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1、11. distinct adj.There is a distinct smell of gas. Keep out, please!Being able to Speak French gives Steve a distinct advantage. adv. distinctlyI couldnt remember everything about that incident very distinctly. 21. distinct adj.n. distinction差别,区别差别,区别make/ draw a distinction between A and B优秀,卓越优秀,

2、卓越a writer/ pianist of distinction优等成绩,荣誉优等成绩,荣誉 graduate with distinction distinctive adj. 独特的,有特色的独特的,有特色的32. Live onIn spite of frequent sandstorms, people still live on here.It comes as a surprise that such bad customs should live on.live on= feed on 以以为食为食live through a serious accident (=survi

3、ve)live with AIDSlive up to ones expectations实现,符合实现,符合live up to ones name live without sth43. meansFew things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed. Among popular means of transport is the train in India.Smile is a universal

4、 means of expression.All possible means _ been tried, but in vain.Every possible means _, but in vain.series; species; works; crossroadshavehas been tried53. means* by means of Those settlers reached this land by means of Bering Strait. by this/ that means: (in) this/ that wayby all means: sure/ cer

5、tainlyby no means: in no case64. majority n.The majority speak Spanish as a first language in Quebec.The majority of the wildlife is under protection in the national park. The/ A majority of 谓语动词的单复数取决于谓语动词的单复数取决于of后的名词后的名词 in a/ the majority 占多数占多数 by/ with a majority (of )以多数票以多数票/minority/minorit

6、y (of )74. majority n. major adj. 重要的,重大的重要的,重大的 play a major part/ role in vi.major in sth 主修主修vii. n. 主修课程,专业课;主修主修课程,专业课;主修(学学)生生I majored in bio-engineering at college, so I was a bio-engineering major then. But I minored in computer modeling for a semester.85. despite prep. =in spite of In spit

7、e of all the difficulties, we finally chose to stick to it.尽管缺钱,政府还是继续向其公民提供免费医疗尽管缺钱,政府还是继续向其公民提供免费医疗(health care).Despite the lack of money, the government continues to provide free health care for its citizens.=Although it lacks money, the government continues to provide free health care for its c

8、itizens.Despite the hardshipsDespite lacking money96. electThis household action star was elected as governor of California in 2003.a newly elected governor elect sb as sth/ to sth 选举选举 elect to do sth 选择,决定选择,决定* election n.win an electionlose an electionfight/ run for an election vote in an electi

9、on107. percentageAn increasing percentage of foreigners are making a life in China.A high percentage of female staff take part-time jobs in their spare time.- What percentage of peasants have no access to free health care?- Twenty-five percent.118. boom n. v. The industry in Panan has been booming o

10、ver the past decade.过去十年房产市场蓬勃发展。过去十年房产市场蓬勃发展。_ in the past decade. =The last decade has witnessed/ seen a boom in the housing market.* n. industry boom e-business/ e-commerce boom the post-war boomThe housing market has been booming129. racial adj.As is often the case, racial discrimination still e

11、xists in some areas of the USA.It is often the case that racial prejudice can give rise to racial violence. It turns out that racial hatred may lead to racial conflict, which accounts for the significance of racial equality.1310. occur (occurred; occurring)Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. happen viPolice report that the robbery occurred at midnight. come into ones mind: occur to sb A smart idea occurred to me.It occurs to me that I havent heard from her yet.* It occurs to sb that 从句从句=It strikes/ hit sb that 从句从句14



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