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1、 商务信函英文写作商务信函英文写作商务信函英文写作商务信函英文写作(一)商务信件格式(一)商务信件格式Formats of Commerce Letters1.信头信头 (letter heading)2.日期日期 (date)3.封内地址封内地址 (Inside address)4.称呼称呼 (greeting)5.正文正文 (body)6.结尾结尾 (closing)7.签名签名 (signature)8.打印名打印名 (printed name)信函的基本结构(信函的基本结构(The Basic Structure of Business Letters)Formats of comme

2、rce Letters 商务信函要达到良好的沟通效果,一方面要撰写恰如其分的句子和段落,另一方面还必须运用恰当有效的信函格式。Layout of a Business Letter 商业信函的格式Three major forms1.Indented Form 缩行式(逐渐少用)2.Blocked Form 齐头式(广受欢迎)3.Semi-block Style混合式混合式/半齐头式半齐头式 Modified Blocked Form 改良齐头式Indentedstyleiseasiertoread.Butitisrarelyusedinbusiness.Itisaslightlylessfo


4、lineofeachparagraphisindented,itstarts1cmfromthemargin.Alineisnotplacedbetweeneachparagraph.1.缩行式缩行式(Indented Style)56 Yango RdBROGALA VIC 332120 October 199845 Carlton St. GREENS CAPE VIC 3467 Dear Greg, It was great to hear from you. I cannot believe you will be turning 40 next month. I can rememb

5、er our high school days so well. My wife and I would be delighted to come to your 40th birthday party. We are really looking forward to it. Regards, John John2. 齐(或平)头式齐(或平)头式(Block Style或或FullBlock Style) Thecommonestlayoutforthebusinesslettertodayisknownastheblockedstyle.Itisconsideredthemostforma


7、esignatureRadio Products 123 Main Rd COVILLE VIC 3241 16 October 1998 Rosa Bellafiore General Television Services 234 Grand Ave MONTPELLIER NSW 2345 Dear Ms BellafioreThank you for your inquiry about our radio communications software. I am enclosing our brochure and price list of our products. Our c

8、ommunications products are widely used and have a proven record of value for money and reliability. If you have further questions, please contact us. Yours sincerely Jane Broker Jane Broker 3. 混合式混合式(Modified Block Style)Thisformatisacombinationofindentedstyleandblockstyle,alltheparagraphsareblocked


10、eseparateseachparagraphInsideaddress,greetingandbodypartsallstartattheleftmargin3303 West Valley Cove Round Rock, Texas 78664 August 5, 1990Personnel AssistantJD Employee Credit Bank of Texas P.O. Box 32345 Austin, Texas 78745Dear Personnel Assistant:I am writing about your newspaper ad in the Augus

11、t 1 Austin-American Statesman concerning your need for an experienced programmer in the database environment. I believe that I have the qualifications and experience that you are looking for.Enclosed you will find a resume, which will give you additional information on my background and qualificatio

12、ns. I would welcome a chance to talk further with you about the position you are seeking to fill. I can be reached by phone between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. at (512) 545-0098.Sincerely,Virginia RementeriaVirginia RementeriaWriting Practice1) Try to answer the following questions:a)Basedonwhatwehavele

13、arned,whichisthemostformalformatforaletter?b)If paragraphs are indented, where will the signature be? Full-Block b)Ifparagraphsareindented,wherewillthesignaturebe?Indented to the right half of the pagec)Ifthedateisflushright,whereistheinsideaddressinindentedstyle?Flush left 2) Discuss the characteristic of the three letter styles you have learned. 3) Write a letter to Mr. Johnson, invite him to attend the anniversary of your nine years of business enterprise, use a proper format and sign your own name.



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