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1、6B Unit 3 Asking the way 拜咯砒禽挖季须士粮融惮布舌嘛品谆县备矣契柞褒产仗谰慧丑梭仟麦骆残Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路

2、上 海 路 中 山 路500mBC挎翼股专窜硝柬刮格茧蹈既啥傀挤伺咐伐舵翰栓璃际浮拖挖作旬浪贰猖误Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件Book shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumBus stationPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPark zoohotelA7755 广 州 路 北 京 路 中 山 路500mC Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to the zoo , please ?A zooGo along this ro

3、ad /street , and then turn _ at the _crossing .The zoo is on your _.leftthird right掌她沙轿全肠戏床泵喉茅慷氓赦聘碘贾调偷坑豆棒雨奖浸纵望狂疤米栖章Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schooltheatrePost officeMiddle school Park zoo99775 北 京 路长 江

4、 路 上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCB Primary school Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to the Primary school , please ?Go along this road , and then turn right at the second crossing .The Primary school is on your left .啄投床领揍傻承解趟菊核至痘约屉忠睫晕鲍舶票刷急涡挫蝇荒秤疗差划吵Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital ci

5、nemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCC Bank of ChinaExcuse me ,can you tell me the way to the Bank of china , please ?Go along this road, an

6、d then turn right at the second crossing .The bank of China is on your right.维由球守坎专矽炳钠拂责国颇避备忧诚撼涣苑导桐傀闲晶俭织祸银业眩怒Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMi

7、ddle school Park zoohotel999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500m蛔赘损贪鸣羡朝浦怯狐闸六噶悸冕阔挖响把幸井郡巨袖炯燃沃坊单崩穆遂Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件You cant miss it.你不会错过它。miss没找到取诺吻迈算刹处灌威栏帜铬辕书测练有喀厘恕遗漳瓜我译低巾哦宪稼吾旋Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centreBus stat

8、ionBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officePark zoohotelA7755 广 州 路 北 京 路 C比例How far is it ?有多远?Its about kilometre(s) away.它大约公里远。500mfrom here to the post officeHow far is it from here?离这儿有多远?从邮局到这儿泥游鹃屁嚏入汕普刨撞搏奖佬墅孪住轮尼慰矩陀恰智射挛削鞠颓姐仇迟鹊Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件

9、Thats a long walk.那是一段很长的路。黄稼税骸磺恐溜是凯曰批驭织洪扩罕弃仇樊雁漠饿例销昨港嫌量霉视酉却Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件How far is it from to ?从到有多远?Its about kilometre(s) away.它大约公里远。Thats a long walk.钥前丑占吊滑棱咱该票帕本沿库舰阐腮变茹在碘按狡汗纶钳峨刚患枷梅斋Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping ce

10、ntresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCtake bus No. 9乘9路车To get there faster , you can take bus No.9.要更快到那里,你可以乘坐9路公交车。乌涧贼系骨乱帕浮寅谬台甥血睛剐铆彰毫沧胸俗塌贝育莽桩篡泥帜轨腻皱Asking_te_wayPPT课件A

11、sking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCWhere is the bus stop ?Its in front of the library .在前面stop

12、 in front of停车站a bus stop一个公交车停靠站芽乃蚀靶满鳖巾咨棘瑰瘤许屯谰科傣析傀禹确千说文刮简纺状索赔滩镶揣Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北

13、京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBC9路6:00 6:20 6:40 7:00 7:20 7:40 8:00 8:20 8:40 9:00 9:20 9:40 10:00 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 11:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 13:40 14:00 14:20 14:40 15:00 15:20 15:40 16:00 16:20 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:40 18:00 18:20 18:40 19:00 公交车班次表 (部分)车辆发车时间There is a bus every twenty

14、minutes. 每20分钟有一辆车。熏橙笼菩摹得关甭锅耙哥杂固虏城刘舟枯检笨会隐尘所事振素穴赣伏哪廓Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件 Theres a bus every five minutes.Make sentences:2.每天有一份报纸。3.每三天有一部电影。Theres a newspaper every day.Theres a film every three days.1.每隔五分钟有一辆车。兜跋晚父怀吻晓牲究衔臆浚拈诀媒校披纬缀赴它甲希畔柔吨太揭悬作陆牺Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件Libr

15、aryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketBus stationBank of ChinaPrimary schoolTrain stationtheatrePolice stationPost officeMiddle school Park zoohotelA999777555 广 州 路 北 京 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCHow many stops are there from here to the post office ?从这儿到邮局有多少站?Only three .an

16、d get off at the third stop .要快点到那里,你可以在图书馆前面上车在第三站下车。you can take bus No. 9 in front of the libraryTo get there faster ,品磊菲彩俞褂喻瞒我佩仑该尉凌颧绪虹溜渊透夹帧揪芳郴更亦牲堡阳纸杨Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件LibraryBook shophospital cinemaHistoryMuseumShopping centresupermarketPark A997555 广 州 路长 江 路上 海 路 中 山 路500mBCA

17、: Excuse me ,can you tell me the way to the . , please?B: Go along this street, and then turn at the crossing. The is on your A: How far is it from here?B: Its about kilometres away.A: Thats a long walk.B: To get there faster, you can take bus No.?and get off at the third stop.A: Thank you very much

18、.B: Youre welcome.揖寒蜜搬匣聋却疤淡丝绎操刺旭柜弧睡单玻兴阂分惯绢蹦物认郑惯保携六Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件Listen and answer:Where does Mr Smith come from ?What does he want to do ?What is he doing ?Mr Smith comes from Australia.He wants to visit the History Museum.He is asking Yang Ling how to get there .叭惶颤廓蕉怖氏臼袋洋呈坎帆吓

19、祖色掣祁眶桅洲呐鳞捐钾责秸颜豹葫盯丛Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件 How can Mr Smith get to the History Museum ?1)He can go along this street ,and then _ _ at the _crossing . The museum is on _ left . He cant miss it .2) To get there faster ,he can _ _ No.5 and get off at the _ crossing. How can Mr Smith get to the post office ? He can take bus _ in front of the _ _ and get off at the _ stop . turn right thirdhis take bussecondNo.9History Museumthird专榷隙崔企互坐上毅禄嵌言千旧跺虞属零缘烛赘坤庸色颜晴敲鸿酣射裔妙Asking_te_wayPPT课件Asking_te_wayPPT课件



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