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1、句型结构1.However, sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.2.Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper.掌握Its + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. (注意of 和 for用法的区别)以及这个句型的否定结构 1) 你帮助我学英语真是太好了。 Its you me with my English.2) 保持健康对我们是很有必要的。 Its us healthy.Unit Onekind ofto helpnecessar

2、y forto keep3) 对于学生们来讲,不按时交作业是不礼貌的。 Its impolite for students hand in their homework on time.3.You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.A. 掌握enough to do 与sothat从句的转换 Andy精力充沛足可以成为一个领导者。 1)Andy is a leader. 2)Andy is he can be a leader.not toenergetic enough to beso energetic thatB.掌握eno

3、ugh修饰形容词副词和名词的不同用法。 1)Daniel很自信能通过考试。Daniel is to pass the exam.2) 很多西部地区的孩子没有足够的钱上不起学。Many children in the west dont have to go to school. 难点语法1.Its + adj. + of /for sb to do sth. (注意注意of 和和 for用法用法的区别的区别)2enough to do / tooto do句型转换及与句型转换及与sothat引导的结果状语从句之间的转换。引导的结果状语从句之间的转换。confident enoughenough

4、 money1) Kitty给我们每个人两件礼物,她真大方。Kitty is each of us two presents.Kitty is she gives each of us two presents.It is generous Kitty each of us two presents.2) 对于中学生来说,学好英语是很重要的吗?Is it Middle School Students _ _ English well?3)Jim年龄不够大,照顾不了自己。 Jim is look after himself. Jim is look after himself. Jim is h

5、e look after himself.generous enough to giveso generous thatofto giveimportant forto learnnot old enough totoo young toso young thatcan句子的成分1)当Millie听到这个消息时,看上去很开心。When Millie heard the news, she looked .2)当我把这个好消息告诉Millie时,她开心地看着我。When I told Millie the good news, she looked_ at me.3) Peter总是给他的朋友买

6、许多礼物。(注意:双宾语)Peter always .Peter always .4)Simon正把足球传给Peter.Simon the football Peter.Simon the football.happyhappilybuys his friends lots of presentsbuys lots of presents to his friendsis passingtois passing Peter句型结构1. Id rather wear blue than pink. (would ratherthan的用法及和preferto的同义句转换) 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去

7、购物。 I would rather than . I prefer to .stay at homego shoppingstaying at homegoing shopping2. Theres nothing wrong with pink. 我的电脑出了些问题,它不工作了。There is my computer. It doesnt work.3. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body.Wearing red makes it easier for you to t

8、ake action.(注意动名词做主语) 1) 在阳光下看书对我们的眼睛有害。 in the sun bad for our health.something wrong withReading is2)我知道早晨读英语是很有帮助的。 I know English in the morning very useful.4. Colors can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. (总结make的用法,尤其注意被动语态中的用法)1) 这消息让他开心。 The news .2) 科学家正在努力

9、工作使得这个梦想成真。Scientists are working hard to the dream .3) 工人们被迫一天工作十六小时。 The workers sixteen hours a day.reading ismakes him happymakecome trueare made to work 难点语法1.would ratherthan 的用法2.preferto的用法3.不定代词的用法(肯定句/否定句/疑问句)1) 有人在更衣室里。There in the fitting room. 2) 他们发现东西了吗? Did they find ?3) 冰箱是空的。里面什么也没

10、有。The fridge is empty. There is in it.is someoneanythingnothing4) 教室里有多少学生?一个也没有。A:How many students are there in the classroom? B: .5) 如果你有问题,你可以问任何一个人。 If you have questions, you can ask . 6) 你想吃些东西吗? Would you like to eat?7) 今天的报纸没有重要的内容。 There is not in todays newspaper.None/ No oneanyonesomethi

11、nganything important 句型结构1. The problem is that I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.(注意 “花费时间与金钱”的几种不同的表达方法)1) Sandy每天花一小时做作业. Sandy an hour her homework every day. Sandy an hour her homework every day. Sandy an hour her homework every day.spendsdoingspe

12、ndsonIt takesto do2) Sandy花3500元买了一个数码相机。 Sandy ¥3500 a digital camera. Sandy ¥3500 a digital camera. The digital camera Sandy ¥3500.2. I am crazy about football. (喜欢的几种表达)1) Andy喜欢打篮球。Andy basketball. 2) Simon痴迷于打电脑游戏。Simon computer games. 3) Amy热爱跳舞。Amy .spentbuyingpaidforcostlikes playingis crazy

13、 about playingis fond of dancing3. I wish I could have my parents support. (总结wish和hope 的用法及区别) 1) 我多么希望我能到火星上生活。 How I I live on Mars! 2) 我希望收到你的来信。 I you. I you. 难点语法1. I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies. Can you please teach me how to achieve a balanc

14、e between the two?(总结特殊疑问词加动词不定式的用法以及和宾语从句的转换)wishcouldhope to hear fromhope to receive a letter from1) Simon不知道该做什么。 Simon doesnt know . Simon doesnt know .2) Sandy 想知道去哪里征求意见。 Sandy wants to know advice. Sandy wants to know advice. 2. 句子的种类(陈述句/疑问句/感叹句/祈使句) 这是多么重要的信息啊! the information is! informat

15、ion it is!what to dohow to do itwhere to go forwhere she should go forHow importantWhat important3. 简单句的基本类型。 1) 他们认为约翰是最好的演员。 They consider John the best actor.(把这句变为简单句) They . 2) 我觉得这篇关于星座的文章有意思。 I the article on star signs .(把这句变为复合句) .isconsider John the best actorthinkinterestingI think the article on star signs is interesting



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