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1、Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws12Outline:I. (Para. 1) The problem: millions of Americans are breaking the legal codes. ExamplesQuotationII. (Para. 2-4) Varieties of scofflaws Para. 2Scofflawsaboundinamazingvariety. Examples Para. 3Themostimmediatelyandmeasurablydangerousscofflawryisthe_.ExamplesSta

2、tistics Para. 4Themostflagrantscofflawisthe_.ExamplesQuotationmostvisiblered-lightrunner3III. (Para. 5-8) Dangers of scofflaws Para. 5Thefloutingofbasicrulesharmssocietybecausescofflawsshowno_tothesocialrulesanddisplay_forthefundamentalsoforder. Para. 6Todayscofflawryispervasiveandrepresents_.Exampl

3、e Para. 7Thescofflawryisnotonlyamatterofetiquette.Itmayleadto_.Examples respectcontempttheelementarysocialdemoralizationviolentcrimes4Para. 8ScofflawryatvariouslevelofsocietyshakesthefoundationofU.S.lawmorethanviolentcrimesdo.ExamplesQuotations differentlevels:governmentatmanylevels1._2._3._IV. (Par

4、a. 9) ConclusionThethesis:Scofflawryisextremely_andU.S.societymustdosomethingaboutit.policestatelegislaturestheAdministrationinWashingtoninfectiousordinarycitizens5What do they mean?scofflaw, scofflawry n. take to (l. 7) litter-bugs (l. 14) pot (l. 17) joint (l. 19) stitches (l. 62) skirt (l. 69) tr

5、anslation (l. 83)Scoff+law like people who litter in public placesmarijuana cigarette containing marijuanaon the wound avoidexplanation6Scofflaw is a noun coined during the Prohibition era meaning a person who drinks illegally. It is a compound of the words scoff and law, meaning one who mocks or ri

6、dicules the law. The meaning has since been extended to describe one who flouts any law, especially those which are difficult to enforce, and particularly traffic laws.7Translate the following phrases into English 违法者随意对待乱扔垃圾骗税非法制造噪音机动车无序理所当然的事情视觉垃圾垃圾场对熟视无睹避人耳目乱穿马路的人逃票者law-breakertake liberties with

7、outlaw littertax cheatingillicit noisemotorized anarchya matter of coursevisual rubbishtrash dumpsbe blind toduck out of public sightjaywalkerfare beater8Translate the following phrases into English公害醉驾闯红灯违反交通规则对半的机率个别现象生命危险社会道德败坏不文明行为守法公民打法律的擦边球执法不力作壁上观 public nuisancedrunk drivingred-light running

8、traffic violation50-50 toss-up/chanceindividual instancemortal perilsocial demoralizationincivilitylaw-abiding citizenskirt the lawfail to enforce lawsit still 9Can you find more useful expressions?10Find expressions about law, crime or scofflawry, traffic violation and car. 11Laws:law-and-orderlega

9、l codesrulesordinancesrules of the roadstatutes12Crime and scofflawry: derelictionoutlawtraffic violation law-breakerlaw-breaking culpritminor wrongmajor crimeviolent crimetransgressionnoncomplianceincivility 不文明行为littertax cheatingillicit noisemotorized anarchygraffitihooliganismpot-smokeruse of co

10、cainejaywalkingspittingfare beater13 守法守法 abide by the law comply with the law observe the law obey the law keep the law14 Traffic violation and cardouble parking 并排泊车drunk drivingspeedingred-light runningrear-end 追尾stop signalsstoplight high-beam lights 远光灯windshield 挡风玻璃tail lights 尾灯dump-truck 自动

11、卸货车stalled car 抛锚的汽车15Part II. (Para. 1) The problem: millions of Americans are breaking the legal codes. Thesis statement: milliosofAmericans,aretakingincreasinglibertieswiththelegalcodes.16Part Isynonymslet alone illegalheedlesslynegligencenot to mention much lessillicitderelictionblithely17Part I

