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1、ReadingReading 北极狼北极狼朱鹮朱鹮军舰鸟军舰鸟黑犀牛黑犀牛剑羚剑羚 白脸牛羚白脸牛羚东东方方白白鹤鹤黑叶猴黑叶猴北山羊北山羊猕猴猕猴蒙古野驴蒙古野驴朱鹭朱鹭指指 猴猴1. struggle v. 挣扎,斗争挣扎,斗争struggle against/with 同同作斗争作斗争struggle for为为而斗争而斗争Use of the wordsHe struggled against cancer for two years. Millions of people are struggling for survival.The two leaders are struggli

2、ng for power. struggle to do 努力,挣扎,奋斗努力,挣扎,奋斗She struggled to get away from her attacker. I struggled to get free.struggle to overcome ones shortcoming努力克服缺点努力克服缺点struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来struggle n. 战斗、斗争战斗、斗争 = fight 努力、奋斗努力、奋斗 = effortthe struggle for existence 为生存而挣扎为生存而挣扎A foreign langu

3、age is a weapon in the struggle of life.外语是一种生存的武器。外语是一种生存的武器。We will not surrender without a struggle. 我们绝不会不战而降。我们绝不会不战而降。2. be worth doing/n. 值得值得The film is worth seeing again.He thought the book worth the money.The house must be worth quite a lot of money now.A lot of the small towns in the are

4、a are definitely worth visiting.3. on the spot 在现场、到现场;在现场、到现场; 当场、立即当场、立即 He decided the matter on the spot.就此事他当场拍板。就此事他当场拍板。He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot. Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. The police were on the spot within a few minutes of my telephone call. 4. raid 突

5、袭;突击搜查;抢劫突袭;突击搜查;抢劫n. a raid on/upon sb./sth.vt. raid raid on sth. 对对进行突击搜查进行突击搜查The enemy made a raid on the oil field.敌人对油田进行了突袭。敌人对油田进行了突袭。The police made a raid on a shop in London and found 138 shawls.警察对伦敦的一家商店进行了突击搜查警察对伦敦的一家商店进行了突击搜查并发现了并发现了138条披肩。条披肩。5. condition 情况情况, 状态状态, 身体状况身体状况

6、; 条条件件on this condition 在这种条件下在这种条件下on that condition 在那种条件下在那种条件下on condition that 在在条件下条件下living/working conditions 生活生活/工作环境工作环境in (a) good/poor/excellent/terrible condition 情况很好情况很好/糟糕糟糕 He can use my bicycle on condition that he returns it tomorrow. 他可以用我的自行车,条件是明天还我。他可以用我的自行车,条件是明天还我。 The ship

7、 is not in a condition to make a long voyage. 这艘船目前的状况不适合远航。这艘船目前的状况不适合远航。6. be involved in 被卷入被卷入, 被牵涉进来;专注于被牵涉进来;专注于He was involved in trouble.他卷入了麻烦。他卷入了麻烦。He was involved in working out a plan.他正忙于制定一个计划。他正忙于制定一个计划。Dont involve other people in your trouble.不要把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。不要把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。involve d

8、oing/n. involve sb. in (doing) sth.This is a task which involves much difficulty.Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.争取让尽可能多的孩子加入到这个游戏中争取让尽可能多的孩子加入到这个游戏中来。来。7. lay laid laid layinglay eggs 产卵,下蛋产卵,下蛋lay the table 摆桌子摆桌子lay the book on the table把书放在桌子上把书放在桌子上辨别:辨别:lie 位于位于, 躺躺 lie

9、 lay lain lying8. be concerned for/about sth. 为为关心关心/担心担心/忧虑忧虑The government is concerned about the growth of the young generation.政府关心青年一代的成长。政府关心青年一代的成长。Were all concerned for her safety. 我们都为她的安全而担心。我们都为她的安全而担心。as far as sb/sth is concerned就某人就某人/某物而言;某物而言;据据看来看来/认为认为 (表达观点或想法表达观点或想法)As far as Im

10、 concerned you can do what you like. The car is fine as far as the engine is concerned.9. feed on (动物动物) 以以为主食为主食Horses mainly feed on grass.马主要以草为主食。马主要以草为主食。feed sb. with sth.用用喂某人喂某人feed sth. to sb.把把喂给某人喂给某人Several children were feeding bread to the ducks. 10. focuson/uponThey focus their attent

11、ion on the main problems.You must try to focus your mind on work and study. She turned the camera and focused on Martins face.注意力、目光集中在注意力、目光集中在;聚焦;聚焦1. Have you ever read or heard of the Tibetan antelopes?2. How much do you know about it?Pre-readingListen to the tape and choose the best answers.1.

