项目管理Reducing Project Duration

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《项目管理Reducing Project Duration》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《项目管理Reducing Project Duration(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter Nine: Reducing Project Duration成本成本质量质量费用最低费用最低质量最高质量最高经济的经济的最适当最适当最佳项目最佳项目合理工期合理工期最短工期最短工期工期工期成本、质量与工期的关系图成本、质量与工期的关系图成成本本、质质量量与与工工期期的的关关系系图图9.1:Overview综述综述Reasons:1.In recent years emphasis on time-to-market has taken on new importance because of intense global competition and rapid techn

2、ological advances. The market imposes a project duration date. 近年来,由于激烈的市场竞争和快速的技术进步,近年来,由于激烈的市场竞争和快速的技术进步,对投放市场时间的强调具有了新的重要性,市场强加了对投放市场时间的强调具有了新的重要性,市场强加了项目一个完成日期。项目一个完成日期。(291-2-1)2. Incentive contracts in partnering arrangements can make reduction of project time rewardingusually for both the pro

3、ject contractor and owner. (291-3-1)3.Another reason for reducing project time occurs when unforeseen delays. (291-4-1)项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式1带有日历的项目网络图带有日历的项目网络图 项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式2时间坐标网络图时间坐标网络图项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式3条形图或甘特图条形图或甘特图项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式4里程碑事件里程碑事件里程碑事件一月二月三月四月五月六月七月八月转包签订计划书的完成设计检查子系统测试第一单元实现

4、产品计划完成项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式5里程碑图里程碑图组织层组织层项目管理层项目管理层执行层执行层十月十月十一月十一月十二月十二月第第1阶段设计文档阶段设计文档第第2阶段设计文档阶段设计文档组合的设计文档组合的设计文档最后的技术草案最后的技术草案技术方案评审技术方案评审提出预算要求提出预算要求提出初步的项目申请提出初步的项目申请最后的草案评审最后的草案评审财务估算评审财务估算评审最后的预算最后的预算草案草案注注:: 每一个方块每一个方块 ( ) 代表一个重要的里程碑;也就是,表示一项或多项任务(在此未画出)被安排在此完成代表一个重要的里程碑;也就是,表示一项或多项任务(在此未画出)



7、日2004年6月21日2004年10月8日0%17交付60工作日2004年10月11日2004年12月31日0%18结束0工作日2004年12月31日2004年12月31日0%项目进度的表达形式项目进度的表达形式7项目行动计划表项目行动计划表 递送:完成措施:关键约束条件和假设:任务估计资源前期任务估计持续时间责任人There are few circumstances in which a project manager or owner would not wish to reduce the time to complete a project. (289-3-1)很少有项目经理或业主不

8、愿意缩短项目完成时间。很少有项目经理或业主不愿意缩短项目完成时间。The manager faces a cost-time trade-off problem. (289-3-3)管理者面对着一种成本管理者面对着一种成本时间时间权衡问题。权衡问题。Cost-time situations focus on reducing the critical path that determines the project completion date. (289-3-5)成本成本时间关系的焦时间关系的焦点在于缩短决定项目完成日期的关键路径。点在于缩短决定项目完成日期的关键路径。the challe

9、nge for the project manager is to use a quick, logical method to compare the benefits of reducing project time with cost. (291-7-2)项目经理所面临的挑战是使用快速合理项目经理所面临的挑战是使用快速合理的方法将缩短项目时间的收益和成本进行比较。的方法将缩短项目时间的收益和成本进行比较。When sound, logical methods are absent, it is difficult to isolate those activities that will

10、 have the greatest impact on reducing project time at least cost. (291-7-3)在找不到合理有效在找不到合理有效的方法时,在最小成本下很难分辨出对缩短项目的方法时,在最小成本下很难分辨出对缩短项目时间影响最大的那些活动。时间影响最大的那些活动。This chapter describes a procedure for identifying the costs of reducing project time so that comparisons can be made with the benefits of gett

11、ing the project completed sooner. (291-8)本章本章描述了一种识别缩短项目时间的成本的过程,这样就可描述了一种识别缩短项目时间的成本的过程,这样就可以与项目更快完成获得的收益进行比较。以与项目更快完成获得的收益进行比较。The method requires gathering direct and indirect costs for specific project durations.Critical activities are searched to find the lowest direct-cost activities that shor

12、ten the project duration.Total cost for specific project durations are computed and then compared with the benefits of reducing project timebefore the project begins or while it is progress.时间时间成本优化成本优化概念:概念:是指在成本最低的条件下,确定最佳工期;或是指在成本最低的条件下,确定最佳工期;或在最短工期的条件下,确定最佳成本。在最短工期的条件下,确定最佳成本。思路:思路:项目总成本项目总成本=直

13、接成本直接成本+间接成本间接成本9.2: Project cost-duration graph项目成本项目成本时间图时间图1.Explanation2.Constructing a project cost-duration graph9.2.1: Explanationthe general nature of project costs : (291-9)1.The total cost for each duration is the sum of the indirect and direct costs.每种时间长度的总成本是每种时间长度的总成本是直接成本和间接成本的总合。直接成本

