山东省菏泽市中考英语总复习 语法七 形容词课件

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1、菏泽语法七形容词考点考点1 形容词的句法功能形容词的句法功能1(2017菏泽中考菏泽中考)As we all know, Heze is _ its peony(牡丹牡丹). It attracts millions of visitors from home and abroad every year. Apopular with Bwellknown asCfamous forC2(2017镇江中考镇江中考)Our monitor, Lin Tao, keeps all his things in good order. Thats true. He is so _ , and we sh

2、ould learn from him. Acreative Bgenerous Cmodest DorganizedD3Frenchmen are outgoing. It is _ to make friends with them. Aeasy BproudCpolite DimportantA4(2017滨州中考滨州中考)What do you think of the movie The Fate of the Furious 8? It is _ ! I enjoy it very much. Afriendly Bfantastic Cawful DnoisyB5(2017德州中

3、考德州中考)As soon as I heard the news that I passed the driving test, I felt _ at once. Aangry BrelaxedCafraid DnervousB6(2017莱芜中考莱芜中考)In order to sell more products, we need to come up with more _ ideas. Atrue BcommonCsimple DcreativeD7(2017青岛中考青岛中考)Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels

4、_ when getting on it. Anervous BinterestedCrelaxed DhappyA8(2017安徽中考安徽中考) My deskmate is really _ . She likes to attend different activities after school. Aactive BquietClazy DhonestA9(2017福建中考福建中考)TFBOYS has a lot of fans. It _ thousands of young people. Ais popular with Bis satisfied withCis stric

5、t withA10(2017安顺中考安顺中考)Why are you so happy, Mr. Wu? Because the movie yesterday evening was so _ and it made me _ Amoving; moving Bmoving; movedCmoved; moving Dmoved; movedB11(2017温州中考温州中考)Robert is _ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends. Abusy Bsmart Cserious DpleasedA

6、12(2017随州中考随州中考)Why dont you buy the sweater? Its too _ , and I dont have enough money to buy it. Anice BexpensiveCpopular DcheapB考点考点2 形容词比较级、最高级的变化规则形容词比较级、最高级的变化规则(1)规则变化规则变化直接加直接加er, est。newnewernewesttalltallertallest以不发音的以不发音的e结尾时,加结尾时,加r, st。latelaterlatestfinefinerfinest以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾时,变结尾时

7、,变y为为i, 再加再加er, est。easyeasiereasiest以重读闭音节结尾且只有一个辅音字母时,以重读闭音节结尾且只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字母,再加双写辅音字母,再加er, est。thinthinnerthinnestbigbiggerbiggest多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加more, most。popularmore popularmost popularimportantmore importantmost important(2)不规则变化不规则变化good/wellbetterbestmany/muchmoremostbad/il

8、lworseworstlittlelessleastfarfarther(较远的较远的)/further(进一步的进一步的)farthest(最远的最远的)/furthest(最大程度的最大程度的)oldolder/elder(较年长的较年长的)oldest/eldest(最年长的最年长的)farther/farthest与与further/furthest的区别的区别表示距离、地点、方向时,一般用表示距离、地点、方向时,一般用farther/farthest;表示程度时,只能用表示程度时,只能用further/furthest。The Mars is farther from the Ear

9、th than the Moon. 火星到地球的距离比月球到地球的距离远。火星到地球的距离比月球到地球的距离远。Scientists are doing further study on how to fly faster in space. 科学家们正在进一步研究怎样在太空中飞得更快。科学家们正在进一步研究怎样在太空中飞得更快。两种两种old的比较等级的比较等级oldolderoldest,可修饰人或物,可修饰人或物,在句中作表语或定语,在句中作表语或定语,可与可与than连用;连用;oldeldereldest,一般只表示长幼次序,一般只表示长幼次序,不与不与than连用。连用。Im tw

10、o years older than Jim. 我比吉姆大两岁。我比吉姆大两岁。Tina is the eldest daughter of the Greens. 蒂娜是格林家的大女儿。蒂娜是格林家的大女儿。13(2017安徽中考安徽中考)What do you think of the movie? Great! I have never seen a _ one. Agood BbadCbetter DworseC14(2017北京中考北京中考)The hotel is very old. Its one of _ buildings in the city. Aold Bolder C

11、oldest Dthe oldestD15(2017武威中考武威中考)Its said that the year 2016 is the _ ever. Awarm BwarmthCwarmer DwarmestD16(2017贵港中考贵港中考)He watched Journey to the West last night. He thought it was one of _ TV programs. Ainteresting Bmore interestingCmost interesting Dthe most interestingD17(2017海南中考海南中考)Everyon

12、e knows the Yellow River isnt so _ as the Yangtze River. Along BlongerClongestA18(2017河南中考河南中考)Miho is _ student because she was born later than anyone else in her class. Ayoung ByoungerCthe younger Dthe youngestD19We students should do exercise every day in order to make our body become _ Amore and

13、 more strong Bstrong and strongCstronger and strongerDmore stronger and strongerC20(2017绥化中考绥化中考)English is as _ as math. Aimportant Bmore importantCthe most important21(2017随州中考随州中考)Have you seen the movie Baby Plan? Of course. I think its _ movie I have ever seen. Afunny BfunnierCthe most funny Dt