12、How did Jiesang Suonandajie die? A. He froze to death. B. He was killed by criminals. C. He had an accident in his jeep.2. Why are Tibetan antelopes in danger? A. They have lost their natural habitat. B. They are killed for their wool. C. They cannot survive at high altitude. 3. What has the Chinese

13、 government done to help the antelopes? A. It is protecting the antelope in a nature reserve. B. It has sent police to countries where “shahtoosh” is sold. C. It has closed the border with India.4. Whats happened to the trade in “shahtoosh”? A. It has grown quickly. B. It has become legal. C. It has

14、 become harder to sell “shahtoosh.”5. What will happen to the Tibetan antelope? A. Its number will continue to increase. B. It may survive. C. It will soon become extinct.What do the numbers and dates refer to?50,000 By the 1990s the number of the antelopes had fallen to about 50,000.$ 5,000The pric

15、e of a shawl made from “shahtoosh” is $5,000.1975The year when the trade ban on “shahtoosh” shawls was started.138The number of “shahtoosh” shawls found in a London shop.2%The percentage of the antelope population those shawls represented.3,000The number of poachers caught in ten years.5,000 metres

16、The height of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.1997 The year when the antelope population started to grow again.1. Although surprised, the poachers had an advantage there were more of them. 偷猎者虽然感到惊慌,但他们占着偷猎者虽然感到惊慌,但他们占着人多的优势。人多的优势。Language pointsLanguage points过去分词过去分词surprised做状语做状语, 表示主语的状态表示主语的状态, 这里

17、的这里的Although surprised相当于相当于Although they were surprised。Moved to tears, the boy stood still at the door.Greatly shocked, they did not know what to say.Seated at the table, my father and I were talking about my job. 2. Often working at night, the poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, le

18、aving only the babies. 那些偷猎者往往半夜出动,一次就杀那些偷猎者往往半夜出动,一次就杀掉整群藏羚羊,只留下那些幼崽。掉整群藏羚羊,只留下那些幼崽。 leaving only the babies 是现在分词做是现在分词做伴随状语,表示结果。伴随状语,表示结果。In a few minutes, the tiger ate the wolf, leaving only bones.The old man dies, leaving his grandson a big fortune.几分钟之内几分钟之内, 老虎就吃掉了狼老虎就吃掉了狼, 只留只留下骨头。下骨头。老人去世

19、了老人去世了, 留给他孙子一大笔财产。留给他孙子一大笔财产。作伴随状语的非谓语动词形式用过去分作伴随状语的非谓语动词形式用过去分词还是现在分词?词还是现在分词?The old man dies, leaving his grandson a big fortune.Greatly shocked, they did not know what to say.The old man left a big fortune. They were greatly shocked.主动关系主动关系被动关系被动关系根据动词和主语的关系判断。根据动词和主语的关系判断。3. come into fashion

20、 流行起来流行起来 come into use 投入使用投入使用 come into being (局面局面, 事物等事物等)形成形成, 产产 生生 come into power 上台执政上台执政 come into the world 出生出生 come into effect 开始生效开始生效 come into the market 开始上市开始上市4. be/get tough on/with sb.采取坚决态度采取坚决态度; 采用强硬手段采用强硬手段 Its time to get tough with football hooligans.现在该对足球迷小流氓采取强硬措了。现在该

21、对足球迷小流氓采取强硬措了。My mother was very tough on my sister.妈妈对姐姐要求非常严厉。妈妈对姐姐要求非常严厉。5. seem to be working work 起作用起作用 (be effective/successful)What his mother said didnt work.他妈妈说的话不起作用。他妈妈说的话不起作用。My plan worked, and I got them to agree. 我的想法奏效了我的想法奏效了, 我让他们同意了。我让他们同意了。His charm doesnt work on me.=His charm

22、 doesnt affect or impress me. 他的魅力对我不起作用。他的魅力对我不起作用。If heated, ice can be turned into water.His parents died, leaving him an orphan.1. 如果被加热如果被加热, 冰能变成水。冰能变成水。2. 他的父母去世了他的父母去世了, 使他成为一个孤儿。使他成为一个孤儿。Translation We dont know when this world came into being.3. 我们不知道这个世界是何时形成的。我们不知道这个世界是何时形成的。 They made a

23、 raid on the shop last night but found nothing.4. 昨夜他们对这家商店进行了突然搜昨夜他们对这家商店进行了突然搜查查, 但什么也没发现。但什么也没发现。 The rules seem to be working. The government is going to get tough with the dealers.6. 政府打算对这些商人强硬起来。政府打算对这些商人强硬起来。5. 这些条例似乎起作用了。这些条例似乎起作用了。1. What do you feel after you read the passage?2. What should we do to protect these animals?3. Would you like to be a volunteer to protect the antelopes if possible?Post-reading Please prepare a short speech:Tell us the dangers some animals are facing.Call on our classmates to protect these animals.



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