangkang asked Mrs. ZhouWhats wrong with you?Retell the questions like this: Kangkang asked Mrs. ZhouWhats wrong with you?Kangkang as

4、ked Mrs. Zhou what was wrong with her.Retell the questions like this: Kangkang asked Mrs. Zhou直接引语变为间接引语要注意引导词的选用,人称的变化,时态的变化哦。How long have you been like this?Retell the questions like this: Kangkang asked Mrs. Zhou直接引语变为间接引语时直接引语变为间接引语时:要注意从句要注意从句要用陈诉句语气。要用陈诉句语气。How long have you been like this?Ka

5、ngkang asked Mrs. Zhou how long she had been like that.Retell the questions like this: Kangkang asked Mrs. ZhouHave you seen a doctor?Retell the questions like this: Kangkang asked Mrs. ZhouHave you seen a doctor?Kangkang asked Mrs. Zhou if/whether she had seen a doctor.Retell the questions like thi

6、s: Kangkang asked Mrs. Zhou我还有话说!我还有话说! 直接引语变为间接引语的转化中还需要注意直接引语变为间接引语的转化中还需要注意 下列的词语变化!下列的词语变化!指示代词thisthatthesethose表示时间的词nowthentodaythatdayyesterdaythedaybeforelastweek(month,etc.)theweek(month,etc.)beforethreedays(ayear,etc.)agothreedays(ayear.etc.)beforetomorrowthenext(following)daynextweek(mon

7、th,etc.)thenext(following)week(month,etc.)表地点的词Herethere动词bringtakecomego 直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语指示指示代词代词 时时 间间 状状 语语 地点状语地点状语 方向性动词方向性动词 this, that, these those now, then, today that day this week that week yesterday the day before last week the week before four days ago four days before the day before y

8、esterday two days before tomorrow the next daynext month the next month here there come, go,bring take Its difficult for me to breathe.What did she say?She said that it was difficult for her to breathe.The chemical factory produces terrible gas.What did she say?She said that the chemical factory pro

9、duced terrible gas.The bad air makes my chest hurt.What did she say?She said that the bad air made her chest hurt.The factory makes too much noise and I cant sleep well at night.What did she say?She said that the factory made too much noise and she couldnt sleep well at night.I cant stand the enviro

10、nment here.What did she say?She said that she couldnt stand the environment there.2. Work aloneAre youfeelingbetternow,Mrs.Zhou?No.Imfeelingevenworse.Maria:Kangkang:Whatdidtheysay?Thejournalistasked Mrs.Zhou.Mrs.Zhousaid thatshe was feelingevenworse.1whether/if she was feeling better then.Whatisthee

11、nvironmentaroundthis placelike?3Maria:Kangkang:Whatdidtheysaynext?Thejournalistasked .2Mrs.Zhousaid thatthechemicalfactoryproduced terriblegasandthebadairmade her chesthurt.whatwastheenvironmentaroundthat placelike?Thechemicalfactoryproducesterriblegasandthebadairmakesmychesthurt.5Do you haveanysugg

12、estionsforthegovernment,Mrs.Zhou?Yes.Maria:Kangkang:Whatdidtheysayattheendoftheinterview?Thejournalistasked Mrs.Zhou.4Mrs.Zhoutold thejournalistthatshehopedthegovernmentwouldsolvethatproblemsoon.whether/ifshehadanysuggestionsforthegovernment.Ihopethegovernmentwillsolvethisproblem.3 Group workDiscuss

13、 the following questions in groups,and then give a report in class,using indirect speech.1. What was your hometown like a few years ago?2.How is your hometown now?3.Are there any factories in your hometown?4.Do they produce waste water or terrible gas?Sumup总结1.谈论污染给人们带来的危害2.学习了直接引语转化为间接引语的方法Homework1.名校B部分,报纸B部分2.掌握直接引语和间接引语的转化,熟读教材的第120页的语法项目-直接引语和间接引语。3背诵A部分的单词,明天听写。4预习C部分,把1b和1c先做在书上Goodbye!Lets protect our earth !



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