14、和间接成本的总合。2.Indirect costs continue for the life of the project. Hence, any reduction in project duration means a reduction in indirect costs.间接成本在项目过程中间接成本在项目过程中一直持续,因此,项目时间长度的任何削减都意味着一直持续,因此,项目时间长度的任何削减都意味着间接成本的降低。间接成本的降低。3.Direct costs grow at an increasing rate as the project duration is reduced

15、from its original planned duration.随着项目时间长度在原计划水平上随着项目时间长度在原计划水平上的下降,直接成本以加速度增加。的下降,直接成本以加速度增加。Project Cost-Time Graph项目成本项目成本-时间图时间图indirect costs: (292-2) 1.generally represent overhead costs. (292-2-1)2.Indirect costs vary directly with time. that is, any reduction in time should result in a redu

16、ction of indirect costs. (292-2-3)随着时间变随着时间变动,时间上的任何减少都会导致间接成本的降低。动,时间上的任何减少都会导致间接成本的降低。Direct costs: (292-3)1.Direct costs commonly represent labor, materials, equipment, and sometimes subcontractors. (292-3-1)一般包括劳动力、原材一般包括劳动力、原材料、设备,有时还包括转包商。料、设备,有时还包括转包商。2.Direct costs are assigned directly to a

17、 work package and activity. (292-3-2)直接分派给各个工直接分派给各个工作包和活动。作包和活动。时间时间现在时间现在时间任务任务1任务任务2任务任务3任务任务4图解:图解:=计划计划=实际实际图解:图解:=计划中的里程碑事件计划中的里程碑事件=实际中的里程碑事件实际中的里程碑事件时间时间现在时间现在时间任务任务1任务任务2任务任务3任务任务4甘特图的两种表示方法甘特图的两种表示方法变更时间与所付代价关系图变更时间与所付代价关系图9.2.2: Constructing a project cost-duration graph 构建时间构建时间成本图成本图 Th

18、ree major steps: (293-2)1.Find total direct costs for selected project durations.2.Find total indirect costs for selected project durations.3.Sum direct and indirect costs for these selected durations. Major details:Determining the activities to shorten:Managers need to look for critical activities

19、that can be shortened with the smallest increase in cost per unit of time. (293-3-4)The rationale for selecting critical activities depends on identifying the activitys normal and crash times and corresponding costs. (293-3-5)Terms: 1.Shortening an activity is called crashing.2.The shortest possible

20、 time an activity can realistically be completed in is called its crash time. 现实中完成活动可能的最短时间现实中完成活动可能的最短时间叫叫压缩时间压缩时间。3.The direct cost for completing an activity in its crash time is called crash cost. 在压在压缩时间内完成活动的直接成本叫缩时间内完成活动的直接成本叫压缩成本。压缩成本。Knowing the slope of activities allows managers to compa

21、re which critical activities to shorten. The less steep the cost slope of an activity, the less it costs to shorten one time period; a steeper slope means it will cost more to shorten one time unit. (293-5)The cost per unit of time or slope for any activity is computed by the following equation: (29

22、3-5) Cost sloperise/run =(crash cost-normal cost) / (normal time-crash time) =(cc-nc) / (nt-ct)Activity Graph活动图活动图1.The total direct cost for each specific compressed project duration must be found.(294)一定要找出每个特定的压缩项目时一定要找出每个特定的压缩项目时间长度的总直接成本。间长度的总直接成本。2.With the total direct costs for the array of

23、 specific project durations found, the next step is to collect the indirect costs for these same durations. These costs are typically a rate per day and are easily obtained from the accounting department. (296-2-1)间接成间接成本是一个每日比率,很容易从会计部门获得。本是一个每日比率,很容易从会计部门获得。Cost-Time Trade-Off ExampleCost-Time Tra

24、de-Off Example (continued)各时间长度对应的成本例表各时间长度对应的成本例表Project Cost-Time GraphAdvantage:The creation of such a graph keeps the importance of indirect costs in the forefront of decision making. (297-1-2)这种图将间接成本的重要这种图将间接成本的重要性放在了决策人员面前。性放在了决策人员面前。Disadvantage:Linearity assumption is impractice.附有正常和应急时间及成

25、本的网络图缩缩短短工工期期的的单单位位时时间间加加急急成成本本可可用用如如下下公公式计算:式计算:每每项项活活动动的的每每周周加加急急成成本本可可根根据据上上述述公公式式分别计算出来:分别计算出来:活动活动A: 6 000元周元周 活动活动B:10 000元周元周活动活动C: 5 000元周元周 活动活动D: 6 000元周元周单位时间加急成本时间成本平衡法的举例9.2.3: Choice of activities to crash revisited对被压缩的活动选择对被压缩的活动选择The cost-time crashing method relies on choosing the

26、cheapest method for reducing the duration of the project. (298-3-1)成本成本时时间压缩依赖于选择最廉价的方法来缩短项目期限。间压缩依赖于选择最廉价的方法来缩短项目期限。There are other factors that should be assessed beyond simply cost: 1.First, the timing of activities needs to be considered. 活动的时效。活动的时效。2.A second consideration is the impact crashi

