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1、Do you like to use FTP or Flatal ?What do you usually do in Flatal and FTP?Have you ever shared learning or teaching experience others on the Flatal or FTP? the Research on Digitalized Net-based Resource Kits for Foreign Language Teaching and Learningintroductionthe resultproblemfeasible methodconcl

2、usioncontents1. Introduction2. The present situation and problems of the Digitalized Net-based Resource Kits.- 2 -3. Analysis of the suvery results5. Conclusion.- 10 -4. Feasible methods to improve Digitalized Net-based Resource Kits utilization efficiencyFTP exchange data platform、New view for grad

3、e 10、New view for grade 09、Langue testing online、Special courses2.2 Details of the contentsNotification about courses、notification about system、the latest courses、Jinyun pulpit、the latest uploading films and listening and reading、learning platform for foreign language 、course leaning、watching the fi

4、lms、practice your listening The result of students partMost students think:They benefit from FTP. They are interested in the platform. The majority of students use the platform to watch movies. Many students havent made full use of it. Though many students would like to share their learning experien

5、ce, few of them do so.Most teachers think:BCDEAMost teachers think the net teaching resources should contain texts, pictures, videos, animation and audios.The result of teachers partMost teachers think:ACDEBAccording to the survey, most teachers (60%) think that our digitalized net-based resources k

6、its for foreign language teaching and learning have been built completely, while 40% of them think it is just completed preliminarily.Most teachers think:ABCDEOnly 40% of teachers often communicate with other teachers in order to improve their teaching. 60% seldom do that. That is a big problem.Most

7、 teachers think:ABCDEAll of them are willing to upload their own resources with their colleagues. Most teachers (80%) share their teaching resources with their colleagues in FTP. Most teachers think:ABCDEOur investigation shows that teachers think that using network teaching resources in their teach

8、ing practicesdoes great benefit to them.To some degree, the resources are insufficientIt is too expensive to use the platform.There are still many students who havent made full use of it.Many teachers(60%) are lacking in skills.Most teachers do not communicate with others on the net frequently.The l

9、ack of publicity, freshmen are not familiar with themproblemsFeasible methodsconclusionTheDigitalizedNet-basedResourceKitsareTheDigitalizedNet-basedResourceKitsareimportantbasesforboththeteachersandimportantbasesforboththeteachersandthestudentsofSchoolofForeignLanguagethestudentsofSchoolofForeignLan

10、guageinSouthwestUniversity.WhilethereareinSouthwestUniversity.Whiletherearestillmanyproblemstobesolved,westillmanyproblemstobesolved,weshouldmakethebestuseofitandshouldmakethebestuseofitandcontinuouslyperfectit.continuouslyperfectit.References新疆师范大学学报新疆师范大学学报2007年年03期刘军期刘军, 王兰王兰, 王亚王亚娟娟, 玉素甫玉素甫 高校校高

11、校校园网发展的几园网发展的几个问题个问题高校高校校园网应用校园网应用现状与发展现状与发展思考思考高校校园高校校园网的应用现状及网的应用现状及发展建议发展建议浅析高浅析高校校园网的现校校园网的现在及改进措施在及改进措施谭共志谭共志, 顾顾翠芬翠芬, 郑德郑德庆广东行政庆广东行政学院学报学院学报高校校园网的应用高校校园网的应用现状及发展建议现状及发展建议 2008年年10月月 刘俊刘俊杰杰 科学之友科学之友-高职校园网高职校园网建设与运用中存建设与运用中存在的问题探析在的问题探析 郑宁国黑龙江郑宁国黑龙江高教研究高教研究The result of students partMost students think:They benefit from FTP. They are interested in the platform. The majority of students use the platform to watch movies. Many students havent made full use of it. Though many students would like to share their learning experience, few of them do so.Thank you16



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