2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Unit 21 Human Biology课件 北师大版

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《2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Unit 21 Human Biology课件 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Unit 21 Human Biology课件 北师大版(79页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语英语第一部分基础考点聚焦选修修7Unit 21Human Biology01教材梳理自测自评02考点串讲重难突破04课后达标检测03高效演练跟踪检测间隔;隔;间歇歇矿物物交交换(程度程度)最大的最大的,极度的极度的怀疑的疑的,不肯定的不肯定的荣幸的荣幸的充足的充足的,充裕的充裕的扫描描储存存停停顿;暂停停统计资料;料;统计数字数字症状症状极相似之极相似之处;平行;平行线临时的;短的;短暂的的协作;配合作;配合商行商行,公司公司seekcompulsorycontroversialtreatpostponeuniteroutineforeseeunderlinefaithdeclinedea

2、dlineextensioncircumstanceabusevotecirculatecirculationdigestdigestiontoleratetolerationtoleranttolerancefundamentalfundamentallyannual annuallyopposeoppositionopposedoppositecontradictcontradictoryviolateviolationrebuildbuildprohibitprohibitionprohibitiverobrobberyequipequipmentfortunefortunatefort

3、unatelyunfortunatelysubmitsubmissionconcernconcernedconcerningin vainat randomat all costsstraight awaywipe outstop sth.in its tracksrob sb.of sth. at any rateget down tobring upget throughclear upput offmiss outfocus onwould have brokenif they had taken part inhave their genes changedrather thanthe

4、 Spanish Flu is believed to have beenforeseeseekingdeclinedtreatedtolerateFortunatelyequipmenttemporarilyopposedannuallyrobbedrobberyprohibitiveprohibitedprohibitiontoleratetoleranttoleranceopposeopposedoppositefortunefortunateUnfortunatelyfocus oncater toget down toat randomin despair brought upbe

5、responsible forstop it in its tracksstraight awayrobbedof at any rateprohibitedfromin vainwiped outat all costssubmit toIf you had told me in advancehad his wallet stolenrather thanisis believed to have beendestroyingtoleranttolerancetolerate/put up withseekingto seekto understandfor/afterseek their

6、 fortunebuildinggivingOpposedOpposingoppositeopposed it/were opposed to itWith a lot of people opposed to/opposing the new proposalpostpone our sports meetingpostpone making the decisionto postponeto put offadvertisingprohibitionsmokingprohibitedprohibited me from going to collegeonto visitbytoto sp

7、eakforequipmentEquipped with much experience in teachingEquipping himself with much experience in teachingto be chosenfortunateFortunatelyto try his fortunemade no fortuneIt was fortunatemade his fortuneto banagainstbecause she got most votesvoted for itputting the matter to a votewipe out hungerwip

8、ing awaywiped the dirt fromat any rateat a rate ofreturningburningto taketo be takenhave your knowledge of traditional Chinese culture deepenedfocusingto focus isor ratherother than yourself faithhad reviewedfundamentaltoleranceequipmentofnoafteronwith反反对寻找;找;寻求求配配备;装;装备运气运气投票投票was postponedopposedg

9、oingbecausethatunitedtocostsputtingunconditionallyseeking effective measures to wipe out the diseasecompulsoryat random under any circumstancesget down to the work to rid the disease of our schoolThe flu is spreading widely among people in our country, so our school is seeking effective measures to wipe out the disease.Under no circumstances will we put some food in our mouths at random.本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按按按ESCESC键键退出全屏播放退出全屏播放退出全屏播放退出全屏播放



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