27、ng would have on the morale and motivation of the project team.对团队的士气和工作动力的影响。对团队的士气和工作动力的影响。3.Finally, the inherent risks involved in crashing particular activities need to be considered.内在风内在风险。险。9.2.4: time reduction decisions and sensitivity时间压缩的决策和敏感度时间压缩的决策和敏感度how far to reduce the project tim

28、e from the normal time toward the optimum depends on the sensitivity of the project network. A network is sensitive if it has several critical or near-critical paths. (300-2-1)要使项目时要使项目时间从正常时间变为最优时间,应该缩减到何种间从正常时间变为最优时间,应该缩减到何种程度取决于项目网络的敏感度。敏感的网络是程度取决于项目网络的敏感度。敏感的网络是指具有多种关键路径或接近关键的路径。指具有多种关键路径或接近关键的路

29、径。Sensitive network require careful analysis. The bottom line is that compression of projects with several near-critical paths reduces scheduling flexibility and increases the risk of delaying the project. (300-2-8)对于敏感的网络需要进行细致的分析。对于敏感的网络需要进行细致的分析。The outcome of such analysis will probably suggest

30、only a partial movement from the normal time toward the optimum time. (300-2-11)这种分析的结果这种分析的结果可能说明只能从正常时间向最优时间进行部分调整。可能说明只能从正常时间向最优时间进行部分调整。there is a positive situation where moving toward the optimum time can result in very real, large savingsthis occurs when the network is insensitive. (300-3-1)一

31、种较好的情况是,向最优时间一种较好的情况是,向最优时间的调整实际上可以导致大量节省的调整实际上可以导致大量节省这发生在网络不敏感这发生在网络不敏感的时候。的时候。Insensitive networks with high indirect costs can produce large savings. (300-4-7)具有高间接成本的不具有高间接成本的不敏感网络可以带来巨大的节省。敏感网络可以带来巨大的节省。9.3: Options for accelerating project completion提前完成项目的措施提前完成项目的措施Several of methods: (300)

32、1.Adding resource增加资源增加资源The most common method for shortening project time is to assign additional staff and equipment to activities.最常用的方法是为活动分派额外的人力和设备。最常用的方法是为活动分派额外的人力和设备。2.outsourcing project work外包项目外包项目3.Scheduling overtime安排加班安排加班The easiest way to add more labor to a project is not to add

33、more people, but to schedule overtime. 增加人增加人手的最简单的办法不是增加新人,而是安排加班。手的最简单的办法不是增加新人,而是安排加班。4.Establish a core project team建立核心项目团队建立核心项目团队One of the advantages of creating a dedicated core team to complete a project is speed.5.do it twice-fast and correctly再做一次再做一次又快又好又快又好6.Fast-tracking快速追踪快速追踪7.Crit

34、ical-chain关键链关键链Critical-chain (c-c) project management is designed to accelerate project completion.关键链项目管理能够加快关键链项目管理能够加快项目进度。项目进度。8.brainstorming time savers节省时间的头脑风暴节省时间的头脑风暴9.Reducing project scope缩小项目范围缩小项目范围the key to reducing a project scope without reducing value is to reassess the true spe

35、cifications of the project. (304-2-1)缩小项目范围却不减少项目价值的关键是缩小项目范围却不减少项目价值的关键是重新评估项目真实的规格要求。重新评估项目真实的规格要求。calculating the savings of reduced project scope begins with the work breakdown structure. (304-3-1)计计算缩小项目范围带来的节省要从工作分解结构开始。算缩小项目范围带来的节省要从工作分解结构开始。10.Phase project deliver 项目阶段性交付项目阶段性交付11.Compromis

36、e quality牺牲质量牺牲质量What if cost reduction, not time, is the issue?当成本比时间更重要时当成本比时间更重要时below are some of the more commonly used options for cutting costs: (305)1.Reduce project scope缩小项目范围缩小项目范围2.Have owner take on more responsibility让业主让业主承担更多责任承担更多责任3.Outsourcing project activities or even the entire

37、 project 外包项目活动甚至整个项目外包项目活动甚至整个项目4.Brainstorming cost savings options 节约成本节约成本的头脑风暴的头脑风暴1.Overview: Rationale for Reducing Project Duration. 2.Project cost-duration graph and its development.3.Options for accelerating project completion.4.What if cost reduction, not time, is the issue?9.4:Session Su

38、mmary本章小结本章小结1.Crash point2.Fast-tracking3.Phase project delivery4.Crash time5.Indirect costs9.5: Key Terms关键术语关键术语7.Project cost-duration Graph8.Direct costs9.Outsourcing9.5: Key Terms关键术语关键术语问题与讨论问题与讨论 Q&Q&C CQuestions & CommentsQuestions & Comments1.Identify five indirect costs you might find on

39、a moderately complex project. Why are these costs classified as indirect?2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of reducing project scope to accelerate a project? What can be done to reduce these disadvantages?9.6: Review Questions复习题复习题3.Reducing the project duration increases the risk of being late. Explain.4.It is possible to shorten the critical path and save money. Explain how this is possible. 资料查询网站资料查询网站



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