12、take liberties (a liberty) with: behave in a bold or impolite way towards 随意对待,放肆e.g. take liberties with ones health take great liberties with grammar The director of the play has taken too many liberties with the original novel. take the liberty to do sth.take the liberty of sth. e.g. I took the l

13、iberty of using your computer when you are away. May I take the liberty of calling you ?18Part Itake to: like; start doing sth. as a habite.g. He has taken to getting up at 6 and going jogging. Hes taken to drinking. 19Part II varieties of scofflaws Para. 2Scofflawsaboundinamazingvariety. Examples P

14、ara. 3Themostimmediatelyandmeasurablydangerousscofflawryisthemostvisible.ExamplesStatisticaldata Para. 4Themostflagrantscofflawisthered-lightrunner.ExamplesQuotation20P2abound: v. be plentiful (l. 11)e.g. Rumors abound as to the reason for his resignation. Sarcasm abounds in “Fortress Besieged”. flu

15、rry: abundance, great quantitypass around: offer flagrant: notoriousWhat does “hello, Everybody” mean? 21P2coined compound wordsthe graffiti-pronelitter-bugstwo-wheeled vehicleshigh-decibel portable radiosthe beer-soaked hooliganismmiddle- and upper-class life22P3What is the most immediately and mea

16、surably dangerous scofflaws?What dangers have they caused?23P3beater: swindler, cheatermeasurably: greatlyadd up to: result incolossal: very largeopen highway: broad highway24P4flout: treat with contemptwane: declineroulette Russian roulette 25Part III Dangers of scofflawsPara. 5Thefloutingofbasicru

17、lesharmssocietybecausescofflawsshownorespecttothesocialrulesanddisplaycontemptforthefundamentalsoforder.Para. 6Todayscofflawryispervasiveandrepresentstheelementarysocialdemoralization.ExamplePara. 7Thescofflawryisnotonlyamatterofetiquette.Itmayleadtoviolentcrimes.ExamplesPara. 8Scofflawryatvariousle

18、velofsocietyshakesthefoundationofU.S.lawmorethanviolentcrimesdo.ExamplesQuotations26P5In what way is red-light running a more serious breach of social order? they show no respect for the social rules society cannot help being harmedIdea is deepened here: Scofflawry is related to social morality. Pay

19、 attention to the use of “however” in the text. How does it contribute to the coherence of the text? 27P5instance: situatione.g. He is right about most things, but in this instance, I think he was wrong. in your instance When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, a great deal mor

20、e than a traffic management problem is involved. ?when it developed into a social habit, it becomes a problem a great deal more serious than a mere traffic problem. 28P5leave a deep dent: damage (metaphor) If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaws sal

21、ute to the force of law-and-order. Wrongdoers, in their dealing with the virtuous, act as if they are person of good repute. A true lawbreaker in confronting the police force acts stealthily and try to conceal his crime.brazen: shameless, bold-faced whatever, whatsoever: (emphasize) at all 无论什么e.g.

22、There is no doubt whatsoever. I cant see any one whatsoever. 29P6for all their differences: no matter how different they are in formsof a piece: same to each othersymptom of elementary social demoralization: indication that the society has been degraded morallygovern: discipline30P6What point does t

23、he writer want to make with the example of children? The scofflaw spirit is pervasive and the loss of morality is even cultivated in childhood.31P7What premonition does the write make in p.7 and 8? Scofflawry is not a matter of bad manners; it may be more powerful than violent crimes in shaking the

24、foundation of U.S law. two warnings: 1.Scofflawry may lead to serious crimes. 2.Scofflawry at various level of society shakes the foundation of U.S. law (more than violent crimes). 32P7prospect: futureviolent outbreaks: violent actions against the lawitems: examples, caseshurl: throwslug: slog, hit

25、hard with fistbatter: hit hardbolt: metal barthe Houston Freeway syndrome like a disease (metaphor) 33P8skirt: avoid; go around the edge of e.g. A path skirts around the village. His speech skirted around the main issue. major instance: important exampleexhilarating: excitingunwitting: unconscious34