14、he funniestAD22(2017襄阳中考襄阳中考)China is over 5,000 years old. Its one of _ countries in the world. Yes. It has much _ history than the US. Aold; long Bolder; longerColder; the longest Dthe oldest; longerD23(2017孝感中考孝感中考)Of all the drinks, tea is _ in the world. It has a history of about 5,000 years. A

15、old BolderCthe oldest Devery oldC24(2017宜昌中考宜昌中考)The living conditions in the countryside have improved greatly in recent years. The farmers are living a much _life than before. Ahappy BhappierChappily DhappiestB考点考点3 形容词的比较等级形容词的比较等级(1)原级比较原级比较常用的原级比较结构主要有常用的原级比较结构主要有as. . . as. . . “和和一样一样”, not a

16、s/so. . . as. . . “不如不如”。Sally is as old as my sister. 萨莉和我妹妹年龄一样大。萨莉和我妹妹年龄一样大。Math is not as/so difficult as English. 数学不如英语难。数学不如英语难。若第一个若第一个as/so后有形容词作定语修饰名词,应将该名词后有形容词作定语修饰名词,应将该名词及有关修饰语放在第一个及有关修饰语放在第一个as/so之后。之后。very, too, so, quite等程度副词只修饰原级。等程度副词只修饰原级。Bob is as good a player as his brother. 鲍

17、勃像他哥哥一样是个优秀的运动员。鲍勃像他哥哥一样是个优秀的运动员。(2)比较级比较级常用的比较级结构常用的比较级结构Who is taller, Sam or Tom?萨姆和汤姆谁更高?萨姆和汤姆谁更高?The plane is flying higher and higher. 飞机飞得越来越高。飞机飞得越来越高。The harder he worked, the more he got. 他工作越努力,得到的就越多。他工作越努力,得到的就越多。Its very hot today. The weather reporter says it will be even hotter tomor

18、row. 今天很热。气象预报员说明天会更热。今天很热。气象预报员说明天会更热。在有些句子中,虽然没有标志词在有些句子中,虽然没有标志词than, 但根据句子情境,但根据句子情境,仍需使用比较级。仍需使用比较级。I think this Tshirt is too small for you. Why not take a larger one?这个?这个T恤衫对你来说太小了。恤衫对你来说太小了。为什么不拿一个大一点儿的呢?为什么不拿一个大一点儿的呢?Although I want to stay longer, I have to go now. 虽然我想待久一点,但我得走了。虽然我想待久一点

19、,但我得走了。形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级意义形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级意义a)形容词比较级形容词比较级thanany other单数名词单数名词He is taller than any other boy in our class. He is the tallest boy in our class. 他是我们班最高的男生。他是我们班最高的男生。b)形容词比较级形容词比较级thanthe other复数名词复数名词Wang Fang studies better than the other students in her class. 王芳在她班里学习最好。王芳在她班里学习最好。

20、形容词比较级结构表示最高级意义形容词比较级结构表示最高级意义有的考生一看到比较级结构就以为表示比较级意义,其实有的考生一看到比较级结构就以为表示比较级意义,其实比较级结构还可以表示最高级意义。比较级结构还可以表示最高级意义。(3)最高级最高级Jane has the longest hair in her class. 简的头发在班里最长。简的头发在班里最长。Shanghai is one of the most famous cities in China. 上海是中国最著名的城市之一。上海是中国最著名的城市之一。The Yellow River is the second longest

21、river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。黄河是中国第二长河。You are my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友。你是我最好的朋友。25(2017东营中考东营中考)What do you think of the environment in your hometown? Its _ . Both the air and the water are badly polluted. Anot bad Bas good as beforeCnot so good as before Dmuch better than beforeB26(2017滨州中考滨州中考)How d

22、o you like Chinese Poetry Competition on CCTV? Wonderful! Its the _ program Ive ever watched. Abetter Bbest Cworse DworstB27(2017黄冈中考黄冈中考)Which country has the _ population in the world? China. Its a little _ than that of India. Amost; most Bbiggest; biggerCmore; most Dbiggest; biggestB28(2017郴州中考郴州

23、中考)The harder we study, the _ result we will get. Agood Bbetter CbestB29(2017邵阳中考邵阳中考)Mr. Smith said his son was as _ as his daughter. Ahardworking Bmore hardworkingCthe most hardworkingA30(2017永州中考永州中考)Why do many people buy things online on Nov. 11? Because there are so many sales, and the prices

24、are _Amuch lower Bmore cheap Cmore expensiveA31(2017连云港中考连云港中考)How do you like the song Chengdu sung by Zhao Lei? Oh, I have never enjoyed a _ one before. Aworst Bbest Cbad DbetterD32(2017宿迁中考宿迁中考)Daniel is _ his twin brother. They are both 1. 75 metres tall. Ataller than Bshorter thanCas tall as Ds

25、o tall asC33(2017南通中考南通中考)I failed to catch the last bus on that cold winter night. I couldnt feel _ then. Amore excited Bmore terribleCthe most excited Dthe most terribleB34(2017长春中考长春中考)Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dreams. Avery important Bmore importantCthe most important Das important asB35(2017贺州中考贺州中考)Is Julie as tall as you? No, she isnt. Shes _ than me. Atall BshortCtaller DtallestC



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