26、P8government at many levels: - police - state legislatures - the Administration in Washingtonmandate: orderconstituents: voterssubvert: undermineenact: levypuny: very small, insignificanttrivialize: makeinsignificanttransgression: law-breaking, violation of rules 35P8dramatize: make more obviousnull

27、ify: declare legally voidrulings: (court) official decisionjustification: reasonsTranslation: scofflawry at the top. ?That means: Administration in Washington is the law-breaker in the highest position. 36P8Is it appropriate for the write to end his essay by presenting evidence of scofflawry at the

28、top? If the law-makers are ignoring the law, how can the ordinary citizens be expected to abide by the law. 37IV. ConclusionP.9ScofflawryisextremelyinfectiousandU.S.societymustdosomethingaboutit.disquieting: disturbing, upsetting, annoyingterminal: fatal, approaching deathe.g. terminal cancer termin

29、ally illsit still: do nothingallow: tolerateindefinite: unchecked38windshieldhood/bonnettrunk/bootsunroofheadlightindicatorsidelightrear-viewmirrordoorhandlelicenseplatebrakelightreversinglighttiresteeringwheeldashboardgearstickacceleratorclutchbrakehornCar 39ExercisesIII. Translation1. 1)He cant ev

30、en afford to rent a one-room flat, let alone buy a villa. 2)The editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work. 3)Under the influence of my parents, I took to literature in my teens.4)My sister having left for college, her bedroom has been converted into a study. 5)Shortag

31、e of fund and labour has been plaguing the company for many years. 6)Shanghai ranks as one of the key international navigation centers in the world.7)The incessant noise from the construction site kept us awake all night. 8)As the other party failed to fulfill their obligations time and again, they

32、decided to nullify the contract. 40Exercises2. 法律与秩序是美国历史上持续时间最长且很可能是人们最为热衷的政治议题。但可悲的是,数以百万的美国人,虽然从不以为自己是违法者,更谈不上是罪犯,但对旨在保护、滋养他们的社会所制定的法规越来越不当回事。说真的,当今像乱扔赃物、骗税、制造扰民噪音和机动车无序行驶等一系列藐视法律的行为好像代表了未来的潮流。哈佛大学的社会学家李斯曼甚至怀疑绝大多数美国人已经漫不经心地把犯一些似乎是小错的行为当成是理所当然的事。李斯曼说美国社会的伦理甚至已经堕落到“只有傻瓜才守法”的地步。41ExercisesLanguage w

33、orkI. Grammar 1.1) The charge brought against the bicyclist in green was one of violating the traffic laws. 2) All obstacles in the way of putting an end to scofflawry should be swept away. 3) To speak plainly, the new scheme to enforce certain laws on the part of the police is at a standstill. 4) I

34、f you wish to complain, you must do so in writing. 5) The editor backed out of exposing the flagrant use of cocaine in middle-and upper-class life for fear of losing his job. 6) Mr. Hendersons new book on “The Pervasiveness of the Scofflaw Spirit” was a complete sell-out in our school bookstore. 7)

35、To the law-abiding citizens in the U.S., the moral values of some Americans have vanished without (a) trace. 8) Some well-known U.S. sociologists are making an inquiry into the cause of social demoralization in the loss of individuals of the capacity to govern their own behaviour in the interest of

36、others. 42Exercises Language workI. Grammar 2. (1)unprecedented (2) unsterilized (3) undoubtedly (4) unanswerable(5) implicitly(6) agreement, misunderstanding(7) abstractions(8) denotative, connotative(9) sensitivity(10) enrichment/richness(11) constantly(12) disrepctfully(13) thoughtlessness(14) plentiful(15) meaningfulness, meaningfully(16) paradoxical, unconventional (17) simplicity, bankruptcies(18) unpleasantness(19) excessively, unintentionally(20) unsuspicious43



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